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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Indeed I did not need a vaccine too.... The alcohol alone was enough.... Man o man 5 large and small bottles
  2. The first quarter is disrupted by Omicron, the second quarter by...... and the third quarter by.... Predictions every day and reasons why more than we can find...
  3. Nationwide..... But in Phetchaburi there was las night an outdoor party ( according to the bass boom boom) till after 23.00 and that is no problem?? Restaurants have to close, but other parties where they drink alcohol, sing, is no problem....
  4. Nice words for censorship....If you write or broadcast what we don't like we revoke your license
  5. Maybe tourists will come once and when they notice the scam and greed, they go home and tell people there what a nice country Thailand is, but that the greed is overwhelming and that instead of pay a visit to this country, they better can spend their money somewhere else.. I know it is not so much 300 THB, but it is again extra cost and who likes to pay all the time more and more for nothing. If you ruin your tourist industry it is very difficult to rebuilt it.. But TAT will say otherwise
  6. Expected something else??? and how about the native population??
  7. I don't fear Omicron, but i agree with you completely..
  8. Totally agree, but in my house I make the rules if and how and when you are welcome.....If you don't like that do not come..... for countries and events it is the same..If I refuse you to enter my house because you are not vaccinated, you can go to court, but it is still my house and you will not enter. Why for the rich make exceptions??
  9. If he was a "normal" person, the courtwould have ruled differently.... But he is a celibrity, brings spectators to theAustralian Open and has a lot of money to pay...... so... please
  10. peopel only talk about heir rights, but never about their obligations...my rights can be a problem for others, do I have defend my right only?? My rights are also important for me. Mr Djokovic should or get a vaccine or not play.. Easy for me
  11. The item of vaccinated and un vaccinated are troubling in many countries..I am open minded, and for me no problem if someone refuse to be vaccinated, but on the other hand they must accept that there are restictions too.. We are all sheep and we follow eachother and if you walk out of the herd it is your right.... Besides indeed many people will get covid I agree, vaccinated or not, but I believe that if you are vaccinated you will be less sick and also don't use the health care service, which unvaccinated probably need more because their illness is more severe. That gives a reason for discussion, because if you choose not to get vaccinated do you still want the best health care? Similar discussions are about smoking and lung cancer too and alcoholic with serious diseases or people who refuse measles vaccines because their religion. at least in my country. If it is your choice to live unhealthy do the healthcare have to pay for you?? Everyone always claims their rights, but I never hear people about their obligations..
  12. The problem here is that people are not thaught to think but to believe what the Government tell them..You are not allowed to go against them, because in the culture they are higher than the normal people.. As I said, I live a happily life, but if there are people telling that certain people don't want to follow the rules it could be a butterfly effect... and every foreigner is the same....Same in fact for Djokovic, He should be an example for the people instead of being an antivaxxer, because that is the a minority...If don't want to be jabbed he should not participated in the game. it would give the same signal as he did now... But always there are people who are rich think they are above the law
  13. I am living here already for a long time and I notice that the atmosphere is changing...Of course if you smil they smile back, and as I wrote the people are not the problem, but the blames of the Government.. The foreigners bring Covid, Omicron, foreigners don't wear masks, don't follow the rules and much more.... But you missed that part I think. And no I am happy here and have no intentions to move... But if they wnat o attrack more foreigners they should make you feel welcome and as I wrote also if you see how some tourists are being treated, It is not a real welcome.. just one example... we went to visit Malaysia a few years back and at the immigration they were very friendly and smiled that I was standing with my mouth open... Such a difference with the immigration here... Even if you smile it doesn't work...
  14. Many foreigners have noticed how welcome they are, how good they are taking care for..... I feel sorry for the population, but the Government talks a lot but don't really want the foreigners.. Many examples of the last year. For those who think different several embassies had to vaccinate their citizens here, because of all kind of problems, Yes Thailand is beautiful, the food is delicious, most people are very friendly, but rules makes us feeling not welcome
  15. Better can buy a few chickens by yourself... They can eat the leftovers and eggs so many you can't eat them all...First the pork, the petrol, the broccoli and cauliflower, chicken meat and now the eggs...What is next??
  16. Teenagers between 16-20 years old..And where are the parents?? should 16-18 years old not be at home at a normal time instead of partying late at night in these times?? taking illegal drugs?? I did not know that there were legal drugs too.. In general if people don't want to follow the rules than it should be easy ..... make a curfew and close the entertainment industry again.. The entertainment industry and people want to open, but if they can not behave responsible than they have to bear the consequences...
  17. They are preparing.. Today the schools opened . I am wondering how long it will take before they close again... Kids are not vaccinated yet and very vulnerable and although adults are vaccinated which make you maybe less ill , you are still ill and can infect others...and with all the cocktails vaccines, who knows if it gives enough protection
  18. Enforcing the law must be done everyday.. People need to follow the rules to make live comfortable for everyone.. Not just as yesterday a movie at a temple at least 1km away which we could follow in my living room... Probably too many people and too much noise..and a Karaoke bar they switch into a barbeque restaurant singing till 0.00 every day...customers or not....I will never understand
  19. The PCr test is just an example... there is much more...as you probably know..as double pricing, double standards ....how often do you read on the internet about foreigners fined for..... That is what I mean with scam not only the PCR tests.....
  20. It is not onlyCovid that ruined the tourist industry.. It accelerated it indeed, but still with many hurdles for tourists before they can come on holiday,the expensive THB, the blaming of foreigners of the pandemic in Thailand , and the changing restrictions day by day are also reasons for tourists to stay away. Welcome your guests and they will come....
  21. sure you are right, but other countries around the world have the same problems, but othe rsolutions and they don't keep tourists with no symptons in a hospital for their own costs.. That is greed and scam for expensive PCR tests.... That kind of things have a negative influence on the tourists that will come and on the last weeks your read much more about how tourists are being treaten... Indeed I feel sorry for the people working in and around the tourist industry, but they have to blame the Government and not the tourists
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