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Grumpy one

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Everything posted by Grumpy one

  1. Are you referring to the high-quality tourists that Pattaya is well known for
  2. On the bright side, if she has kids, they won't starve for lack of milk.
  3. The lad has enough time to go for a casual stroll out of Thailand, no doubt via a slow boat to China
  4. Ronald the cop is needing Hercule Poirot's help to be a smarter plod
  5. Best if we live on the moon, no floods no fires no air to pollute
  6. A ladle, you were proper rich
  7. Have a few beers at the nearest bar, you will no doubt find the love of your life and no doubt she will plan the marriage for next month
  8. The driver was heard saying --- Man, that's one good fart I let go, even I had to get out of the car
  9. Yes, it's a dangerous country, and that's before meeting the local loons
  10. Maybe, maybe not Who knows with that family 🤐
  11. What's the fuss all about. A cock in a frock got hit following a man into a toilet. I'm sure the dress wearing man's father would do more than a few hits to his strange son. Now I will wait for malcom b and his buddies to come and defend the sicko
  12. They do, that's why the wealthy Nigerian Princes are being invited to visit
  13. No need to buy one. I am happy to rent out my ex-wife, she will protect any valuables you may have, even from you
  14. That would all depend on how sticky their fingers are
  15. More like a donation for the hard-working police
  16. One less car on the road for New Year
  17. Then you can look forward to Songkran
  18. Maybe Fan Mail from an admirer
  19. I would like to be around for another 20 years claiming the pension. It's the only way I can recoup a small portion of my tax that I like most others had to pay
  20. Surely you don't think they were returning from a liquid lunch As for the alcohol test, there were no 10-year-old school kids available to blow in the bag
  21. So, the lawyer moves closer to a clown jumping on the brakes at a high speed, then witnesses another clown exit the red vehicle The 3 of them should start up a circus act My main question is why get closer, give the fool more room Silly me These are Thai motorists 
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