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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. I would go along with Condi, but she is not in the running. Of the available choices I prefer Kamala, and not just because she isn’t Trump. Anyone with a JD and who has been an attorney general, etc., must have something on the ball. Also, she ISN’T a convicted felon, rapist, adulterer, etc., etc., etc. ( In my best Yul Brenner voice.)
  2. Hitler was a soi disant “Christian”. Burning women for “witchcraft” was a “Christian” activity. Too bad so many “Christians” do not follow the supposed teachings of Christ. ’Nuff said.
  3. Absolutely nothing wrong with my memory. Are you unable to use Google?
  4. Pretty much on that as a diabetic for thirty years. Unusual if I have one alcoholic drink per month. I do have some trouble getting enough exercise due to three strokes, four ( known ) heart attacks, and a couple serious fractures from falls. Likely some genetic component as well. Some folks just have it.
  5. Old age, both her and me.🤭 Looking forward to the soon birth of our grand child.
  6. I seem to recall DJT suggesting a nuclear blast for eliminating hurricanes. Or at least changing their course with a Sharpy.
  7. In my case it is likely a recent change in my BP medicine. It is listed as a fairly common side effect.
  8. I recall that as a US school bus driver it was required to perform a safety inspection before each run. Simply unbelievable that such is not required in Thailand for every public conveyance. Seems the baht supersedes human life in importance.
  9. My impression is that preventative maintenance is often a foreign concept here. Witness the plethora of unpainted buildings, e.g. “Brake failure” is often the reason cited for accidents. I also have my suspicions about the qualification situation of “professional drivers” here. One of my hundreds of jobs was as a licensed school bus driver, which required pretty extensive training to qualify for as well as an exacting road test. Ever try parallel parking a seventy passenger bus? I haven’t seen enough details about this incident to draw firm conclusions, but I weep for all those babies who won’t return from an exciting field trip.🥲
  10. Just remarking on some statements about 32 or 33 baht per dollar being normative I had, over the course of nine years here, become used to using 35 baht/dollar as my “ yardstick”. My Thai wife also used this as a constant, which I tend to trust as she is our primary financial director ( admittedly better than me who once held several million shares of diamond mining stock that went belly up. 😅)
  11. I was a registered Republican for years but they completely moved away from my values. I am not a Dem per se either, but I find their people oriented platform preferable in my senior years.
  12. I see you neglected the “ convicted” part. Which Dems have been accused and convicted by a jury of peers of what the judge justly deemed a “rape” the peculiarities of NY law not withstanding?
  13. I subscribe to the Alaskan radio station technique that famously “blooped”, because they had a thermometer mounted outside the studio, “ I’ll take a leak out the window to see if it’s freezing.” The current local forecast has a “very heavy rain warning” in effect as I sit in with AC running and watching the sun dry up our plants. 😜
  14. Thirty years type ll diabetic. For me most of the street food particularly is not healthy, being often inundated with sugar and salt, or plenty of white rice and noodles as the bulk. Also usually a couple leaves of something unidentifiable to me is considered “ vegetable”. Not long ago my wife brought home a kilo of ketchup as spaghetti sauce. Knowledge re: nutrition seems almost as lacking as in the West. I have seen a number of large Thai people lately, even bigger than pum pui me. I fear a number of the less salubrious Western tendencies have taken hold. As a side note I often find the local outlets are devoid of sugarless soft drinks despite a seeming epidemic of diabetes here. Likewise for the ubiquitous polished white rice. Brown rice is healthier and obviously less expensive to produce, but I imagine the shorter shelf life is a big factor.
  15. The USA has arguably the largest economy and strongest military in the world, which makes it a viable subject in any discussion venue which addresses issues that might affect Asean interests.
  16. I have had a couple of strep type wound infections, one of which cost me one joint of a great toe. I only take them when prescribed as I do not wish to promote any kind of bacterial resistance. As a long time diabetic I must take especial care, and my wife keeps an eye on me as well. The brother of a good friend began having bits taken off and died not long after a leg amputation. In spite of his diabetes he could not lay off the booze. Myself I rarely have more than one tipple a month. Only been married a bit over five years and like it well enough to want to see how it goes for a while. 🥰
  17. My guess at a likely outcome is that the punitive award will be reduced by maybe 100 million, but not overturned. I’ve noticed similar outcomes in past cases if I recall correctly. The one that comes to mind is the woman who spilled a cup of McDonalds coffee on herself and was initially awarded some astronomical sum ( I forget the numbers involved) but it was reduced considerably on appeal. Personally I think that one should have been vacated entirely because some personal responsibility should be attached to handling hot liquids, but not how the world wags anymore.
  18. This may be wrong but I think I have noticed the most frequently rude Asians tend to be mainland Chinese tourists. Due to the “ cultural revolution”, perhaps? It is in strange contrast to my ( limited) experience when actually in The People’s Republic. Enjoyed visits in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
  19. My dad had a massive stroke , maybe from smoking most of his life and mom died of stomach cancer related to a lifetime of smoking. My dad’s mother died of lung cancer after struggling for years to quit. I quit after my first helicopter ride for a heart attack. Hope it was soon enough. I have been receiving fairly frequent chest X-rays not related to my smoking history, which I don’t recall telling my docs here about. I think it is because of extensive cardiac history.
  20. Used to have my dental work done up Chiang Mai way at the provincial hospital where two nieces worked. Very reasonable pricing… I reckon the family connexion was a key. I was quite satisfied with the results.
  21. Just my experience, your mileage may vary. My doctors put me on a regimen of Tramadol and Gabapentin years ago for diabetic neuropathic pain. My last GP, a Naturopath who mostly avoided prescribing pharmaceuticals when possible, got me 120 50 mg. tabs of the Tramadol per month. For some reason I have the label from the last batch in 2015. I guess I kept the tab in case there was any problem getting a scrip here, but I soon found I could buy it OTC. here at many pharmacies. Lately I’ve been told “ No, but have Ultracet”, which I believe is more effective anyway. The key for me is that it has been strictly an “as needed” option if, for instance, some Sara does not suffice. I guess my history of requesting refills at only about 1/3 of the allowed interval predicated my Naturopathic doc’s liberal scrips. To this day when I think I might need some, like after a pelvic fracture eighteen months ago, I had to hunt it down amongst the myriad plastic bags my wife likes to store things in.😃 One possible reason is it does make me feel muzzy headed next day and difficulty in the toilet.
  22. You sir are IMO showing ALL of the attributes you are attempting to impugn POTUS with. Certainly your suggestion about attacking issues vs people is a proven, outright LIE: ”They’re eating the dogs!…” QED.
  23. Sadly true for me as well, though three strokes and hearing loss may account for some of it. I used to sing fairly well and played several instruments. Had an extensive, eclectic collection of tunes in several media but lost it in a house fire. I do catch myself foot tapping, even croaking along betimes, though to paraphrase Leo Kottke I sound “ like geese farts on a muggy day.”
  24. Could be Ms Harris was given a shorter podium because she IS shorter. Ya think?
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