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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Not surprised if we slowly get to Philippines in terms of robberies, criminals, needing more armed guards at various places, if economy keeps going for the poor class like this much longer.
  2. If they hassle you a bit just say you are a business owner, and coming back again for a holiday to also consider purchasing property or opening a business. They might give a ugly look but still let you in anyway. You could say anything and still get let in anyways, but this one is usually hassle free. Doubt they will look twice, it helps a lot if you returned to your home country rather than a 3 day visa run (proofs you have cashflow).
  3. I am not sure if you can fly, but that would take much less time and bumps all along the long road driving to Bangkok. Surely you can get wheelchair boarding at the airport, and on arrival + book a private taxi in Phuket, as well on arrival in BKK, to pick you up. Maybe get a short paper from the doc in PKT to show at the airport to not discuss 20 minutes.
  4. Well then we finally have a justified Gender X passport holder.
  5. It's the end of the overkill in tourism in Thailand, 20M tourists a year is much better than the previous high of 40M tourists a year (talking TAT numbers, we know a lot of that is BS). It is just that there are so many mushroom copy businesses of each thing, specially since like 2015-2016 at the peak, that it now looks empty as the fewer tourists are more distributed. In the next 6-12 months a lot of those business owners will be rooted out, then it is more full again in the sustainable ones that keep to be alive, as well more fun too. My reasoning for the end of the mass overkill tourism is: 1) Higher costs and inflation 2) System war and proxy wars globally 3) Green insanity policies lowering flights, increasing costs 4) The agenda of the a holes at WEF etc. Even I hate all above, I do like it for tourism in Thailand. It wasn't exactly fun with 100 tour busses at mountains or 100 speed boats at beaches etc etc etc.
  6. I had brand new aircons at all the places, yet the high bills. I guess there are many factors including the heat, location etc. I remember one of my places had concrete walls that would still be hot when touching them at night. I also once had 2 studio's in the same building, thinking the top floor unit would cost more than the 4th floor, on the same side, turned out to be wrong too. Even without any AC, the top floor one was somehow cooler. Mystery electric bills (and no there was not significant wind on the top floor one). Always service my aircons 3 times a year too. Anyways since i'm on the islands I can do with a ventilator and the wind most days and the nights are relatively cool so the AC doesn't use too much. My bills are now just 1400 baht a month, while we use AC each night in 2 bedrooms too. Still gonna get solar over time. Perhaps one of the mysteries is due to the fact if you have many neighbour units using AC, it costs you less too, as the floor/ceiling/side walls are cooled down by them too.
  7. The best beaches based on easily access + tourism destination I assume. Plenty of tiny islands in Thailand with beaches that are 100% untouched not to start with Myanmar.
  8. Well I guess you can see how many units you used on the bill too but I am still clueless to why I paid so much for electric in Bangkok and CM at certain places I rented, while others with similar location / sunshine / aircon, would be much much cheaper. Down south even less, I am now only paying 1400 a month for 2 bedrooms with AC, while I used to pay like 3500-5000 in various places in BKK and CM. So even it doubles in price I would still be fine down here, certainly gonna get solar after buying land.
  9. Each time I just think, tik tok tik tok, 2 more years until primary starts for my son, I gonna have to bleed paying for an inter school or he grows up educated like this. I would not be sure to control myself if someone did this to my son either.
  10. I would be more worried about depending on a pension than to worry about losses of money you manage yourself. Crisis always brings opportunities, during covid plenty dropped big time too, while other things go up. That's why you have to stay awake. They will just continue to play games and nothing wil really crash, until near 2030 when they install the digital central bank <deleted>.
  11. That is the average return, the real return is higher in good years, worse in poor years. Similar to with gold, average PA around 10% over the past 20 years.
  12. Sell the unit or get used to it, end of the story.
  13. Warranty on phones is usually useless anyway, as they will always tell you to ship the phone + blame water damage or say it is not within warranty. For this you usually have to pay some type of insurance, to do cover it.
  14. There is no legal stuff in Thailand for recreational use, so obviously you won't find it there. ''Street dealers'' really? Sigh, you bore me so much i won't even tell you now.
  15. I just checked that wikipedia page and like almost ZERO written there is correct. Even about Netherlands they talk nonsense, it is not legal to grow or sell weed in Netherlands, even coffeeshops do that illegal, only selling it is legal for them.
  16. It is not legal to buy and sell weed in Thailand, it is only legal to sell medicinal FDA approved products with a license. I really start to get angry about how ignorant people are, is it that hard to properly read a 3 sentence law?
  17. If you actually worked there and knew the job you did, you would not have made the comment. No wonder money laundering is so big if it is run by people who ignore the basic importances. Thanks for wasting our time with your hypothetical question.
  18. And they do not know how to tax it as well. I think the law was designed like this on purpose, they will collect money by bribes.
  19. It is a huge threat to all the big businesses, you can replace them and make over 10,000 products from it. Thailand could be a leader in producing goods that replace plastic, paper and more. Now they are scared, you can't patent that. I believe zero about the doctor and health narrative, they are paid to talk. Also, it would empower farmers, I guess they not like to see that.
  20. The worst that can happen and happened is a newbie smoker who consumes too much at the first time, he will then have some pressure on his chest, low sugar etc. This all can be resolved with some food or drinks and a bit of time or sleep. Nobody ever died from cannabis nor ever will. This is all nonsense, reefer madness was lobby from the wood and paper business, alcohol business and more back in the days. Making it illegal was perfect, the plastic, paper and other bad stuff could continue. All this while the world would never be where it is today, without hemp. They even used it for everything since Mayans lived. The human body even has receptors that fit like a key on a lock with THC and CBD, and for nothing else. Guess that was god's design for a joke too.
  21. I wonder if these same brilliant doctors will also be worried for children and people in general, due to using 10x the desired amount of pesticides + not wash them the last weeks before harvesting and then letting us eat it. Or to sit in the back of a pickup truck, or so many other things that are still poorly managed here. Or to only eat 10 baht noodles as of having no money, money that can be earned with hemp business and even improve the quality of the land. Oh no they would not think about that for a second, they just care about this as of some generous donation coming from the alcohol lobby. Let me guess, this is now 'scientific evidence' too? As it are doctors talking here.
  22. The man is more dumb than cheech and chong after 10 bongs, else he wouldn't have said that. Imagine we would call everyone a dumb alcoholic when they drank 1 beer.
  23. Again, you do not even know what you talk about at all, do you? It was an exchange, could happened with anything. It's like you talk about a taxi that crashed and then call people fools because they booked it after seeing the advertising for the grab app.
  24. Crappy as usual, but much more alive than during covid (obviously).
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