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Everything posted by RobU

  1. That's exactly what he said he wants, it means he will escape justice. He should first be prosecuted and imprisoned and deported at the end of his imprisonment. He should also pay punitive damages and all medical costs
  2. Seems like it is not a sanctuary it is a petting zoo where tourists pay to interact with the the elephant. If the elephant gives rides to tourists then it is most definitely not a sanctuary or a petting zoo it's just an elephant ride which should not attract a work visa for him. Charities are allowed to sell services as long as the profit is put back into the charity if it was a charity and he takes a salary from those profits it would be classed as part of the running costs for charitable purposes
  3. Thanks for the info until this point all posts declared it was a charitable organisation hence I presumed his ability to work in Thailand and hold a work visa was related to that. As far as I am aware no foreigner is allowed to work in Thailand without a specific work visa which is difficult to get hold of unless the work brings money into the country I would suppose that a visa for running a private Elephant ride would be very difficult since there are plenty of Thai's who can do the same.
  4. I agree and hope that is what happens, but he is not a tourist.
  5. Apparently he is on a long term work visa renewed yearly (charity official) not a tourist visa
  6. He gets his money from the Elephant Sanctuary charity. As the chief executive he can pay himself whatever he wants. it's likely that no more than 50% of donations go to caring for elephants. Wealthy Swiss contributors don't know where their money actually goes. See my previous post.
  7. I agree with you wheelchairs should only be booked in advance
  8. Charity is big business throughout the world. Usually less than 50% of donations are actually used for the purpose of the charity. Charity executives are probably the best paid people in the world compared to private companies of similar income. He is definitely taking money from the Elephant charity to fund his lifestyle, unfortunately it's quite legal. There are professional charity fundraisers who sell their services to charities and receive 50% or more of the funds they raise, again this is quite legal. Classic scam is for crooked Thai civil servants to demand that foreigners pay money to the charity of the civil servants choice before they will consider performing their duties. The extortion is given via a family member who is a fundraiser for the charity and gets a cut of the income as payment for getting the funds
  9. For god's sake he was Joking keep your inflammatory comments to yourself. Repeating the same inflammatory comment 3 times is childish
  10. He has a work visa he is allowed to work in Thailand managing his elephant sanctuary
  11. I agree. Apparently he picked on the wrong person this time. It seems that the young lady's father is an activist who has media connections hence the publicity and outrage
  12. I think there are a 2 main reasons why this man is disliked. 1. The estate he lives on is built on land formerly used for foraging for food by locals. It is now occupied by wealthy people and locals are gradually being pushed out of the area. 2. This man has a record of arrogance and abuse towards local people. There is no way such a demonstration by locals would be organised so quickly. unless he was already despised and locals are now venting their anger probably built up over the years by him lording it over them along with other wealthy people on the estate
  13. I agree with you mate, but my GP won't give a medical certificate for a chronic condition, there's no such thing. The only medical certificate you can get is for being sick off work i.e. an acute condition which probably wouldn't allow you to travel anyway.
  14. Whilst I agree with your sentiments I don't believe a valid medical certificate is a viable proposition. I have been disabled for 30 years. It is a steadily deteriorating chronic condition. I don't see a specialist my GP and I do not discuss it and I have no current paperwork or medical certificate stating my condition, it just is there. Many others are in the same boat. A letter from a medical practice can be easily forged
  15. It says the assailant had been sacked from another job. Was the attacker a former chef at terminal 21? According to another thread a chef at terminal 21 shot a security guard multiple times. I think that would be definite grounds for dismissal
  16. Unfortunately I am forced to agree with you
  17. He could have killed someone. He should face disciplinary action for gross misconduct and if found guilty should be discharged from the force. Unfortunately since he is on a 'training' course to prepare him for promotion he is probably one of the rich entitled buying his way up the ladder and will receive a gentle slap on the wrist with his misconduct redacted after a period of time.
  18. No excuse whatsoever. It is directly on to a public beach. If he doesn't want people wandering on his property he should put a fence around it and a locked gate. However I suspect that he has claimed some public land as his own and didn't want to attract the attention of the authorities. Probably had it for so long that he forgot
  19. The passenger in question did inform them according to their protocols he was not informed that he must have a companion. . He was refused at the gate being blind is not an issue on aircraft. I am disabled and have flown on other airlines the principle is disabled people are first on, last off and last off in an emergency. It is a risk we are willing to take. Staff do not have to mollycoddle us. Able bodied passengers take priority in an emergency
  20. Great stuff. Can somebody please tell me what 'Virtual Banking' is and how it differs from online banking which I do via my bank's app on my phone?
  21. 2 points 1. The supply of drinking water to households may probably be the largest cottage industry in Thailand. How many people will be thrown out of work if this is implemented? 2. Thailand is notorious for not maintaining machinery and systems. It only takes one failure in maintenance of a purification plant to poison thousands of people. Which could cause deaths especially in the elderly and the very young It's a vanity project that could do more harm than good and will increase the cost of water
  22. This is a scam to force disabled passengers to pay for another person to fly with them giving double the profit for the airline. I'm disabled and regularly fly with other airlines. I use crutches and have wheelchair assistance through all airports. I have never been refused access and I always travel alone. I call the airline before I fly to inform them that I need a wheelchair. The airline was informed of the persons disability before he attended so the airline should be made responsible and pay punitive damages to the disabled person , not just a refund.
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