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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. How are pedos treated in Thai prisons? Bad in American lock up.
  2. Or U.S. Trying to re-open one there. So far all require proof of residency and a U.S. phone number.
  3. I have been given a “leg up” a few times in my life, and have no problem paying it on when I can. Just wondering how many of the antis here are soi disant “ Christians”?
  4. I suspect some confusion between “fake” vs “ generic”.
  5. Good, friendly neighbors in our village. I’ve been crippled up for awhile after a fall. Many of the ladies bring gifts of a meal at times. Most Everybody smiles and waves, and give me a thumbs up now that I can walk about a bit. Most of the kids wai and call me Loong Bill. If immigration were less of a PITA I would be completely happy here. Couldn’t continue on at my 2,000 meter altitude home in USA, and have a wonderful Thai lady to wife here.🥰
  6. Months of physio are starting to pay off for me. Lucky we could afford it, Don’t know if it is covered under the 30 baht scheme for Thais? Fortunately people are usually helpful re: navigating stairs, curbs, etc.
  7. For what it is worth I for the first time in over a year walked fifty meters this morning carrying but not using a cane. Us elders can indeed have “ conditions” that incapacitate us long term. The Thai government likes to ballyhoo the “ world class” medical treatment available here. Perhaps a factor in Mr. T’s decision to return? I am amazed at the number of “ experts” ( has been drips under pressure) on this forum pontificating about Thaskin’s condition. Sometimes the “ powers” actually tell the truth, however inadvertently.
  8. Probably a better use of resources than many.
  9. On the tail end of a bought of bronchitis and not enjoying this! ( Rant over)
  10. Many conditions are difficult even for the best of Doctors to diagnose. There can be more than one contributing factor. Age appears to be one such in the “ dizzy” department. I was somewhat dismayed when my hospital started to send me to the geriatric department, but on reflection it is what it is.😜 Best of luck!
  11. Just my experience, but I started having dizziness after I turned 65. The doc has cut a lot of unnecessary meds from my routine and started me on one to treat Meunière disease.(Inner ear condition). Some improvement, though not “ there” yet. Low BP was a factor for a time, but back on the higher side again. I have read it is one of the hardest conditions ( vertigo ) to diagnose. PITA for sure! The Meunière med seems to help some. Good luck!
  12. The story mentions that a passport was found at his accommodation. I expect the details could be discerned from that, though the reporting may be snafu.
  13. In a parralel vein my wife was disappointed I didn't get a fortune when selling thirty five acres in an off grid area in US southwest. Hard for Thais to imagine how much vacant space there is in the rest of the world. I think they all take Bkk e.g. as the “ standard.
  14. Not up to the embassy; all up to NCIS. Almost impossible to deal with in my experience up until now. Their “ gatekeeper”, ID ME, is the stumbling block for me. The embassy will help with death certificates. Go to their website and there is a section detailing the procedure. I think I recall reading an article there about arranging funerals here, too. Different situation I know, but the certs still needed in either case. I know I left instructions for my wife on how to go about contacting the embassy for their part. Condolences and good luck.
  15. There are apparently fewer anti-T forces among the Thai general population than on this forum. I reckon his years of exile might pose part of an appropriate punishment for his alleged crimes. Also don’t expect his confinement at hospital has been all donuts and dancing girls either. Was his crime worse than Nixon’s, who spent how much time in any kind of confinement?
  16. Been playing “ the game” since 1996 diagnosis. Seventy y.o. now. Recently ( 6 months) my doc at provincial hospital took me off insulin and put me on two new oral meds which work great for me. Sorry, don’t have the names available just now, but they are relatively new on the market. Fairly expensive as still patented and imported, but typical AM readings of about 98. Might be worth inquiring next trip to your doc. Have to say I had lost about twenty kilos, and my readings were getting erratic with R and N Novolin combo. Just maybe worth asking if a couple hundred baht don’t stand in the way. Good luck, brother.
  17. I recall Bhumibol the Great talking about the “slow life “. It appears to not be in character for Thailand generally. “ We need a solution NOW. Get the Chinese! They are many, many.” Never mind Chinese tour packages notoriously let as few “ baht” as possible escape their hands, or so I have read.
  18. My thesis was about the development of Buddhism in Burma so guess I was predisposed in that direction when I decided to do follow up research in Thailand. Not sure I have the faculties to do much with it the now, but married my “ factotum” whom I encountered on line and love the nation, generally. A bit soured currently on the U.S. prospects.
  19. I’m a six foot westerner, used to weigh 220 lbs, and bought a Scoopy from the shop I had previously rented it from. Rode it around the Satahip area for two years. I did invest in new tires and a drive belt, but was happily surprised at how little this cost at the local shop. Had to give it up after a stroke, but meanwhile rode it daily and even used it a la the locals when moving ( boxes stacked above head height, secured with bungee cords). My last previous bike in the US was a Beemer. The Scoopy was a decent follow on, though used differently. I don’t fancy one for cross country trips.😁
  20. I was confined to bed rest before he returned. I still am stuck on a cot in our living room. Doctors should make these decisions, not disgruntled political factions.
  21. That I what it is called when someone is in prison, regardless of their particular circumstances.
  22. Frankly it is nobody’s business, unless you can provide evidence that the physicians are “ faking” his diagnosis.
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