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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Fools? It was a official company, anyone who didn't have bitkub or satang already would have seen their ads all over bangkok. You are the fool to speak of things you are clueless about instead.
  2. It does not cover up anything, neither prevents them to face justice for it. And in fact, many accidents here are microsleep aside of alcohol. Anyone who used minivans, taxi's often enough, could testify to that.
  3. Great advice, to then be traced back to you and you get blacklisted or worse; a accident.
  4. I see, you prefer fraudsters to open a few bank accounts, launder money and be arrested at a random country in X years? Listen to the man and cancel it.
  5. Why would you need to prepare if everything is legit? Saying one bad answer is a issue would only mean there are lies. All they care about is that the person has things to come back for, and not stays illegally for longer times. Why stress about it at all. I think most people being refused lie too much, or not meet basic requirements. When you start to prepare, you put on a act, I would notice that right away and refuse visa.
  6. Maybe it are those rubber rings for the suspension forks, for mechanics its easy, just go to look together with them and request to keep the old parts that are replaced, in the box of the new parts.
  7. I used to sell for royal queen seeds, good to know they are coming here. For bangkok there is highland in lat prao, but plenty of places to smoke. Phangan every resort even sells joints now. Regardless of law changes, that will only help the police collecting envelopes, Thais want this money maker to stay.
  8. Like a helmet would help in this case, would still be death. It's about the phone + distraction + 1 hand driving here. Yeah let's wear a cheap ass helmet and be considered good, while that helmet turns into a knife penetrating the skull when it breaks.
  9. Plants are legal, harvesting and having the drug itself is a different subject. Why is it so hard to read the law, its like 3 sentences.
  10. Not at all, the law clearly states medicinal use only. It is everyone else who just decided for themself what is legal. Regardless it is BS comments from the 'doctors', they are clueless. If they had any brains they would prefer people smoking weed than drinking.
  11. @bkk6060 What are you confused about this time? Let me guess, you are clueless to what happened in TH so far? Go back in time to my posts, I all told you this would happen. Seems I was the only one who could read what the law said.
  12. You mean the 70 people daily who die in traffic here, which is mainly caused by alcohol? But let's believe the thaksin <deleted> and go back in time to call reefer madness. The same people who killed many innocent drug users and caused over crowded prisons to this date.
  13. These people are so tiring, like only in Thailand you get a golden goose after having killed the previous 3 ones, to then kill it again right before tons of jobs, revenue and help to farmers if exploiting the plant on both medicinal, industrial and recreative use. Let's be honest, aside of most people here having the IQ of 60 ish, there is lobby money causing this nonsense again. Even dumb farangs here are considered smart. Imagine these doctors decide your faith too....
  14. Honest agent? You need every agent to list your property, what you agree to pay them is up to yourself. If they like it they will do it, if they don't they do not. Whether you live there or not, would not help you at all to ''sell it yourself''. Poor timing to sell too.
  15. Because of monopoly, obviously. Its all fun with these apps until everyone uses it and it causes traffic jams right on the main road. AOT at least have nice suv taxi for reasonable prices in Chiang Mai though. Phuket, krabi etc is taxi mafia. Krabi they even fear to drop you off near tuktuks and co.
  16. Front and back is normal, if they are real they will remind you soon if unpaid.
  17. Give it 1-2 years at most and we will all be using TESLA Internet, you can easily share it with 10-20-30 people.
  18. Internet speeds offered are the speed maximums you can get WITHIN THAILAND. If you stream, it usually comes from abroad, hence even the best packages sometimes getting issues. They never detail what the speeds to abroad are, my best guess is that this is very slow and poorly for cheaper packages. Had bad experiences with True sim too, until i started paying 1K+ a month, it suddenly worked fine in the same area.
  19. Yeah right, so then all the border areas are cleared too? Doubt it.
  20. Prebook on grab is poor deals, why would you even, you can just get it on demand in like 5-10 minutes.
  21. Agree with you, I can tell the range of percentage pretty good after 15 years of smoking pot.
  22. No it is money, that is the Thais their religion. But yeah, that is what they hope to get from lottery too hehe. Seems to be the only reason they visit temples too, unless it is the cremation of a relative or friend.
  23. Sofitel, near BTS and MRT at asoke too.
  24. Not sure where that happened to you, they started doing that in Chiang Mai before too and the camera's didn't last long (but long enough to get me 2 fines with pictures). Now it is back to cash in hand deals.
  25. The comment of the senior member is the one that is misleading, it can indeed cause issues on arrival if you come without a visa, specially at don muang airport. Even they will usually still let you in again after hassle the person in question. That aside, yeah in general it is not any issue obviously, most times. I recommend a tourist visa when entering regardless.
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