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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. I think the concept of taking minutes at government meetings rather went into abeyance during the Prayer/Prawit/Suthip meetings in May 2024! Never really to be revived...
  2. Are you seriously suggesting that with Trump in the White House, a Republican majority in Congress and the current Supreme Court there would be any check on him? Trump could win the Presidency through the Electoral College (albeit whilst losing the popular vote). A Republican majority in Congress is possible, (again without a majority of the popular vote) due to the remarkable amount of gerrymandering inherent in the system, along with some determined voter prevention, and the Supreme Court is a done deal. He only needs the first two years, before the 2026 mid term elections to cement a permanent Republican majority. This could be the last proper election America has.
  3. With the added advantage that if, like many of us of a certain age, you have hair growing out of your ears, it will be a startling blonde colour!
  4. Well I suppose the offer of a hefty 50% discount would clinch the deal. If the fine is recorded as paid, job done. As for traceable bank transfers, he probably simply never expected anyone to bother tracing them. Imagine it, traffic officer issues fine from pad, "close friend" receives pad, receives money, issues receipt. If there is no independent accounting or cross referencing of tickets issued and receipts issued (and "close friend" is no doubt responsible for reconciling the two) then job is a good 'un! Probably a defamation case pending...
  5. Quick pocket guide - Bannon is the aging rocker who badly needs to wash his hair, Bolton is the one who looks like the fire chief from Trumpton. Alternatively, Bolton is the one who makes rather more sense!
  6. What if he held a MAGA protest at the courthouse. And no one came...
  7. I dislike Yaxley-Lennon/ Tommy Robinson, and virtually all he stands for. My distrust is compounded by his use of a pseudonim in his political campaigning. But he is entitled to his views, and to move around freely. One must ask why it was necessary to pepper spray and handcuff him - surely not because he was engaged in acts of disorder, pepper spray and handcuffs are not appropriate because he is an irritating little turd! And then having arrested and arraigned him, Plod screws up the paperwork. The very active bias in the way the Met enforces the law in this area is actually quite dangerous for maintaining freedom of speech and freedom for political campaigning. It is only alleviated by the apparent incompetence of the senior police commanders!
  8. I've long suspected that the white parts of zebra crossings (crosswalks) were specifically there to make pedestrians a better target at night!
  9. So all the effort Mr Trump and the MAGA media machine are putting in is working then...
  10. Well yes, of course, it is a Murdoch product!
  11. Well I will admit that I am not a habitue of bars where it is customary to humiliate the dancers by throwing low denomination bank notes for them to scramble to pick up, (I am no plaster saint but I don't stoop to humiliating girls like that); but let us remind ourselves of exactly what you said ( in full and unedited) in your post. No mention of Japanese or Koreans, but a very specific reference to an "anti westerners mood!
  12. I don't suppose we will ever really know the truth behind the allegations of corruption, and the exact details of the conflict between "Big Jok" and his peers. I also am aware that photographs can and are chosen to "add weight" to stories; but the OP photograph, somewhat dishevelled and with that slightly manic grin, doesn't really convince that he is on top of the situation. I suspect that, for the right reasons or the wrong reasons ( probably a mixture of both) he is toast. As Julius Caesar is reported to have favoured: "well fed sleek-headed men and such as sleep o' nights. Yon Cassius (Surachate Hakparn)has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerous." The guys at the top are well fed sleek-headed men!
  13. Nothing ridiculous - you talked of the "fun", you made no mention whatsoever of Japanese or Koreans!
  14. Hardly surprising really (the anti Westerner mood) if "fun" consisted of throwing low denomination banknotes at girls on stage, to watch them scramble to pick them up!
  15. Crossing the street in Bangkok is a risky undertaking anyway, with or without a Formula 1 race in progress!
  16. Well, somebody shot up his car when it was parked outside a massage parlour... Perhaps not "evidence", but certainly an indication that he is not universally popular!
  17. A very clear breach of the peace - the fellow is very obviously "openly Jewish"!
  18. Two points: 1) Sunak is the Prime Minister not the Chancellor of the Exchequer. 2) Sunak and Cleverly (Home Secretary - the minister responsible for policing) can write as many letters as they wish. The Metropolitan Police Command Structure will ignore them. They know that there is to be an election within the year, they know that this government is toast, and they are looking towards making an accommodation with its successor - maybe already have!
  19. A comprehensive knowledge of Monty Python's Flying Circus is a great help in understanding the current American political circumstances. Perhaps "Pythonography" should be included in Ivy League University studies?
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