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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Your posts appear to condone paying off the victim's family as culturally acceptable. Which is either no longer public or has been withdrawn, thus, at this moment, we don't have any definitive proof that there is a red notice out for Boss Red Bull.
  2. So you'd be ok if I ran over a member of your family while driving dangerously and at speed, high on drugs and drunk, if I made a cash payment? How much would you be looking for? Couple of million be ok?
  3. Yes, it is a shame we can't actually see any proof if a red notice has been issued for him or not.
  4. I remember in the early 00's there was a tourism campaign that pictured foreigners as actual aliens, with big almond eyes, interacting with local Thais who were pictured as very much human; driving taxis, vendors etc.
  5. Except the Chinese came here and did make life difficult for the Thais.
  6. If you are a pensioner I hope it is an old man's Benz and not a nice sporty one like us younger lads should be driving.
  7. Harriers are still in use by the Spanish, Italians and the US Marine Corps. The Thais got nine Matadors (Mk1 Harriers) refurbished from the Spanish, and within 2 years there was only one left operational.
  8. The usual laziness or stupidity, but probably a combination of both.
  9. The PM has already stated that he wants to wean Thailand off tourism in favour of industrialisation of the Eastern Seaboard in their Eastern Economic Corridor dream. IMF and World Bank fronting up the money for the biggest boondoggle ever. Their vision of a developed country by 2036, again, the PM's words, does not include foreigners in their warped little minds, even though they still won't be able to do anything without foreign investment or expertise, as their education system is so bad that it would take decades to render significant improvements. This tourist tax is just another way for them to continue to pay for their budgets to enrich themselves through 'commissions'. There will be absolutely nothing in terms of benefits for the people that pay it and things will continue as usual.
  10. Another one that is a danger to himself and others on the road no doubt.
  11. I'm shocked that they lied and covered this up for years. Shocked, I tell ye.
  12. Correct answer. Barbaric in this modern era.
  13. I scan the QR or bar code on the bills and pay with my KBank or KTB app on the phone. Done in seconds.
  14. Sounds like a total legend. Didn't even let that get in the way of him having a bevvy. Maybe an old Army buddy of mine. We shat ourselves all the time back then, and boy could we drink.
  15. They certainly will cause fires, and that's why we have various safe systems of work on offshore oil rigs including hot work permits, fire watch and other controls.
  16. The owner will be relieved if it was a charter yacht, and if the insurance pays of course...
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