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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. so his motorbike is responsible? What an assinine piece of writing. He veered into the opposite lane strking an oncoming motocylce with sidecar resulting in head injuries that later killed him. This is not about "perilous" roads in Thailand. This is about one man losing controlof his motocycle and paying a dire price for it.
  2. aint nothing wrong with a grown man having a skateboard. This issue is this manchild, the tags on his hat, and his surfskate, which is quire clealrly brand new.
  3. I agree that it is not worth the hassle, but this is utter twaddle. id probably make him break 1000
  4. bizzare. I bet he tried to steal that hat. As to why the guy is wearing swim trunks and a rashguard in an airport, we can only specultate.
  5. from my five years there I would say that is debateable, the certainly appear to speak more english at first glance, then you go off script and folks get lost.
  6. its been 15 years for me and not an issue. I have even been asked at immigration what my profession is and i have told them I am a writer. even if they wanted to kick up a stink i maintain a buffer of at least 1 years equivalent salary in the account i transfer from so I can show that the money i am bringing in to thailand was made at least a year previous and is therefore untaxable,
  7. bit late for that dontcha reckon, if his image has made it to a farang nackwater like AN, it is most certainly all over thai social media. the cynic in me says his family wil suck him dry before the house is complete.
  8. It would seem that irrespective of what happens, the fault lays not with the developer who attempted a legal solution by leasing MRTA land for access, but with the MRA itself for leasing land it had no legal right to lease.
  9. I can not particiate in politics, nor do i want to. I have no visa issues, someone dies everything for me. i chose what i watch and listen to, and i have expereinced idiots behingd the wheel everywhere i have ever lived. if anything has worn me down it is sites like asean now with its grumbling crumudgeons, and sex pests.
  10. i just had a month in Chaloklum and havr lived there on and off for 15 or so years, . lovely place, just getting nicer.
  11. Dear @georgiageorgia You describe pattaya and the people who live there with such disdain, yet you are just another one of the hoi polloi -- wandering around the low rent condos, belly up to the bar at LK Metro and choking back discount breakfasts with the other lifers while talking about how the philipines offer better "bang" for your buck (and thats just the first page of your history). Go give the phils a try, see how you like it the squalor of Angeles.
  12. The Aussie pub on 11 in Sukhumvit closed over COVID too, and it was most certainly boiler room money, in fact many of their bars clsed over COVID, i reckon that has more to do with a dip in revenue to launder,
  13. tell me you are on meth without telling me you are on meth
  14. The villa near me in bangkok is heaving from open to close. The number of people i there esily compares to the nearest foodland, an Villa has stuff i cant find anywhere else.
  15. Arent you a smug boi. Want to know what a middle class or professional thai makes? Take a look here. https://adecco.co.th/salary-guide/2023/position/all or here https://worldsalaries.com/average-salary-in-thailand/ where are your stats? Tell me all you want about you cleaner or migrant labourer, but there is a growing middle class out there.
  16. not sure why people kee trooting out the old bugbear that all thais earn less than 20k per month. Thaland has thriving middle class that buy luxury cars, travel the world and live in condos and suburbs. yes, the price of some of these imported products is stupid, but not all thais are dirt poor.
  17. The thing is that foregners have been doing this for decades and that is why it is nearly impossible to get an unsecured card in Thaland even with employer assistance over the years i have known quite a few people that simply upped sticks with hundreds of thousands of baht owing -- if a credit rating in Thailand actuall followed people home then folks woudn't default on their payments
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