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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. He'll not run away this time. There may even be a groundswell of support for him that may be the start of some real reforms. It certainly looks like they kept these charges back so that they can hold them over him in case he started to become a nuisance again. Well guess what? He's becoming a nuisance again, as predicted.
  2. Man in white found and complaint filed. https://thepattayanews.com/2024/05/29/british-tourists-involved-in-viral-soi-six-brawl-with-guards-found-file-formal-legal-complaint/
  3. The criminal court system and prisons are only for commoners, foreigners and political enemies of whomever is in power at the moment. FTFY.
  4. Now that is how you deal with an unpaid bill.
  5. It is exactly the same here in Thailand, but as yet, no complaint has been made therefore no charges.
  6. Don't judge all foreigners by your own standards.
  7. By their own standards it is though. Not like beeping at a motorcade or picking mushrooms, those are jailable offences.
  8. Unfortunately, nothing can happen unless someone makes a complaint. This is the law in Thailand. Looks like these thugs will walk, and we know what happens then... they will be free to hurt and probably kill someone else in the future.
  9. Indeed, and the girls stopping them and giving them a piece of their mind. Got to love bar girls in Thailand. ♥️
  10. The blokes in that video walking across the road look totally unscathed. Hard to believe they just walked away from that.
  11. Perhaps lying, hypocrisy and getting away with it is part of the culture, and they admire him for it? 🤷‍♂️
  12. A 65yo woman was beaten and kicked in the head. Doesn't matter who 'started it'. Get a grip of yourself.
  13. Doesn't matter when someone dies as a result. There was malice and intent, therefore it is murder.
  14. I had the same happen to me in Phuket once with two Finns. Must be 20 years ago.
  15. To get respect you have to earn respect. I don't see much to respect about Thai men from that video. Fair play to the lassies though, they were trying to intervene because they know those guys are animals.
  16. I tend to agree. They do far more harm than good. The ladies are more than capable of sorting out any issues, and if not, call the Police that they pay protection money to. Not manslaughter when the kick to the head was pre-meditated and deliberate. Definition: the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder. There definitely was malice and it wasn't an accident.
  17. Khaosod reporting that the bar attempted to make the farang in the white pay another person's bill after he had paid his own. When they tried he refused, became annoyed and verbally abusive. Security arrived and then started fighting and assaulting the punters.
  18. Even Thais cruise down there to see the sights. My ex from a good family used to love driving down there with her friends. So yes, a mix of different types of tourists go to see the attractions, not only sex-tourists looking for services.
  19. The whole street is frequented by thousands of tourists, day and night.
  20. Evidently, regulation is not something the Thais tend to do well.
  21. I doubt the Mayor will be reprimanded, he is part of the mafia family that controls Chonburi.
  22. None of the bars I drink in have bouncers or guards. They don't seem to need them. What you are advocating is vigilante justice, which is illegal and wrong. Remember, two wrongs don't make a right.
  23. Who did these farangs hurt?
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