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Everything posted by RobU

  1. As far as I am aware the sergeant wasn't married
  2. The woman is not a Loan Shark Loan Sharks charge extortionate interest, and do not give 6 months repayment holidays. Loan Sharks use violence to force money from their victims. She simply accepted land as security for a loan. If you think she is a loan shark then Banks could be called Loan Sharks by the same criteria Definition of a loan shark: A moneylender who charges extortionate rates of interest, typically under illegal circumstances Not all monylenders are Loan Sharks
  3. Well done. She seems to be a true Buddhist (or Christian). It's nice to see a story like this occasionally. It's a break from the relentless bad news.
  4. Well said. However there will always be people who cannot read the article properly quoting their opinion as though it was fact. They probably failed the English comprehension exams at school too😁
  5. Why wouldn't a wealthy person want to be a policeman?
  6. He was a wealthy man before he joined the RTP. His wife is also from a wealthy family. He doesn't need his RTP salary to survive
  7. Why do you assume that because he is wealthy that he is corrup? He was a wealthy man before he joined the RTP.
  8. Why do you assume that because he is wealthy that he is corrup? He was a wealthy man before he joined the RTP.
  9. It is all in previous articles posted and discussed in this forum. I am not going to spend time trawling through the ASEAN NOW website. Suffice to say that these were presented as facts by the Thai media. Use the search term 'Big Joke Thailand RTP' in a Google search or an ASEAN NOW search and see for yourself
  10. He was already a very wealthy man before he joined the RTP. His wife also comes from a wealthy family
  11. It has all been reported previously and published in this forum. Is this the first time you have read anything about him in this forum (puhleeze 🤣😂🤣)
  12. This particular policeman was a wealthy man before he joined the RTP. He does not need his RTP salary to survive.I. Believe his wife also comes from a wealthy family. His wife has persistently tried to get him to resign because of the danger he faces from the corrupt ones in high places. There have already been attempts on his life. His team is composed of policemen without wealth. He owns other houses and rents them at a highly subsidised rate to members of his team as a method of preventing corruption i.e. they don't need bribes to survive and pay off debt.
  13. Fully agree with you. One of our neighbours used to constantly play loud noise at all times (I refrain from calling it music). It came to a head when they started up at 4am. I complained, neighbor threatened me with a machete., I informed the police and made a formal complaint. Neighbor received a visit from the local police chief (the husband is a lorry driver, nuff said). Noise has stopped. They were the only people in our large village who did this. It is a significant minority who do this kind of thing, basically they are bullies asserting dominance. Most Thai's like peace and quiet too. Everything in its place I've been to quite a few rock concerts and enjoyed the loud 'music' but never took it home to annoy the neighbours. Nothing wrong with the occasional party making noise.
  14. I don't understand, you have taken my words out of context. I previously stated that in my opinion she did nothing wrong, as you say she locked the child in there so she could concentrate on the housework.The person I responded to tried to imply that there was a difference between a large cage and a baby compound. Both are cages
  15. What's in a name? It's still a cage for imprisoning children.
  16. Some people might say that you can't tar all Americans with the same brush. Yes you can tar all Americans with the same brush. They elect a government that supports murderous rampages against children in schools and does nothing to stop it, lots of sympathetic words but no action.
  17. @BangkokBarry seems to have deleted his post
  18. Good, stupid parents indulging and spoiling their sons to permit them to cause mayhem should be punished
  19. Yup we are dealing with the Thaiger
  20. This story is nearly one year old and has already been discussed in this forum. The Thaiger is dredging up old news and publishing it as new. The man in question also had an arrest warrant in place in his home county USA for firing a weapon at a bar he had been ejected from for unruly behaviour
  21. Surely this is rehashing of old news. Exactly the same story was published last year. The American in question in that article had a police arrest warrant out in his home county for firing a handgun at a bar he had been ejected from for his abusive manner.
  22. For goodness sake. She mildly disciplined the child (no evidence of injury to the child) and put her in the dog cage where the child frequently played anyway. What's the difference between that large cage and a child corral? Absolutely no story the authorities should not take the the child since she has come to no harm whatsoever.
  23. In that case it could be classed as fake news and should be reported to the cybercrime division of the RTP. Where is it stated that she is Thai?
  24. AHH, right, they are breaking the law then in collusion with a Thai Citizen?
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