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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. Let me tell you I think 35 meters is barely barely ok.......I 100% would not go lower than 35....
  2. None of this Text sims nonsense ever needed to happen if they had just left e-mail verification alone......That was working just fine for me till about 2019.....
  3. Jingthing https://aseannow.com/profile/37101-jingthing/ Had a thread somewhere? on Asianow talking about this very subject......I would post link but I forgot where I saw it.......It was about 3-4-5 months ago I think....
  4. The problem with most of these remote numbers is the banks seem to have a list of these services and black list these numbers..... Example.... https://www.dingtone.me I had to beg one bank I use to let me use this number and another bank just flat out said Nope you cant use this number...Paypal also said No....
  5. https://conxhub.com/ Someone told me this will work anywhere....They said it will will work with all bank call backs too.....I think I will be giving this a try.........I can not 100% recommend this because I have not used this yet.... This one seems much professional but does cost 10 dollars a month...
  6. Out of 60 million Thais, this is the best they got?
  7. Yea sub jokes a funny, but it would more or less be a death sentence to be a crew member on a Thai sub....There is no reason on Gods green earth the Thais should have a sub.....Its a very bad idea....
  8. The words routine maintenance, I think have no translation in Thai... No need to look further than just about any public works project...
  9. I am just curious if anyone has tried any of this fast bud LSD 25 that I posted about above..... The name sure sounds interesting...
  10. How about when they built a parking garage on Pattaya ONLY park.... Or cut down almost all the shade trees on the beach.... Or how about the endless 90 day reporting....
  11. I would never send a copy of my passport......Nope never.....Who knows where this info will end up or what it will be used for........No no and no... Giving passport info to a weed seller?.....Great idea..
  12. I will give it 2 to 1 odds it was someone in power....And I would be willing to double down on my bet..
  13. Buying online is the Bomb.........It's better than sex.....lol......... My life now has a purpose...... And the joy when opening the package... Pure manna from heaven...
  14. This should get those bugs....
  15. To prevent young people from buying cannabis, customers must insert their national ID card into a device linked with the DTAM’s system. Vendors will also be required to send information regarding the number of cannabis buds in their possession, where they buy, and who they sell to. After checking, the DTAM will forward the information to the INCB. Lets make it all complicated, Control, bureaucracy, IDs, registration,records,forms,fees,penalties, fines, bla bla bla....
  16. This will be perfect....Families can spend some quality time in the air with theaving ladyboys, and loud drunk people....
  17. Folks about 99% negative comments is water off a duck's back to them....Loads of money to be made off this white elephant even if a single shovel of dirt is never turned.....
  18. 90% chance this STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID idea does not happen... 10% chance it does happen and only because they have had a major hard-on to build a trolly or tram or monorail for decades, and eventually some thing must be built, no matter how worthless it is.....
  19. These cable cars hold up to 10 passengers......Wait wait.... some thing is coming to me........O-yea...........10... is the number of passengers a baht bus holds when not packed......And you can bet this sky ride will cost waaaaay more than 10 baht...
  20. People have been smoking on Pattaya beach for the last 50 years...The beach was and still is fine..
  21. Well start picking up the cig butts and try and track down the owners to have them put in Jail.....Sounds like you have loads of spare time....This should keep you busy....
  22. Folks if you want to kill the virus dead in its tracks....... First turn off the T.V.......Never wear a mask, don't check your temperature, and no spraying your hands, and don't listen to any media fear mongering nonsense... This will 100% kill any virus on the spot....
  23. We need to learn all them there foreigners some smarts...... If them peoples cants learn English then theys stupid.... English is what peoples whos edjumicated speak.. Thems peoples needs stop be so stupides and speakees English.
  24. Has anyone played Whack a Mole? These street sellers are not going anywhere.....They are very very resilient and could care less about rules as long as they dont face jail time ....
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