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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. So glad I don't drink. Can laugh at all the losers on here.
  2. Just pay the cops at immigration / supply the fees for visa documentation. You can ''supply the fees for visa documentation'' six times and then you have to get an ED visa.
  3. Does this mean I can wear a belt. Or will be told to take if off and raise my hands for a body search again. Because those pants are not held up by gravity.
  4. The objective of war is to kill as many people as possible. They did it so congrats to them. Sorry white flag people.
  5. I rented a house once. It was the typical Thai <deleted>hole owned my morons. The garden was overgrown and filled with trash we couldn't walk around it. The house had termites. We told the landlord and she said ''yeah I know''. One year later doors were hanging off the frames and there was wood dust on the floors. We kept the house clean but the dust would appear every day. The termites were destroying the house. So we didn't renew the contract. Yes get rid of termites as soon as possible. It is a serious risk to the house and the neighboring houses.
  6. That kids is my role model. Over half a million just laying on the table? Dream come true.
  7. It's her fault for not giving them the bag. You want to hold on to the bag, okay 6 more stab wounds.
  8. I rarely do it. I just say hello and wave. If you cheat me, fine me and separate me like an alien, I will be that alien. I give up speaking Thai. You can start speaking and Thai to someone and they go into English all of a sudden: Ao kao man gai nueng glap baan - You rice chicken yes go to condo mai? <deleted> off.
  9. They believe in an all seeing all powerful deity. A god that could break the moon in two halves if it felt like it and snap them in half and yet they still crack open a beer and drink it infront of picture of that god. This means either: 1) They are incredibly brave. 2) They don't really believe in the god.
  10. It would suggest that he knows America will be attacked in his lifetime or in his families' lifetimes. Or he just really likes to live underground.
  11. On your roti, on your chicken, on your shredded pork sandwich, on your bread ''cake'', on your fried cooled and refried cold crabstick sandwiches, and on your raw cabbage salads? I love it. How about you? Do you like condensed milk?
  12. You mean Thai tv shows ''the news'' and ''shopping channel'' yeah they are great. So many to choose from. Sometimes I can't make up my mind.
  13. ''Only women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something.'' - Chris Rock I think she wants a new ATM. One that can dance and sing.
  14. Aliens can't own property. So who ever owns the building should take it back.
  15. You don't have to enter the noodle shop. Just trigger the cutscene and save the game. When you reload it the mission will start at the car chase.
  16. Somrak wouldn't you like a girlfriend that could go on the same rides as you at the theme park?
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