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Grumpy one

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Everything posted by Grumpy one

  1. It's a bit like the pot calling the kettle black
  2. Not anymore. They all closed down at the end of September
  3. Yes it's terrible when you get a neighbor with your mentality
  4. So not only is he a well-known gang leader, but he is also gay as can be
  5. It's not uncommon to rebody old vehicles. I worked at a private bus company in Aus, we had several buses with 2 year old bodies. The chassis and mechanicals were first built in 1950. Mind you they did get repaired when needed, unlike here
  6. Pack the whole family into a shipping container and send it far away
  7. RIP the Aussie The Poms get a tad touchy when you mention cricket
  8. Last time I saw him on a tv interview, he appeared ready to be doing a great job as a beach ball with legs
  9. Just throw him under the bus, no more problems
  10. I asked about the language after seeing the writing on the glue you showed, no need to be a richard
  11. So the police were looking for a white car, yet shoot a silver one. Not to mention mistaking a Suzuki for a Nissan. Have these brainless dim wits failed the eyesight test, or did they forget their glasses.
  12. Do you speak Mandarin or Cantonese??? Superglue and baking soda gives a strong bond
  13. Not the brightest spark in the family
  14. No they do it everywhere, I have not been to my inferior home country for many years How about getting off your high horse
  15. People die here every day from their own stupidity. If tired pull over and rest, not keep going
  16. Curried egg and lettuce is a great way to go, it keeps Giving all day
  17. He was only preparing to rid Ang Thong of bible bashers at the Wat
  18. Will Bruce receive the same harsh prison as our favorite ex- pm
  19. If both are a bit kinky it may be " pee on " rather than pee in
  20. Last car I bought; the dealer used double sided tape to hold the plates on
  21. We get our a/c cleaned every 4 months. Samsung send out a couple of guys, it only takes about 40 minutes and 800 baht for 2 units. Been doing it for over 10 years and no problems yet
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