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Grumpy one

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Everything posted by Grumpy one

  1. Thailand can't build sky trains or elevated roads without bits falling off it This latest plan should cause great concern It won't be Rain drops keep falling on my head being sung More like Space junk keeps dropping on our homes
  2. By any chance did he think he was a Koala Bear
  3. So, making a donation to help a poor girl get medicine for grandmother's buffalo is ok
  4. With great care
  5. At 25 she might consider offering a more personal service with a happy ending
  6. Plenty of bar workers look like a jumbo from behind
  7. Can anything from Macca's be classed as food
  8. I agree you deserve it for your comment
  9. Big Mac diet, eat the pickle and toss the rest
  10. Why not go and tell THEM what you think of them I'm sure they will move away Move in with you
  11. But the medical advice here is free
  12. I thought I had seen Trump on tv before, he did a good job hiding his tats
  13. Omar Khayyam 1048 - 1131 was a Persian Poet He wrote about the date wine that was produced there, it was described as the nectar of gods It's a shame what later history brought to Iran
  14. Thank god the cops here don't get to drive high performance vehicles
  15. In all fairness, she may have been feeding the fish with her husband's head and dangly bits
  16. People like this might run the country one day. 🤐
  17. You may be offered a few moments in Soggy Bottoms
  18. Have you thought that they may feel the same about you
  19. So Thailand will start building H D farm tractors Will that lower the price here
  20. Quite right, 2 bricks then an old rusty bread knife to remove the squashed bits
  21. You forgot " I will still love you in the morning "
  22. Pack the little darlings off to a Catholic school for a few months, let Father O'Buggery teach them right from wrong
  23. Maybe she wants to be the next railing 😃
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