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Everything posted by Kwaibill

  1. How did you decide it was anecdotal? The article goes on to cite that there are studies from Israel et al in support of the thesis. Admittedly they are not academic citations, but would most here have the patience or understanding to pursue such? I think not.
  2. Sorry to hear this as Thailand is not currently setting records for academic excellence. https://www.nationthailand.com/blogs/education/40011703#:~:text=Education Council secretary-general Atthaphon,place and Malaysia in 39th.
  3. What is generally the prognosis for kiddie diddlers in Thai prisons? They generally do not fare well in US jails, which seems just to me.
  4. I make porridge almost every day for breakfast. It is a pretty good carb for diabetics. Mostly oats, but I change it up with barley and yellow corn grits. Also a few add ins like crushed nuts, raisins, cinnamon, etc. This morning added a nuked scrambled egg because Narak is always on me about protein.🥰 Already missing part of my great toe from a cat bite infection, so taking the dietary considerations seriously if a bit after the fact.
  5. Do I detect a note of Trumpism here? “ Biden crime family” is the purest MAGA hogwash, IMO. Look no further than indicted and CONVICTED #45 and his civilly prosecuted, corrupt issue if you’re going to blather on about “crime families”.
  6. Except for having ACTUAL record unemployment, record high stock market results, return of jobs from overseas, passed a border control bill which the Trumpeteers promptly quashed, etc. ad nauseum. Just a wonder how so many can apparently survive while living under a self imposed rock.
  7. I keep getting “Emergency warnings” on my iPad. So far nothing.
  8. Ownership must be way down.😛
  9. I frankly agree, though I have not partaken in many years. IMO alcohol abuse is a much greater social detriment. While the drunk is trying to see how fast his Beemer can go through the switchback turns the stoner is waiting for the stop sign to change to green..🤪 Furthermore the weed seems to be more of a middle class industry v the alcohol monopolies.
  10. The building seems well laid out. The lift is not obvious, but on asking and because I am obviously disabled we were directed to one in the non public area. Absolutely no improvement of the dismal parking situation. Again, my obvious decrepitude came into play with some of the vendors there. They cleared a spot on their “turf” and allowed us to park within a cripple’s walking range.
  11. I was forced to retire at 55 due to physical disability. I tried for five more years to find something I could reliably do but no luck.Finally applied for SSI and was almost immediately approved. The five years with no salary did hurt. i do have good days when I can do fun stuff in the kitchen, but not reliably enough to make a business of it. Besides Mrs Kwai gets irritable if I mess up her kitchen.😜
  12. I enjoyed my stays there when I was doing the routine. An extra couple of days per year would not trouble me. I had a fave restaurant and beer Lao dark is quite drinkable,IMO.
  13. The usual definitive ”perhaps” weather forcasts. Unless they show 90% probability my bunions are a better predictor.🤪
  14. Rice is known to ”preppers” for its long term storability.
  15. Longtime out of the business so I forget the exact chemistry, but my experience as an ASE mechanic and Nascar licensed driver indicate it is a small difference and of import mostly to higher compression, performance oriented engines. As a side note, for my stock car we used to go to the local airfield to get avgas, which if I recall could be 110 octane. Important for a high compression motor operating at the limit of performance. A little ”pinging” could mean the difference between the winner lap and also ran.
  16. I enjoy a little now and then but my wife adores it, so I usually leave it all for her when the budget allows some.🙂
  17. My docs here swiched me over to Jardiance Duo from my long term insulin regime. Quite helpful in the glucose control dept. and I had lost ~ 15 kilos with it. It too is expensive though as a recently patented drug.
  18. One thing we have done is start using the ”dry” mode on our AC. It causes the compressor to run much less often than ” cool” or ”auto” settings. Also use a rotary fan when the ambient temps are below 30C. I’ve also heard that keeping your fridge filled with e.g. waterbottles can help. Eletricity is so relatively cheap for us compared to what I used to pay in the US that I mostly economise for environmental and my wife’s thrifty nature reasons.
  19. I had need of one a few back, forget for what reason. No big deal, just went where the RTP site said to go with the usual copies of passport, etc., and filled out a form, had a photo taken there and wait for I think about two weeks. Sorry not more specific, but my forgettery is better than memory these days.
  20. The real Trump Derangement Syndrome as exhibited by those that refuse to acknowledge Biden’s acomplishments and excuse Trump’s myriad (means a lot of) crimes and lies.
  21. Same reason they are safe from Zombie infestations.
  22. Nice rain most of the day in Bang Phli, Samut Prakan. Temps down below AC requitement.
  23. When I lived in Bang Saray I used Lotus delivery for the bulk of my shopping. They had pretty much all I needed, and there were a number of small shops and a nice local market in easy scooter distance. Traffic was not too bad in those days. Now married and live up Bang Phli way. My wife often orders delivery meals locally. I have ordered a few times from Makro which delivers free with a minimum order. I used to walk to the local Lotus and the fresh market next to it, but not quite recovered from broken bones yet. I did try an expedition the other day and made it about half way there before having to turn back. Soon! M Thai wife does have a “thing” about not stocking much food. She would rather run out. I used to grow, can, keep goats and chickens, and make almost everything, but then I lived way off grid and it was a good half hour drive to anything. I cannot physically do it anymore. Making sausages and charcuterie now is my “ fill-in”.
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