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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Strange if you are in quarantaine in a hospital if there are no of only mild symptons.. It is all about money apparently
  2. Less than Monday and the checkpoints are useless if you see the stupid driving on the road. In a checkpoint everybody should be checked for driverslicense and do alcohol test instead of watching if you have the correct tax sticker. This week I was threatened by a driver a few meters after the checkpoint because I did not let him switch to the lane I was in. We stood still be thought apparently my lane was going faster. Passed the checkpoint he drove in front of me and braked and drove slowly to impress me. If he was really in such a hurry he better could drive instead of doing this stupid manoevre because now he lost more time
  3. It is unknown why the price is rising...Every business has to be killed I believe.. A lot of restaurants are closed so there is no more demand for pork, and with high prices people don't buy much pork too. But chicken is also rising at the moment..It seems that everyone is compensating for the losses. Pork farmers sell less pigs so the price goes up. It seems that they will earn the same amount, but if the people don't buy anymore because the price is too high, they will get in serious problems. So no the government must not interfere.. Let the market do its job..
  4. The virus and more people vaccinated.. for example, but you can find some yourself if you think, I believe
  5. No of course not, but do you miss so much when it 2 year canclelled??Next year everything will be normal again probably, but now with the possible restrictions in sight it would be better to take precautions first . It will cost less than restrictions till April again
  6. I am sorry but I don't believe anything about a super spreader. Indeed the couple had Omicron, but they did not bring the infection to 11 districts.. Indeed it spreads through the air and 1,5m distance doesn't seem enough, but on the other hand the symptons are much milder than the Delta, and nobody knows where he/she will get infected and by who. Silly to blame just 1 couple.. The other infections came from the Muslims who came back from Mekka. It is better to accept that Covid is everywhere around us, and we must be careful not to get it, but we even can't say we don't have it because of less symptons... In fact we are all super spreaders than. But you can't be blamed for somethin you are not aware of
  7. Smart move to hold the ATK numbers, we test not so many people and those who do the ATK test and will be positive can rise the numbers too high, so denying the truth everything looks well.
  8. The only way to do anything is let the police enforce the law, instead of getting money and drive on... Every day on the road overloaded pick up's with fruit, furniture, or other things that should already be to much for 2 cars and trucks with too much hay,or overloaded with everything, Sometimes they are stopped by the traffic police, they pay something and drive on, but mostly nothing happens. I should say don't warn them anymore and keep the car unload it till what is allowed and drive on, or they have to arrange something else. Not once a month but every day. If you keep it checking for several months they will learn.
  9. I will never understand why one color should surpress the others.... People should look at the inside, before judging if white is better than......
  10. I was once in a school were a Afro teacher was hired, but got fired because they said that the kids were afraid of him because his black skin. In my opinion there was nothing wrong with the man. He was kind, energetic, and good in his teachings, but according to school he was too black. I know that dark skinned Thais are also humiliated sometimes, but I always tell the students that black is beautiful... Yes in Western world we like dark skinned, but here in Thailand people do everything to look white, because it is related to rich.... So change the public opinion here first that black or white doesn't matter
  11. Do you think he wants to come back for a holiday soon??
  12. If the people on motorcycles would wear helmets as they are wearing masks a lot of lives would be saved
  13. If they close the schools again, let them be closed till after Songkran, because for 2 months it is no worth to start up. It is a pity but the Government has made a mess of the education this year.
  14. Thais are vulnerable to omicron because the first doses of Sinovac were not effective enough, later they started to give third/booster of Astra and Pfizer. Moderna has just entered the country. Indeed all the vaccines are less effective after a few months, but with the mix nobody knows exactly how long and how good you are protected... And we don't think about lesser doses they would give under the skin or jab as they wanted to do... It are dangerous times surely because the holiday celebrations are going to start and not being cancelled to control the outbreak.
  15. So they have opened the country and invited the tourists to bring a new strain in the country?? With the mass foreign tourists double vaxed and overtested it is almost impossible, but nobody knows who could bring it to Thailand.. Same as there is a now a prediction of 20k-30k a day after the New Year Celebrations...As foreigner I stay away from that, because they blame me ...( no worry I never go to mass groups of people)
  16. Was there no ban on fake news??? indeed a lot of hotels have still rooms available..But the head pretends different
  17. 350 days a year it is no problem, but only with Songkran and New Year the campaign.. Never see anything on TV to make people aware... Nor many tests at a checkpoint. In my country the police check everybody on alcohol at a checkpoint, even if you had 1 glass, but here they look for payment of tax and go can go...Or today I noticed that drivers avoided the checkpoint by driving on the frontage road and get back behind the police on the mainroad.. No police on the frontage road to stop or check them or me
  18. money needed by selling ATK tests?? 3 tests a day ???? You can't stop it anymore. Omicron is in the country and now take measures to pevent spreading instead of testing people, because probably they won't do it unless they feel sick, but than it is too late.
  19. why prepare??/ They better can cancel all celebrations and travels now to prevent a new outbreak...
  20. They have predicted that it could go to 20k to 30k a day early 2022. If they know that already I am wondering why they don't cancel the celebrations and travelling..Should it be the same as Songkran? with all the restrictions that will follow...
  21. If people have common sense they would know that 3,5 % interest in a month is not realistic in these time.. that is also background... and how it was possible is not for me to find out , but I know that you must be realistic
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