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Everything posted by rimmae2

  1. On the App you can manage both accounts, but the joint account can only be managed by one person. I have had the App for years managing this way and never had any problems.
  2. Not sure what the point of your post is. I know many females who work for donors, accountants, lawyers, etc who would be interested in a relationship with a non Thai, non Asian man. These include females that I previously employed. Probably you are familiar with different types of people to those in the professional CBD in Bangkok.
  3. Gym, companies that you engage for accounting and legal services, local market where people go at lunchtime, etc. There are hundreds of single, young, professional females working for multinational companies, international donors, etc within a few minutes walk from where I live. Sit down, enjoy lunch, smile....Go to the gym even if you don't enjoy it - you may be surprised what you will find.
  4. As h90 stated, try Union Space for example.
  5. KW Services Thonglor Soi 20; another on Rama II.
  6. Following was my report from 8 January 2023 on Camerata's Guide.....: 'Departing today and having used fast track, enquired about the status of autochannel. I was informed that system upgrade is now complete and Immigration is waiting for the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.' Situation departing yesterday was the same. There are about 4 gates which I understand are intended to be used for PR holders on departure. PR holders can use the lanes for Thai PP holders.
  7. Having worked for and still working for ADB and WB as an Individual Consultant in Thailand, Vietnam and other countries, attended many meetings with JICA in Thailand and regional countries, engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers and worked with others in the big four, there are far more attractive, classy, elegant and smart eligible females in Thailand and other regional countries than there are eligible men in the eyes of these women. Why are there so many single, never married women who do not have children in Thailand?
  8. Only once! You could train other gullible wallies who cannot think further than their head.
  9. Go to the office in the area that you live in. Your requirements seem to be simple and both offices that you mention and others in Bangkok should provide the service that you want.
  10. You should contact Immigration and find out which address the letter will be sent to especially if you are expecting it soon. In my case I was overseas on business when the letter was sent and received. Letter stated 'within 7 days' but actually I went to Immigration between 14 and 21 days after notifying Immigration that I could not attend with 7 days. it was not a problem, but this was 7-8 years ago and for a short delay.
  11. Departing today and having used fast track, enquired about the status of autochannel. I was informed that system upgrade is now complete and Immigration is waiting for the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  12. PR holders can depart and enter using manned lanes for Thai Nationals. There are several manned lanes for both purposes. As far as the autogates are concerned the last time that I used on arrival was in December 2019, having used them with about 98% success rate for about 4 years. PR holders cannot use autogates currently due to system upgrade as I was informed yesterday when I departed and last few times since September 2022. There are definitely some gates which are not used at all in the west departure area and maybe those are being used for upgrade? Previously all autogates were available for use by Thai Nationals and PR holders (except for gates for other Nationals (HK,....).
  13. Actually there are monitors that show the waiting times in each Immigration areas areas for non-Thai Nationals, as well as in Fast Track. I use the lanes for Thai Nationals so don't bother looking closely at waiting times, but in several early morning (06:00 to 06:30) arrivals in recent weeks noticed max time of 5 minutes.
  14. Scorecard has answered your question in detail. Basically depends on frequency of travel and need to to travel urgently. I have always obtained multiple before expiry of current as pre Covid I was leaving Thailand up to 50 times a year, this year after a lull it is back up to 20 times a year.
  15. More uproom in what timeframe?
  16. To the OP. It would seem that you do not have a basic understanding of Thai culture and office 'life'. I have been MD of 4 companies in Thailand since the mid 1990s, although not continuously, as well as working in the offices of many Thai companies. From my experience it is normal to give donations when asked, buy a small gift for a birthday or share with others, just as it is normal to be invited to or go for lunch with Thai colleagues. This is life in Thailand and if you act like you are you will be alienated, which means that if the staff you refer to are working for you their output may not be what you expect. Have a look at the body language of your colleagues. It is not much different albeit sometimes in different ways in neighbouring Cambodia and Vietnam. Open your eyes.
  17. Correct about Thai Nationals. Several years ago when I first registered I had to complete a form, which had to be witnessed by a Thai National. I gave the form to Immigration after passing through Departures Immigration and then they did the rest - fingerprints, photo, etc. I cannot find the soft copy of the form - if anyone has it please share.
  18. https://limousine.in.th/fast-track-immigration.php
  19. There are many excellent, professional and responsible tradesmen in Bangkok, who take pride in their work and and charge reasonable rates. I have used the same people for different work for more than 10 years - 2 for AC, 1 for plumbing and 1 for electrical works. 1 was a friend of my wife's and 3 'suggested' by the management of where we live. Occasionally of someone is for example installing a washing machine and we need some urgent work we may ask if the person doing the installation can do some work when convenient and response is positive. In my experience good skilled tradesmen are in demand and not so interested in doing small jobs unless you know the person. Home Pro option may be good for people who don't have easy access to tradesmen.
  20. Are you a private detective specializing in BGs?
  21. Your statement is incorrect. I have seen a BBL document regarding what I stated. It may be that some branch managers are not aware and that maybe because they are dealing with problematic farangs on a day to day basis. If in doubt call the Call Centre. If you want inconvenience and hassle go your own way.
  22. Any Branch of BBL is correct. Policy was changed some time ago. One of my friends is a Branch Manager in BKK and she confirmed it.
  23. If you have the BB App go to withdraw ATM on the homepage. If you need some help refer to BB website and if that is not understandable go to a branch of BB. if you really speak to staff with rudimentary English which is questionable ask to speak to Head Office. At a small fee one of my friends is a manager of a branch of BB - she may help you in what is a simple task.
  24. Yes I am aware - only mentioned a basic item for the uninitiated. I don't use my PP for anything apart from for international travel.
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