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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. Repeating a big lie enough times is straight out of the Nazi play book. Look it up.
  2. Quite okay to love a serial liar, rapist, proven tax cheat and criminal, global laughing stock, etc. I personally have not favored Trumps since they were convicted of housing discrimination in the seventies, but you do you.😅
  3. I recall as a teen, half a century ago, having to weekly declare my tips when I was a bellhop at a resort. Trying to hang this on Harris is obscenely Trumpist, IMO.
  4. Projecting much?😜
  5. Just my observation but I have yet to see anything published where Ms Harris has insulted her opponent or demonized entire subsets of completely legal members of US society. Kindly post any remotely believable, i.e. NOT right wing rags, counter examples.
  6. Isn’t the conveyor the proper place for a baggage awaiting pickup? I ‘ll see myself out.😆
  7. I have found weight loss to be the most effective strategy re: BP. I’ve been on salt reduction so long that at one point my naturopath GP, after a blood panel, said “ I hate to say this but you need to increase your sodium intake.” 😀 Living in Thailand now I watch it some again as Thai people seem to put salt and sugar in nearly everything. I prepare as much of my own meals as my wife will let me get away with. For the last week I have discontinued my one purely BP med as the numbers were getting much too low. Will be interested to see what my doc says in two days. In days of yore I took Hawthorne (Cretagous) until it was no longer enough for the desired effect.
  8. My wife buys rice berry and/or RD 43 (low glycemic) rice for me as I am diabetic, and she seems to want to keep me around a mite longer.🥰 On occasions where white rice is the only option (most restaurants) I simply eat a reduced portion suitable for a diabetic and fill up on the veg/protein parts.
  9. I find Netflix to be adequate to my movie watching needs. Lately been watching a lot of “Cops” reruns and judicial productions on my iPad. We do have a large screen TV (recently replaced) but my wife has control of that, mostly.🙂
  10. Given that the majority of Taylor’s fans appear to be young women I question the wisdom of those people that have opined about “ when she loses her looks”. She appears to appeal to them through what she sings about and some good musical scores. But what do I know? I am still enamoured of Judy Collins, an icon of my youth.😋
  11. Do the names Ronald Reagan or Arnold Shwartzenegge ring a familiar note.?
  12. Been with my wife nine years now, as a friend and married. I still marvel that she agreed to marry me. I am not a “catch”, I think. I have an okay income for Thailand, but far from hiso. I have also become a bit disabled, but she takes adequate care of me, though she frets lest I become more so as she is tiny and I am not. She says I have a good heart. In my poor way I will always try to do my best for her. I have a pretty and pretty game partner.
  13. He did not take only personal papers is the problem with your thesis. Top secret US documents do not fit that description in any way, shape, or form.
  14. My “home” GP started me on Lipitor years ago, and succeeding docs continued the regimen. My Thai docs like it, too, even though my lipid panels are pretty fair due to regular ( if not really enough) exercise and better (largely Thai plus daily oatmeal brekkie) diet. Thirty years diabetic, three strokes, and at least four heart attacks later I feel pretty good at 70. My darling Thai wife and daughter help lots with the program.
  15. You are right. It only took 110 minutes.
  16. Married about five years and comfortable with my dear. She manages most things in our lives, one because I am pretty disabled, and secondly because she was a manager for Tesco and is just pretty good at it ( better than myself these days, to be honest). Her biggest threat when we seriously disagree about something (fortunately not very often) is to help me “find new Thai lady”. I really can’t imagine living without her anymore.❤️
  17. I was on permanent disability. Government docs certified me immediately. I think I wore out working as many as three jobs simultaneously, not so much for income as I just loved doing stuff. Thank goodness for the internet as I am limited in what I can do physically!
  18. Happy that our local Makro parking attendant has several times directed my wife into a handicap slot when spotting my cane. She does not think to use one otherwise. Indicative of the general Thai awareness about the idea I would say.
  19. Yes, and some are possessed of questionable analytical capacity. Not so strange.
  20. This is not exactly news. Trump throughout his “career” has been known for stiffing his creditors, e.g. builders at his failed casino, rally venues, and on and on.
  21. I have had good experience with the cardio guy at my local provincial (Samut Prakan, can’t remember how to spell its name). Long queues but affordable and you see lots of pretty girls, cute kids, and machines dispensing ten baht espresso.😊
  22. I have had several arthrograms in my span. One resulted in a stent placement, one in an open heart cabage procedure (bypass operation), and one in a pacemaker. The first one previous to all that they dosed me up with, an at the time new medicine (Carvedilol) and went in the opposite femoral artery to place a stent which they had to order in only to find the blockage had dissolved over night. If I had stayed on the drug I might have missed my first stroke, but I guess I was part of the learning curve on the stuff. Overall the docs have kept me ticking for the last thirty years, so I do tend to listen. Maybe they’ll get me to 90.😉
  23. Jardiance is still, I believe, under patent so less expensive formulations are simply not yet available. I get mine, as prescribed, from my regional provincial hospital ( in Samut Prakan) which I believe dispenses at or near cost. One tablet of Jardiance Duo daily compares favorably to four injections of insulin plus one or two additional tablets, especially considering the requirements of keeping insulin under refrigeration and uncertainty about how it has been stored before acquiring it. Defo got a couple of substandard vials in the past. Sometimes convenience is worth the price.
  24. Well, my SS got automatically changed from “Disability” to regular, and last year the hospital sent me to the geriatric department. Somebody’s trying to tell me something.
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