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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I think it is not true , but Thailand likes to be part of everything...an asymptonic passenger spend 2 hours on the airport....So a change of airplanes in 2 hours is not so long and wy was he tested on monkeypox/? Is that a part of the new normal now?? ATK for Covid and Monkeypox?? and that while there are almost no cases worldwide...
  2. They like to wear masks more than helmets.. I see a lot of people no helmets but with masks...but now already a few days less mask wearing too... With so less cases it is not necessary anymore...
  3. As usual.. first do things than think and than ..... yeah..... no problem.. only the first days and than it is forgotten again
  4. I am still wondering why mask wearing is being promoted if the bars and entertainment venues are going to open....I see people on motorcycles alone riding with a mask but no helmet...or people alone in the car with a mask on.... How crazy ....... Go back to normal and let the peole now decide to wear a mask when and where.. According to the official numbers athere are almost no cases anymore...Stop controlling the people and this madness
  5. This money could spend much better than the for the army... They do nothing/ don't need anything becausethere isno thread and they cost too much money already with all the generals, deputy generals and deputy deputy generals....People are poor start a programme for them.. Use the money for digging electricity wiring in the ground or so
  6. Mr Prayuth has to leave in one way or another and and he will not step down freely, so good that parties will vote him away..
  7. Let the people decide if hey want to wear a mask or not.. scrap it and in public transport, big gatherings wear a mask... and everywhere else up to the person...... Go forward please instead of stand still.. Tourists will not come if they are obliged to wear a mask
  8. Maybe bake a spacecake.... than I don't smoke and pollute the air .... Who is going to check every house which has plants?? Same as wearing a helmet on a motorcycle?? Was it not better not to legalize cannabis to prevent problems?? In my opinion there is not a big need to use low THC cannabis
  9. Makro or Vila Market has it.. They are thick and very very soft... But good for soup
  10. he still doesn't realise that he failed on every front and that the country is thrown back for decades....More poverty higher debts, more pollution, more traffic accidents, more corruptions, less tourists, less expats, less freedom of speech., more discrimination, no civil Union Bill/Same sex marriage decisions, nothing done about flooding and more section 112 arrest for nothing... and he is proud he helped the country forward?? Maybe he can tell us what he achived for the welfare of the Thai people
  11. mask wearing and distance of 1,5 m .... so conversations are impossible with the too loud music in the bars....555
  12. On another website there is written that they have 40 years old vaccines... After Sinovax for Covid now using these??? But first there has to be a case of Monkeypox and there is none so far
  13. Thai do the same even on the highway.... But foreigners are blamed and nailed.......Sadly ...
  14. THe bars will sell a lot if you have to drink with your mask on ....
  15. Buy 5 of each and wait first till the monkeypox really enters the country
  16. How is it possible that a non doctor can open a clinic and do it.. Is there no institution that register clinics, no chamber of commerce that give permission.???? nothing so everyone can do as he like as long as he/she is Thai????
  17. Your idea is that you don't want that ayone come to the country if I read it.. 100 cases of Monkey pox now all over the world , Covid cases, what is next to test for? Mouth and claw diseases? swine fever? bird flu? Alcoholic? drugsaddicted? and so on and soon.. You can't prevent everything. Stay at home with the door closed somewhere on a mountain or deep in the forest so that you have don't contact with anybody and you will be save..... or get a life and yeah maybe you will be sick of something, but as long it is not deadly you will recover
  18. If Thailand get rid of 75% of all the monkeys the thread is is almost nihil... Overpopulation at the the temples and with no natural enemies they still breed and breed.. Kill them to control the number, because too many means not enough food and as we could see this week the attack students in schools to get something to eat
  19. They are totally out of control.....Why ruin the country totally??? there are a few cases all over the world, yes it must be monitord, but nothing so far to worry about and a easy treatment to cure the disease.... So why again all kind of restrictions?
  20. That is terrible yes ineed, but I know that a lot of Thai people are gambling and they loan to gamble more to win back their losses and lose again and don'y can pay bills anymore and loan for that too and so on and so on... and the debts are rising.. But if they need money for medical or school for me no problem I will help hem but not by giving money but buying the things they need so that I know that the money is spend where is was meant for
  21. I know, but is teaching them how much money for what , how and when??? and who is telling them that they will only have more problems the more they borrow?? and the consquences of their spendings?? In my neighbourhood the same......Thai culture is show that you have money even if you don't have any.... It needs culture change
  22. A terrible threat..... about 100 cases around the world....US europe and 1 in Australia... Close the borders and more restrictions than Covid..Thailand can make of nothing a big thing and big things they don't see until it is too late..... https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/news-events/epidemiological-update-monkeypox-outbreak
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