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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. He probably ordered a cappuccino and was told no we only have black coffee with milk. Time to start smashing.
  2. It's against clean air regulations.
  3. It's the sound settings. Go to volume and remove the volume levelling. The TVs all have a default setting that lowers loud noises and raises quiet ones. As a result dialogue is lost during car chases or scenes with music.
  4. Science isn't based on anything. It is empirical. If you destroyed all the bibles and all the science books, in 10,000 years only the science books would be back again. Water would still freeze at zero. Yes the world will end because it will be too hot to sustain complex life as the sun reaches it's final stages.
  5. I wonder what part of killing babies is ''all knowing'' ''all seeing'' or ''all powerful.'' ''Thou shalt not kill.'' punishment by death. It's all good stuff.
  6. Why does Thailand have a no fail system in highschool; whereas, in England a student can fail a course and leave school after 5 years with nothing? Please explain how these two financial models work.
  7. Thank you God for killing all the babies in the middle east. After all God moves in mysterious ways.
  8. I don't think the 1 month old will be too offended. Infact I don't think it will even eat the cake. Imagine being that person that actually took the cake back. I think the next cake will read ''divorce''.
  9. That build your own Ikea furniture just isn't worth it.
  10. Christians are definitely the slimey spineless ones of the bunch. At least the others have some balls and conviction for their holy books. The Christians I've met in the past have been some of the most devious people I've met. Even now listening to them in the office is nauseating. Met one freak that was into men and hot tubs. No women allowed. Odd trips to South America with a bunch of other peoples' kids twice a year. Missionary workers scamming money from the community and flying around first class. One <deleted> would walk around the school hugging all the boys. Why not the girls? Just keep the professional distance at work. Creepy people those Christians.
  11. Can I get a sugar pizza with no cheese. Thanks.
  12. The Thai girls like to stick the money directly on to their bodies in the form of gold necklaces. Something about it being more permanent than paper money. And the family can take it back when before they get cremated.
  13. Well there goes her college fees and grandma's medicine. She just caused endless suffering to her family.
  14. No map, no phone, no gps, no English, no air con and no clue where they are going and rude.
  15. I can't get into it myself. They are too hairy.
  16. Steal the honey and kill animals get stung to death.
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