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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. He is a felon. A court convicted him. Now he is appealing, appealing as a felon. If he wins his appeal then he will cease to be a felon. As the progress of his various appeals, and indeed the continuing prosecution of the remarkable variety of felonies with which he has been indited, depends on the results of his attempts to be elected, it is quite possible that he will be elected and installed as a convicted felon. No doubt once installed appeals, withdrawal of prosecutions and pardons will follow in short order! Until then he is a felon. That is a simple matter of fact. I am most frightfully sorry that you don't like it.
  2. Did your sofa repair shop have big windows, so they could see you coming from a long way away? 😉
  3. Counterproductive is a very bigglier word, unlikely to be in what passes as a thought process in this campaign. More likely, they need polls which "show" Trump as winning, to back up the inevitable torrent of protests and law suites which will be launched if he in fact loses.
  4. I watched quite a lot of that speech.It was a bizarre rambling stream of semi consciousness, at his most lucid moments it was simple abuse! There weren't many people there either - apparently the Secret Service had put a cap on the attendance because they were otherwise committed protecting the President of Iran! Still s he told us, the crowds outside were massive, bigglier than those which greeted Charles Lindbergh when he returned to the US after his epic flight!
  5. Just wait for the crypto scam (sorry I meant scheme) to hit the ground running!
  6. Indeed, 6 on the Supreme Court bench is enough! I rather suspect that is the plan...
  7. Mohammed al Fayed corrupt? Bribing police officers, surely not! They will be alleging that he attempted inappropriate interaction with his younger female employees next! Clearly a misunderstanding, he merely enjoyed giving gifts to the local constabulary and touching up his younger female staff!
  8. Gracious me, where have you been for the last few years, if you thought an address by Keir Starmer could be exciting!
  9. I am a bit vague on the finer details of "The Famous Five" but I do seem to recall George, with her rather androgynous haircut and penchant for wearing boys clothes, not infrequently ended up being tied up by somewhat piratical fellows with black clothes and moustaches!
  10. I understand that at a recent high level NATO conference the Finnish representative was asked whether, in the event of a Russian attack, could they (the Finns) take St Petersburg. He said that they estimated it would take about six days, but that the biggest problem would be the Poles getting in the way!
  11. Pshh, let's move on, look at those marvelous watches - such bigliest value - guaranteed to be right twice a day!
  12. Nothing in this world has really worked properly since they stopped pulling trains with steam engines, travelling between continents on sailing ships and sending the wife a postcard to say you would be home late. Bah! Knew a woman once, soft and lumpy as far as I recall!
  13. I agree, a total oxygen thief. I remember watching him in tears when the reality struck home - laugh? I nearly bought a round!
  14. European public opinion is moving away from accepting the European Community mantras on open borders and what was previously effectively unrestricted mass immigration, particularly of young single men. I do rather suspect that may not be entirely unconnected with the habit of bombings, massacre attacks and public executions of teachers (Samuel Party) and those who may not uphold their values (Theo van Gogh) as witnessed in France and The Netherlands. France and it's young people may be a determinedly secular society, but they don't hold with burning churches and butchering elderly priests at the altars whilst saying Mass. Across the continent there is growing opposition to the widespread rape which accompanies these gangs of young men ( they do like their young white women). The European Union should take heed of these views amongst their populations, rather than brand them as misguided and xenophobic.
  15. If Putin thought he would get away with it he would go into the Baltic Countries in a flash.
  16. Rather unfortunately (and inconvenient for his argument), the majority of the time he had the use of this penthouse was after the GCSEs had ended!
  17. Quite astonishing, but somehow not surprising. I hope that this is quashed.
  18. Anutin: I live in Chiang Rai, it has been an absolute disaster. Thousands of homes and businesses have been wrecked. People, very many people, ( including my daughter, and several of her friends) have lost virtually everything.
  19. If it means he will no longer appear in this deeply unpleasant suit, it can only be a good thing. Needs to have a word with the chap who polished his shoes as well... 🙂
  20. Shoplifting (theft) is a crime. The laws to prosecute it exist. Assault on a shop worker is fully covered by the laws on assault. It is a crime. The laws to prosecute it exist. Riding illegal motorcycles on the roads is a crime. The laws to prosecute it already exist. The Police need to enforce the existing laws. If, as they will no doubt claim, they do not have the resources to enforce them, then introducing a whole new tier ( sorry, but it is the word, for some reason, which springs to mind) of offences, court orders and supervision with the associated bureaucracy and further demand on resources, is not going to help at all! And, as has been pointed out, it will give the Police much more lassitude in deciding who, individuals or groups, to target, and for what. Given the current lack of confidence in our policing, driven by a very real perception that different groups in our society are policed rather differently, it is unlikely to end well.
  21. It will need a committee perhaps several committees, and experts to implement it. Committee's have budgets, and budgets bring all sorts of opportunities...
  22. I was rather thinking of something more along these lines: https://youtu.be/85dQQw1hsuM?si=CUnmotzLG43DrSI0
  23. I don't wish to be pedantic, but I don't think he claimed to be greater than Elvis - he obviously retains some little sense of perspective! No I think that his claims were that the crowds at his rallies were bigger than those attracted by Elvis. Size does seem to be central to understanding Trumps psyche, and as I have suggested before, perhaps we should call upon Ms Stormy Daniels to act as an independent arbiter of these claims, she does after all have some experience in assessing and describing size where Donald J Trump is involved!
  24. Food for thought. There are some differences, Lebanon had a large Palestinian "refugee" community which undermined the integrity of the country, and maintained their own armed forces within the country. Hezbollah (a militia and political movement essentially controlled and organised by Iran) has effectively taken over the country, and really functions as its government, certainly is the real power; what the Iranian regime says goes. At present the Christian minority is (barely) tolerated. It is not impossible to imagine that they will in time (soon) be persecuted and expelled. Now at present we don't have that sort of foreign powerbase operating in Britain, although there are, perhaps, some early indications that one is trying to form. Within Europe France is perhaps, a little bit further down that road. Nonetheless food for thought.
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