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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Would never drive such thing in Thailand for a good reason, they are too silent. You need to be heard aside of driving like a hawk to stay alive here. Can't beat a decent 125CC motorbike with this electric garbage.
  2. Next stop in Pattaya, he gets robbed by some ladyboys and never comes back.
  3. A second booster? Meaning you went mad to take 4 of these jabs for no single purpose already? Wow. Almost like the people in Tesco Lotus yesterday, all Thais back to wearing masks out of the new fear campaign in the news, while the latest jab is sold in every country + fear mongering starts again.
  4. 1/4 males die before age 65, even more near 70. So yes, that is old, it is just people their insanity to think to become 85 and waste their life working. It is women who become older on average, and also the average of people getting old is mainly based on rich people, not average or poor earning folks. There is a good reason the retirement visa in TH is still at 50, that was the proper age to stop working.
  5. People with skills are short, people who want lazy easy online jobs are not. That is your answer basically. It is totally up to you to become a top 1-5-10% performer in whatever business you are, and if you become that, you usually get a decent pay as well work guarantees. The catch? It requires you to dedicate longer periods of time, most want it the first day.
  6. Pretty sure you can get a tent, or a hammock variant + ventilator for under 1K baht. I use it myself when visiting to Isaan.
  7. Uhhm if you pay him he can sleep somewhere? On top of you could buy a tent + pay him. But sounds like ''you can use a man''.
  8. If it is on me, we will prosecute all the countries and responsible people for confiscating yachts from waters without having the real right. Just a matter of time before the west will be shown where they are standing. The oligarchs likely already purchased a new yacht anyway, pointless act to only serve as a puppet show on the media news. The west is so clueless, it still doesn't understand that sanctions only motivate people like Putin.
  9. This is just insanity, I would have told the guy to shut his mouth if he not want to lose face in front of his own kids. If he has so many concerns, he should rent a private pool villa and never come outside his own garden. Seems people in general have just gone mad, it's full with backpackers too who claim beach bars with a bottle of water and think everything can be used for free. People accusing single males. People who think anyone with a red shirt is Russian. Etc etc etc. I just dealt with some hippie who told to tell me how to park my bike, he was lucky I had a good mood. He was even wrong lol.
  10. The ship existed far before that, so please explain. Maybe we should sanction my country too for building and maintaining it. And all the staff working on or for it. Then they can buy gold instead, that does nothing within economy and generates zero jobs.
  11. So we should confiscate everything any Americans owns from this point too? To punish them for multiple wars, illegal invasions and the deaths of millions? What logic is that with people nowadays, to punish all citizens of a country just because the governments actions. If you ask me we should do a hunt on all people who think and speak like this, and get rid of them ASAP, they are the cause of so much unrest globally.
  12. Expensive for a Chang? Not at all, anything with alcohol for 120 baht or less is cheap. If it isn't considered cheap, the person is supposed to drink at home.
  13. For me the same experience in Chiang Mai and many of the older cool guys passed away or left due to both visa, insurance/health and exchange rate issues. Many younger ones moved for the visa reasons to and now often reside in Bali or Vietnam instead (or move between those and skip Thailand often). On top of that many of the cooler guesthouses, restaurants and pubs are gone, I moved down south instead to see what happens and so far that worked out very well. If the to me experienced bad things didn't occur in CM I would never have found what I did now. I guess that is also a good reason to never buy, you can easily keep moving around if things change over time.
  14. He should offer to touch every persons lottery ticket at the cost of 1,000 a pop.
  15. Obviously 400-500 million would be a lot to me as a person but this is peanuts compared to what is really happening since decades in Bangkok and Thailand in terms of laundering.
  16. Just ask around in Phnom Penh, will be like 200 usd for 6 months or 300-350 usd for 12 months business visa without any papers needed, age is not relevant either. I did a 6 month business visa for 180 dollars at the time, they took my passport a few days, went to Laos and returned with a Non-B visa signed of by some general. They are usually happy already someone is spending longer time so no worries.
  17. Would be cheap for a big one, maybe 20 baht over cheap average for a small one. Nevertheless he should have checked that upfront, there are some rotten apples everywhere. Just ignore it.
  18. Not sure what the funny part of it is @DrJack54. Ten thousands of people have been doing this for the past 20 years, who equal tens of millions of 1 month backpackers in spendings, over all the years.
  19. Meanwhile they are building this big building left from BKK hospital, been like a year now and I still not see them above the ground, guess they are digging some very deep hole there to hide from their actual purpose; serving their citizens.
  20. Yeah in the last of few Thai places in cheap cities like CNX perhaps, then again portions often decreased, even 20% might be unnoticed, that's effectively an increase. I also have a place on phangan where I still get decent meals for 50-60 baht and sizes are 1.5-2x the normal. But unless you live a very simple life and never leave your home, you will be limited as soon you start moving and travelling, which is the point. On top of that, try finding those specific places when you are a tourist, aside of it being boring for most (or simply not being able to know thai dishes and ask for them in Thai, on thai menu's as tourist / newbies). The reality is that even the 40-50 shags will soon increase their prices with 10-20 baht or more. That is the future.
  21. I got nothing against visa runners at all, I been one for many years too. However, why would you even state your purpose is because your girlfriend is here, while she is also a Filipino. You should just have said to own a business and taking a longer break, and considering to start a new one here over time too. Business owners always are most likely to get a break; lower taxes, exemptions, visa's & ''they have money assumption'' - always worked for me. What is your history in Thailand and visa wise so far? New timer that have just stayed on covid extensions so far? Leave and get a new tourist visa. You have to mix them around, not always do the same. Seems many people who did covid extensions are now told to leave, as they 9/10 got that chance since months.
  22. Was horrible before covid already, even they still had enough tourists by then to keep things going (even you would see owners change frequently). Doubt there is much future for it, unless enough girls come back that start to offer proper service again at normal prices. Nowadays it gets to amounts that you might as well take a girl in any country of the world, or even better, hot Russians in Thailand.
  23. Cross bow, speargun, baseball bat, jungle knife (big). All legal and ordered from Lazada. Waiting for zombies.
  24. Yeah pretty sure all the married visitors in bars are happy with yet another youtuber.
  25. Well obviously it is just electric and water, he sounds like the person not doing much AC so that could be less than 3K together. If the wife is cooking at home all the time she could easily do groceries for 6K, that might today be 12K, but together still way under the 20K in total. With other words; she always had money left over since the very start, and now a bit less but still enough. So in reality costs did in fact increase drastically, what he says has nothing to do with reality. He just gave her a lot since the start for what needs to be paid of it.
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