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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I don;t know if I should vaccinate my children if they have a normal health... The kids are not very sick of Covid or Omicron under normal health, but if there are other health issues it would maybe a option to get vaccinated...But I don't have children so it is not for me to decide, but it seems that nature can provide a much better immunity
  2. As I wrote yesterday already and of course strong enforcement of the law, instead of lazy traffic police checking for taxpayment. Yesterday I drove home and I saw in my rear mirror a car speeding from the left lane over the second to the third. He drove very close on me, but I did not give way, just because there was a car in front of me and on the middle lane there was a car with a boat driving slowly. I thought he could wait a moment. But than a extra lane on my left was free. The idiot passed me and decide to drive in front of me very slowly.. I could not go anywhere because on my right the car with boat was driving and he was "blocking" the road Suddenly he went to the right and I did not know what to expect and than he decided to leave the highway and when I looked what idiot was driving I saw he gave me his middle finger... I still don't understand what I did wrong, but he was the one speeding and tailgaiting while I couldn't go anywhere.. Yes education...
  3. BUt although they said that the price would not be above the 30 THB we pay more in the meantime...
  4. Monks are very respected in Thailand and in the community, but what if a criminal becomes a monk?? How can you pay respect to him?? He doesn't deserve it and therefor it should be impossible for any criminal to become a monk.....Monkhood should be protected, and not being used for whitewash yourself...
  5. mobiles phones are the worst invention of the century... Yes I am old fashioned, but how relaxed is it that you are not always available everywhere for anyone. And be honest how much joy give it to you to know what other people are doing or where they are or wht they are eating... Even so on motorcycles and in cars it is no wonder so many accidents. The one who can invent something that block the phone when moving would be very rich...The police don't check.and don't care..... look around when you are driving how many people are watching their phone
  6. Old news.. He can not be a monk was in the news yesterday already
  7. I think 25 years ago in my country they told already that it was much safer in Thailand to cross the road somewhere else than on a zebra crossing. Enforcing the traffic laws must be done 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and not only check if you paid the tax. And a good education should be basic, not only 5 hours watching video's to get a drivers license.. Get good instructors and let candidates drive at least 30hours with an instructor before they can get a driverslicense. Teach them how to take part and deal with different situations instead of steering and gaz given.... Stop kids riding motorcycles, because they don't have a clue and will learn things in the wrong way and once a habit it is difficult to chance. And the police has to stop being lazy But I will dream on
  8. In can not imagine that there is the same work speed and load as in in western country. In Asia it is all if not today than tomorrow so burn out by too much work is very rare..the opposite of the Western workload/speed. and yes holidyas can increase the productivity, but than people have to stop with the 24/7 economy here and have at least 1 day for all people off, instead of working every day and with no work no money it only increase the burn outs
  9. Holiday is a holiday and if it a Saturday or a Sunday there is no need to to give an exra day off. Thailand has a 24/7 economy. There are too many holidays... it should be reduced...15/16 holidays should be enough..
  10. Strange that as the government oppose e cigarettes , the people agree with it, but I see many smoking e cigarettes... Besides that normal cigarettes are no problem, as so, why should e cigarettes be??
  11. Apparently they expected a long lockdown to keep so much pork in the fridge...the scams never end
  12. the people who leave will be member of other parties, so that the chance they are elected again again is growing bigger and so the current MP's will be back after the next elections.. and nothing chance only the names of the party
  13. Thais can make loud music, foreigners not. But 3am is indeed no time to have a party with a lot of noise.. But we don't know how often in the neighbourhood there was noise at night so it could be a revenge..
  14. https://www.diagnosticcentres.in/healthcare-article/all-you-need-to-know-about-the-deltacron-variant https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10309153/Risk-DUAL-infection-Omicron-Delta-create-new-super-mutant-variant.html
  15. If it is true that there is a problem apparently as British scientists said it could be a deadly strain...
  16. I can't save 1.4 million baht in 2 years.. I even don't in 5 years time.. I have to live too and pay my bills
  17. I am happy I don't need to eat this.... Come on guys.... there is much better food in Thailand available... Give the kids a decent meal.....No one to find to sponsor??
  18. But not in Thailand were the numbers are the less than 10.000 a day.
  19. Delivery guys..... they should be banned from the road. They are always tailgating, speeding, pass at places that they can't oversee and watching their phones... It is a wonder that there are no more accidents.. and in the dry season it is sand, in the rainy season it is the rain and if there is no rain , sand, oil or whatever it are the "others" or brake failures...
  20. they can grill and complain, but nothing will happen...with a backup of 250 friend senators it is impossible to get changes... Even with new elections it is uncertain ..
  21. Several countries are very careful with vaccinate kids... Reason is that they are not very sick if there are no underlying diseases and the question remains what the effects will be on the long term for them. As long as nature can provide immunity no vaccine is necessary. Even for adults it is questionable to get a 4 or 5th booster because of a chance of damaging the natural immune system which could be irreverse able
  22. Can they write it down not to nominate or support Prayuth?? In the land of tricks is this a tricky one.. promises are not valid here
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