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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. from 19th century carriages to mid 20th century carriages is a big improvement....
  2. We don;t care... next March there are new election and he will be gone for sure
  3. It should be in the constitution that maximum 8 years Pm and also not older than 70..... You see old people who has to manage the country can't sleep during a meeting. another example that they are not suitable for the job
  4. If a correct autopy is done it is clear what the cause of death is and not presumably..... Still fishy
  5. always easy to match afterwarths
  6. a dance teacher walking on the Walking street in Pattaya and had thaught many actors at 3 am??? What dances and where I am asking myself.. I never had a danceclass at midnight in a neighbourhood with poledance bars
  7. It seems you don't want to understand
  8. So still no license.... Okay a license as restaurant, but nothing more.....
  9. who is in power now??? Mr Prawit ?? or still mr Prayuth???
  10. It just that you can blame everybody if you want..... inspectors did their job but did not follow up in a way of speaking. If want to hit the dog you always can find a stick.......
  11. the meeting: Hoe much did you get??? I did not get so much.. If he pays us all equally he can stay in power..... End of meeting
  12. Blame the battery factory for malfunctioning batteries.... Almost same as they do for Mountain B
  13. for the same reason the electrician is charged.... they had to control if it was really a restaurant and act as it became a nightclub.. It is endless for Thai people to blame other people, so let us do it too
  14. As usual everybody to blame... the electrician, the constructor next, the manufacturers... of the ceiling and curtains, tablea and doors and make the list longer.. and what about the officials, as there was no license? the police who did not check and enforce? and make the list longer...but the the owner/manager are responsible at first place
  15. making a law is one thing enforce it is another... Today 5 September heavy fines for no helmets... We were on the road a lot, but haven;t seen 1 policeman, but a lot of people with no helmets. Same will be for seatbelts. How can you oblige people in the car to wear a seatbelt as in the back of the car the rest of the family/friends/workers are sitting/laying without anything?? Means that if you don't want to wear a belt go sit in the back and no problems??? where will it be enforced only highways and not provincial and secondary roads?? How about cars which are already seems to be 50 years old?
  16. a child under 13.... so above 13 it is ok??? I think the law should be changed in at least 17 and sexual molestation is never allowed no matter what age
  17. the counry moving on???? since when???
  18. She is an Olympic champion.... That means she was really the best of the world, as the whole world participate in the Games....
  19. I see many scooters driving with 3 almost 90km a hour and they are looking backwarths to talk with eachother and no helmets....Speeding seems to be the norm here. Why not limit the speed of motorcycles to 50km ??? So easy to do
  20. here in Thailand never millions of dollars are being paid.. Yes the fines for foreigners are much higher than for Thai people, but first of all look very clearly what happened. In my country you need to wear helmets, and have a driverslicense otherwise you are not insured and can't claim just to start with. In the video the motorcyce is at high speed and as we all know in Thailand nobody can slow down. Normally if they slowed down the impact was less severe...
  21. The pictures don't show clear what happened. Only the story tells the motorcycle at high speed and the couple who wanted to make a u turn....
  22. Accidents happens everywhere in the world, however because of a lack of education and law enforcement a lot of unneccessary accidents happen here in Thailand. 3 on a motorcycle is asking for trouble, and they don't pay attention at the traffic but are busy talking with eachother or playing cellphones. Sad for the parents, but when do people learn as it is daily news. The fact that a foreigner this time did it, should not make a difference.
  23. The problem is not the pub the lack of enforcement of the law and the corruption ... so good that he is on an inactive post now.
  24. That is maybe not a problem. The problem can be the THB that is getting more and more expensive and lower your income as we have seen in the last years
  25. Every week/month we read about the recovery of tourism.... and nothing new only changing numbers from TAT which have no clue who are tourists and expats/businessmen/or Thai coming back from holiday etc.... every arrival is a tourist.. Luckily I am 2 times in the figures already
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