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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. Would static CCTV cameras show if Mr. T were having a hypertensive crisis? Heck no. Would the general public be qualified to judge his medical condition from such footage? Again, no.
  2. No data as such was released. As the OP stated it was only general information within the allowance of Thai laws of confidentiality.
  3. Mr.Thaksin is four years my elder. I get directed to a geriatric exam room at hospital. I think I have averaged one admission every two months over the past couple of years. Lots of bloviating from folks who apparently just don’t like Thaksin but have little to no actual knowledge about his situation. It could well be that he has had health problems right along the past couple of years and decided to come home to family and pretty good health care while he still could. I don’t have any particular oar in this race beyond some consideration for a fellow old fart.
  4. She hasn’t given me the boot, so something must be keeping us in the same house.
  5. Had a decent monsoonish rain for a couple hours here in Bang Phli last night.
  6. Kwaibill

    Elder care at home

    Recently became a concern for us. 70 soon,83 kilos, and my 54 y.o. wife is tiny. I ‘m somewhat of a wreck (diabetic, strokes, heart attacks, and just completing two months recovery from a fractured pelvis). This despite, or because of, a lifetime of largely physical work, and a habit of running for fun. Rain keeps talking about parking me at a nursery, but I would prefer the retired nurse option until that’s necessary. Seems there should be an agency for arranging such as there is an increasing elder population and, as mentioned above, less cultural imperative for familial care. Guess I’ll try looking in Craig’s list, etc.
  7. I used to buy them at the market in Bang Saray. I know there’s a vendor at the nearby market here in Bang Phli, but never tried them as there is an ok Five Star about fifty meters away from it. The missus brought one back from a big Lotus last week that was pretty good, though she usually does leg quarters in the air fryer; probably the best.
  8. My fairly extensive Thai family. All lovely folks. Also we spent most of the day at a nearby provincial hospital. Comprehensive diabetic eye exam, blood panel, and a decent consult with the GP on the diabetes, a gastric problem from gall bladder removal, on going vertigo, and three month supply of my meds; 5,600 TB ($160).
  9. Because, for those who lived under rocks for the last couple of years, such as MTG have been spouting “ impeachment” nonsense since Biden was elected.
  10. Yes. As I’ve told my wife if I die at home the police are the first call. The US embassy has pretty good instructions on their web page. Kinda hope I go in hospital to save her some bother. In my US will which we have also translated to Thai the funeral arrangements are left to Mrs. Kwai’s preference. A quick Buddhist ceremony and warm send off are good by me. I want to ensure she has funds while awaiting the probate process in the US, which I understand can take a year. Have to ask at Bkk bank to be sure she has access.
  11. There is no conviction requirement in the fourteenth, though it would presumably clear some of the slightly ambiguous clause three. The only other argument I can see is that it does not specify “presidents”, though they would seem to be included as “elected”.
  12. Correction on my part; it was four days for us because of Sunday and prior appointments. We figured it was safer for me to go in case there was any irregularity, besides which the image of a disabled elder is still often culturally advantageous in Thailand. I am not afraid to trade on it as I AM a disabled senior.????
  13. I’ve had to do the “Somchai two-step” many times, especially the last couple of years. Mrs. Kwai does many of the above mentioned, but this was not a problem in years previous. Possible contributions include removal of gall bladder, stroke, and concomitant changes/additions to my medicine routine and just plain age. I do think I became “ adapted” after the first six months in SEAsea, but change is the rule in life. Time to go heat a burger from 7 for lunch.????
  14. I botched my online reporting because I didn’t know from the Thai Immigration site that Online reporting has no “grace” period. You must do it by or fourteen days before your “ due” date. Fortunately when applying in person there is a four day leeway, which we were within when we went today and Mrs.Kwai was happy to not have to pay the 2,000 TB late fee. Still a PITA as the office is not close, but I discovered a lift from the food court to the second floor office! ( After having laboriously climbed the narrow stair with my cane; a stroke in Feb. and fractured pelvis have taken a toll.) The officer we dealt with at window 11 was helpful and smiling. I think my best experience at SP immigration to date. Better early than late, folks.
  15. Although I have certainly enjoyed how small our electric bills have been for years I acknowledge that it can’t go forever. A modest increase in rate will benefit all in the long run. I see many in our village have incorporated solar lamps for their outdoor areas, as have we. Education in how to use air conditioners would help as well. Too many think that “max cool” makes them effective more quickly. I ‘d like to see more public information on reasonable set points. Also on using the fairly well developed ventilation in many buildings. Those tall, narrow windows have a reason. Awnings would help a lot too.
  16. It could arguably be a cancer survivor after a double mastectomy. I doubt the “ boycott” will gain much traction.
  17. What I think my wife remembered, but I may well have confused it with another immigration contretemps related to my land lady not reporting my residence. Anyway herself has a few times mentioned “not want pay 1,900 baht”, and I completely agree.????
  18. I would just like to re-iterate that this judge is a Trump appointee. As Glenn Kirshner so often states “Justice matters”.
  19. My cardiologist has decreed one cuppa/ day for me. It has benefits for cardio and diabetic considerations. Also allowed one Sugar Free Coke if I like. As with anything there is no “ one size fits all”. Kind of ridiculous to implicate “ganja” IMO. The poor guy was in the age bracket for an MI. Glad he was where he wanted to be doing what he liked to do at his passing. RIP, bro.
  20. My wife has expressed interest. I would love it as well, though my traveling days may be behind me after three strokes. My thesis was on the development of Hinayana Buddhism especially in Burma, even though I now get my “ Buchas” mixed up. ???? One of my primary reasons for coming to Thailand was to research an ancillary paper, and fell in love with my initial guide/translator.????
  21. For what it’s worth I was diagnosed with asthma and COPD. Gave me lots of trouble when living at 2,000 meters elevation in AZ… C pap, inhalers, supplemental oxy, the whole program. Since moving to near sea level here in Thailand very little trouble. I do still have a couple of inhalers for “emergencies” but those are pretty rare ( not sure what the “trigger” is; darn sure not running anymore!????) I have found that caffeine from a cup of coffee, e.g. can “tide me over”. A couple of times when in hospital my O2 saturation was low( under 90%) and they put me on oxygen and at 2 liters. Stop smoking in 2010 sure helped. Don’t know if any of this helps; YMMV.
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