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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. The dog should be immediately destroyed, and that shouldn't be up for discussion. Again, compensation being discussed... Money Number One. ???? I wonder what the child, when he or she grows up, will think when they are told that the criminal who was responsible for her disfigurement only had to pay a few hundred dollars in compensation and was never properly punished? Disgusting and pathetic.
  2. Do those body poles come in different sizes 'cos that one ain't gonna fit most on Soi Buakow?
  3. This will now be a thing of the past as the newly elected Mayor has made the flooding problem his number one income stream. FTFY.
  4. Had very little if anything to do with marijuana, it was directed at the scourge of yaba.
  5. New 'Ganja Witch' dispensary opened in Pattaya in Tipp Plaza on Beach Road. Selling bud and ready rolls as well as the usual cbd stuff. 400 to 550thb per gram. Owner looks like a gangsta with a black Benz on private 420 plates. ????
  6. I tried it once, but never inhaled. I hear just the smell of it can turn you into a pedophile.
  7. ???? I don't have man boobs mate, maybe you are getting confused with your trans partner? ????
  8. The plants will need to be hardened to grow in the sun here I reckon. Could you use a screen or something to reduce the effect of the sun's rays? I want to try a couple of autoflowers outside, see what happens.
  9. It has been 52 hours since the seeds were put in the Jiffy pellets... its frustrating when you can't see if anything is happening lol.
  10. They all would. Haven't you noticed? White skin, breast and facial surgery to look more like us.
  11. Because he's still widely popular among many Thais? Certainly far more popular than the current bunch of incumbents.
  12. My seeds from Attitude Seedbank have not yet arrived... no sign of any growth on my seeds either... Dang, I am playing catchup here... ????
  13. If you are saying Thailand is the same as everywhere else, you don't really know the extent of the problem here. Some African countries, Cambodia, Burma are worse. Sure, corruption happens in the West too, but there are mechanisms in place that actually function to deal with it and punishments are severe if caught. Saying it is just better disguised or hidden in the West is facile and doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
  14. The other day I saw a Bolton Wanderers flag hanging from a hotel balcony window in Pattaya. The low-class British scum that used to infest Spain and its islands have unfortunately turned up in Thailand now. I blame budget airlines for this.
  15. Imagine stealing from a cripple? Doesn't really get much lower. Saying that, having your wife/girlfriend/daughter working as a prostitute to fund your lifestyle is certainly down there also.
  16. A lot of hungry bellies needing filled over there. A clever man could exploit the dog meat trade angle and clean up the streets in Thailand at the same time. A win win.
  17. You don't get the irony of using a racial epithet while accusing others of having privileges based on skin colour do you? You've no idea of the race of the people posting on this thread either. If enough evidence is provided and the investigation is done transparently and with clarity then I am sure that will satisfy everyone, regardless of their skin colour.
  18. Remember Cathay Pacific flight CX700Z and the mass murder of 81 people, allegedly by Lieutenant Somchai Chaiyasut of the Thai Police Aviation Division, who was found not guilty, even with overwhelming evidence that he was in fact guilty. They do everything to protect the national image and save face here. Nothing and nobody here can be trusted.
  19. They 'ran out' of DNA evidence on the Koh Tao murder trial remember? An absolute nonsense from start to finish. DNA results issued on scrap paper, lab not certified etc. Everything they do here is a joke, half-baked and riddled with corruption and malfeasance. No surprise people start asking questions.
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