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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Wearing a face mask has nothing to do with the fragile economy but the too expensive THB and the double pricing will keep tourists away and also the restrictions on alcohol sales They don't understand that if there are other destinations which are far cheaper people will go there. In Saint and France is wine 6 7euro a bottle In Thailand you pay 5x more as an example. Thailand must welcome the foreigners but they are afraid that they will open the eyes of Thai people with more demonstrations as a result. Why can in Europe almost all taxis be hybrids? It is an investment for air quality and clean energy as in Thailand still a lot black smoke cars are polluting the air. A few examples to boost economy
  2. Thailand does not manipulate the THB. This is the proof of it
  3. Surely not the first. Taiwan did it. And still not a complete marriage but something alternative so that gay peole still dont have the same rights as heterosexuals. So please stop with pretending to be the first and so on. Do it good in one time
  4. how can a 15 year old one get a gun in the first place....and why has nobody noticed it in school, nor friends, or teachers ?? Sad that a life is lost again for an accident which was not necessary.. Is Buddhism not respect for all living things?? Than guns are not needed
  5. Thailand has only positive news about their economics and rebound of tourism.... So why worry? even bad news will make the THB stronger and without manipulation, as they claim
  6. what is the hidden meaning of this?
  7. In many countries they have the same constitution for ages, but in Thailand after every coup there is a new one written to benefit the coup makers...Why not do just as in other countries? And yes this constitution is undemocratic and no freedom...and need to be reformed for all institutions
  8. First education for parents, drivers, and policemen.. than enforcement of the traffic laws without corruption but heavy fines.....I know it is easy if you have to pay pocketmoney instead of going to the police office and pay much more, but nowadays only electronic payment should be possibe... and third, the doctors/hospitals should help people in need, without asking for money first. A good insurance and medical system should be implemented to cover the costs for everyone... If in this case the motorcyclist is caught he must be pay if he doesn't have a driverslicense or is not insured and if he insured the insurance must pay. It should be impossible to buy a motorcycle without a license and without insurance
  9. a 20 euro coin doesn't exist... besides that would be around 750 THB whle the ride was only 450.... and how many times does the same thing happen to foreigners who are conned by Thais?? So no news in fact, as now a Thai is the victim... get on with the live
  10. It would be a excellent move for the benefit of the country, but unfortunetaly it will never happen.....Money will speak again
  11. arrange a good registrationsystem and use it now for the 3 months.. after that you can see in the system how many times they broke the law , got warningsetc.. and so no excise anymore to pay heavy fines... but probably.. I don't have so money.. Okay pay 500 THB and no ticket and drive on...will be again common
  12. what is the motivation to punish for 335 years????who will live so long? Why him and not the Red Bull heir?
  13. when will this stop to punish people with an opnion even if it is against a failing Government and institution
  14. If you really want a solution then you can find one... easy to say oh there are no swimmingpools... as some else wrote already.. children can be thaught about dangers of the waters and so on ...... do nothing will never solve a problem
  15. Implement swimmingclasses in the primary schools and get the parents of their phones and watch their kids....
  16. problem of short thinking??? I wonder if they ever think??? How is it possible that every year the country is flooding without anyone doing although they have many commitees... Oh only to earn some extra money, but not for solving the problems
  17. I see road racing every day in THailand
  18. And the winner is Greece....
  19. In most countries the head of state is issue the condolances
  20. My country can by new ones instead of putting money in pockets of them who has too much already...
  21. I wasa victim of bullying too and when I hit him a few teeth of of his mouth during the rehearsels of a schoolplay, there was no problem only that I cold not play in the schoolplay anymore... And I got a terrific good parents, and my education is excellent, but i dare say if look around in Thailand than most kids aren't even brought up by his/her parents and if so they are very very spoiled ....Many don't have a clue of how to raise kids here..
  22. compensation for what?? Bullying goin on maybe for how long and when the students has enough of it now they want compensation....My parents would say go in a room together and fight till you have solved the problem
  23. I am wondering how they calculated this amount of money ... 200k is very overpaid or is it because it is a foreigner?? Than it is a good advertisement for the tourism. after non solving robberies now extreem payments for..........
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