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Everything posted by RobU

  1. Boeing!!! The most dangerous civilian aircraft. Badly built sloppy quality control. The only reason to buy Boeing is because they are cheaper than Airbus. Certainly not safe. I will try my best not to fly Thai Airways in future
  2. Read the article, the insurance company already did that
  3. Yes I do have experience since I am disabled myself and I would also prefer not to be disabled. The Occupational Therapist also makes an assesment of the urgency of need for the modifications and the job is placed in a queue. He will probably go straight to the top
  4. If you want more than the Occupational Therapist recommends you have to pay for it yourself. Not bull***t but the honest truth and as I said all benefits are backdated to the date of application using Gofundme is scamming good hearted people who think there is no support
  5. Local authority adaptations are not means tested
  6. More likely the family has been approached by a professional funding agent. These Agents work with charities and individuals to secure funding. The receive 50% or more of the funds they raise on behalf of the client. They know all the routes to gain funding (including national lottery and Gofundme)and how to exploit them. If you want to give 50% of your donation away to one of these people, then be my guest.
  7. Disability benefits are not means tested. A multi millionaire can claim DLA and associated benefits such as home modification the entitlement to local authority modifications is automatic if he receives DLA also entitled to disability Energy payments. He will be assessed for needs but the amount of money or property he has does not enter the equation. Selling the house when permanently moving into a care home is an entirely different kettle of fish.
  8. No they don't have limits. My friend who had Multiple Sclerosis had the whole house remodeled by the local authority with an extra downstairs bedroom and en suite bathroom, ramps and special motorised bed.
  9. This gofundme scam is aimed at the international and UK able bodied community who don't know how the UK social care system works. Correct they don't have to donate but I doubt if they would if they knew the full facts and just how generous the UK system is. I am disabled and a former registered nurse so I know a thing or two about this. Also if he was working for the NHS or local authority he will get a generous lump sum and a disability retirement income.
  10. Good, don't be taken in by their bull. He was an occupational therapist (OT) and knows all of this, they specialise in assessing for home and mobility adaptations and recommend them for patients to the relevant authority to provide them for free. I am disabled so I know a bit about this. This Gofundme scam is aimed directly at people like yourself and able bodied UK citizens who don't know how the UK social care system works. There is also 'Carer's Allowance' which effectively gives his full time carer (wife or other family member) a salary because it's cheaper than him going into a nursing home. The NHS also supplies the wheelchair. There is also a scheme where he can be supplied with an adapted car if he gives the money from the mobility component of his Disability Living Allowance (DLA) as rental. It can take a little time for everything to be put in place but all monies are backdated to the date of submission of the claim. Plus if he was employed by the NHS or the local authority (as most OT's are) he will receive a generous lump sum payment and a disability retirement pension.
  11. From the Pattaya news: "he finds himself in a cruel twist of fate, struggling to secure the necessary modifications for his own home. A GoFundMe page has been established by his family to bridge this gap, " Bull***t, the local authority will do all necessary adaptations for free. He is also entitled to disability living allowance at the higher rate for mobility and care to the tune of over £300 per week. It's a tragedy but the family is milking the Gofundme community.
  12. From the age of about 13 girls start practicing 'flirting'. The men they practice on are those they trust, father's, uncles,teachers etc they don't expect things to go further they just want to see what effect they have on men. Mature responsible men are aware of this and would not go futher, but unfortunately many Thai men seem to have not grown up and abuse this trust by raping the child and stating that 'she asked for it' . It was a common excuse given by family rapists in the UK, which fortunately is not recognised as valid
  13. Reality check, Thailand has effectively no social security system. Families need money to survive. Unfortunately it is necessary for this beast to continue providing money to support the family including the girl and her baby, which means he has to stay out of prison. A better form of punishment would be a penectomy (removal of the penis) do not remove the gonads. He then retains his strength and energy from natural testosterone produced by the gonads and so is capable of continuing his service or leaving the army and working in a civilian occupation but can never rape her again because he has no penis. Effectively he becomes the family wage slave.
  14. I bet he even Wang the Wong number when he was allowed his phone call
  15. Thanks ChipButty I wasn't sure about how many strains. I do know you can only ever be immune to one of them at any time
  16. As far as I am aware there are 3 strains of dengue fever. You can only be immune against one of them at any time. If you catch one of the other 2 strains, the initial immunisation for the first strain fails and you are susceptible to infection by that strain.
  17. This is a non story. As far as I am aware 'Police Custody' means incarcerated in the cells at police station. The only time people on parole are placed in police custody is when they break the terms of their parole
  18. It's the Thaiger, if you expect proper reporting you have to look elsewhere
  19. Very interesting well spotted 👍
  20. Second incident this week where the insurance company has refused payout. I wonder if it's the same insurance company in both cases
  21. Looks like 'Bob Scott's doesn't have any basic qualifications in English grammar or language. Which leads me to believe that Bob Scott is ficticious
  22. Seems to me that all expats regardless of nationality wear pathetic shorts. 🤣 Knobbly knees rule ok?
  23. I have a friend who taught English as a foreign language in an English public school. It's a certified qualification. Her students came from many different countries. No way could she be proficient or knowledgeable of the native language of all her students. Yet she succeeded in integrating them all.
  24. Yet another example of the atrocious health and safety provisions that pervade any construction work (roads or buildings) in Thailand
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