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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Thai people should stop getting loans from other people.. Interests are too high and some people must be paid back whatever it costs . Than you get situations like this. Education how to spend money that you earn is a must. Don't buy anything if you can't afford it and don't borrow if you can't pay back. Thai sosciety is based on the image that you must look "rich" and can not be poor, the reason why many people spent too much money and the household debts are so high. It is the blame of the Government that encourage people to go on holiday, give extra holidays, and doesn't educate people
  2. I ma over 60 but look likes 59 so no nee dfor me... Why wait till mid June with so less cases ??? Start the first of JUne. In Indonesia they could announce it and the next day nobody neede to wear a mask anymore only in some places
  3. If they drive slower and more carefully it would safe a lot of petrol
  4. and that for in fact a few cases in countries far from Thailand..
  5. They are used to drive at the wrong side of the roads, so nothing new
  6. AirBnB were not allowed a few years back... where do they come from??
  7. It is a bit late for that... THey had 7 years time to do a good performence but they failed on everything, and before the committee has found out what went wrong, the new elections are done already next year..
  8. The whole immigration and visa system has to be modernized... There are too many visas with too many rules and it makes things unclear..Just tourist visa, long term visa, and that is it. scrap 90 days reports, Thailand Pass, that's it... Enter 2022 instead of a lot bureaucratic rules, copies, and everything... Make life easy
  9. It depends how many cases there are in reality.. 200 cases seems a lot, but is probably only the tip of the iceberg... And considering what is happening in the fishing industry and other businesses, as long working hours and other circumstances is also a part of human abuse/trafficking....
  10. I really hope that he will start to change , reform and improve things in Bangkok. It would affect the rest of the country in a positive way too. It will shows that everything is possible
  11. The RTP need a deep and stron reform as they show everytime they are not capable of doing their jobs...
  12. it is common on Thailand to use violence whatever reason there is... Everyone does it..Hitting in schools, in police stations, for looking at somebody, not long a go a mother with a kid not even 2 years old at the Big C....The kid wanted something and the mother said no and when she asked a gain she was beaten..... Education???
  13. If they should wear helmets as they wear masks on the motorbikes it would save a lot of lives
  14. 10% or less of the eldery people is not representative for all elderly people.. You give 2 examples... I can give another of a woman of 100 years old did skydiving.. Does that mena that all old people are skydiving??
  15. Funny to read somewhere that they are using now artificial Intelligence for the Thai Pass.. Obvious the people in charge can't do it themselves..An health insurance required is not the problem only if you have to buy it from a Thai company.. My travel insurance is covering medical expenses that should do... and why a difference between Thai nationals and foreigners?? expats and retirees living here should be exempted.... they live here and pay taxes.... and if you want to be attractive to tourists scrap the whole Thai Pass. And than the unvaccinated.. They can come with only a ATK test at arrival... Do they really know what they are doing??
  16. they better spend the money for real solutions instead of solving the problem after floodings... Prevention is always better and cost less...
  17. It is strange that brake failure is many times the cause of an accident... It seems that the driver have never needed to stop before... at home, to eat, to load or unload, traffic lights, toll way.... and never problems.... only when there is an accident
  18. How does they say it???? Sex sells??? I am wondering why there is a topic like this every day on this forum now..
  19. It is not the Ukranian war .........it is the excuse they use .........Ukraine is producing sunflower oil...but price in Thailand doesn't need to rise so much as the country can produce enough for itself, but they export because the prices are rising worldwide and the profits they can make are higher.... Nothing for theown people but everything for the greed of the super wealthy here already
  20. I think that it is manipulated by the whole sellers to make more profits by export to other countries.. partly to upgrade the bad economic figures of the country and secondly for he profit caused by the Ukranian war...The greed is unlimited
  21. 22 years and he need Viagra?? At that age I could smash a window with my toy.
  22. There were 5 years before the Covid and the PM did nothing... Than Covid came and again a bad organized vaccination program, and draconic rules to bring the country down.. Now he blames the Ukraine war, that is only now 3 months.... At all overseen he did nothing for the country except bring it down.. Things he couldhave changed were, the Gay Marriage/Civil Union Bill, lower house hold debts, less corruption, better policeforce, less traffic deaths, better watermanagement .... but nothing has happened.. Shameful
  23. Stray dogs should be picked u and put in asylum...they are a pain in the ass for many people, and people who like them should take them at home and keep them them on their premises
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