Oh please common, just another round of mushroom copy business in Thailand after coffeeshops, barbershops and what else. With useless products almost nobody is looking for except this specific part being a temporary hype.
As a 15 year long time medicinal user, former grower and more, I call it pathetic. It's like nobody has something to do or a single idea on their own, now it is crypto winter, everyone is gonna get pink unicorn money from this.
The fact and truth is that technically speaking, all products that are in interest, are still illegal, as they always contain more than the 0.20% limit. For the medicinal products that do qualify, there are plenty providers, Thai only.
Let me guess as the brains here are a bit slow, the next round of mushrooms will be growshops and smartshops. To then see 90% of them go bankrupt again, as they had no business plan in the first place.