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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Is that the food kids get in school to eat?? Thai food is good food, but this is......... not worth eating it...Give decent food made by a decent cook . It is important for kids to have a good meal maybe it is the only good meal they can have as some kids are very poor...
  2. not even a tropical storm........I saw on Tv and thought it was a mini tsunami.... but amazing that there are no precautions for things like things as a longer beach, higher ground, or build a bit further from the beach.
  3. An airport packed with 160 tourists....... Surely must be high season
  4. Drugs use by a monk?? Is there nobody who checks people before and during their monkhood?? It is not the first incident that happens in a temple in Thailand. I believe it time that the rules for monks and novices are being reviewed an being more strict... Ho can people respects monks if there are people like this in temples?? I feel sorry for the boy and his family as you think it is a safe place in a temple,. Are kids nowhere safe in Thailand?
  5. drugs online no problem, alcohol sales online BAN!!!
  6. Brothers in arms.... litteraly....
  7. If there is no law the police will invent one.....
  8. I am wondering what the policy is... wear a mask as soon as they are departed they start serving food.. every one masks off... The virus will sleep than?? and before landing mostly again food or a snack everybody masks off again... How do they think mask wearing will prevent spreading the virus in the cabin?? No food no drinks??
  9. Comstitutional court and Payuth and his friends is that not the same??? The court always decide in favor of them????
  10. choose one senator and you will get the whole family too... It shoud be impossible.. How can you trust that the country and the people get honest and fair opinions and rules if everyone brngs his/he rfamily with them...It should be forbidden by law. and if there is no law make one asap.
  11. THailand with it own democracy, will never be a democratic country. Now they are already trying to ban Move Forward after they banned Future Forward.. In a real democracy people are allowed to express their meaning in favor of or against subjects and Government. Here in Thailand everyone who doesn;t agree can get sanctioned by section 112 because they use as they like. Besides a group of 250 friends that always back you up is not democratic too.. It gives the opposition no chance to win. These senators should not have a vote at all, but maybe a advice. How many censure debates has this Government already survived?/ In other countries there would have been new elections already. But the influence of the army and high ranked persons in this Government make it impossible to get rid of them... So again they can grill and grill but nothing will happen.
  12. mmmm even with 6 shots......so how will he explain that???
  13. Strange that people know where to gamble for long times, and the police never have a clue. Same for drugsdealing, I see it in my neighbourhood, drugs are easily sold the dealer is caught several times, but always the family paid some money , so he never went to jail. Loud music even in the Covid time when big parties were forbidden, and the police did not know and did not interfere... Apparently the only com in acton if there are rel complaints, but I am wondering who is behind it??? I know but I can't write down here, but usually has to do with envelopes
  14. It is a great step for recognizing the samesex relationships..... Is it a sign that the Gay Marriage is coming soon??
  15. One solution... send the attackers to a boarding school for re-education... Shameful. And when do the schools start to teach that violence is never a way of solving problems and 1 against 4/5/6/7/8/ or more is cowardly....These things are not normal
  16. THe biggest question in this article is .. is Thailad backt to normal?? But what is normal in Thailand??? When I cam in THailand it look very normal, but now a few coups later and totally incompetent Government of the past 7 years they ruined the country so much that it will take years to be the same as 20 years ago. It has lost a lot of its charm.. Last week, just an example we wanted to walk to a cave . Always could go with a car up to themountain, but now it should be parked at a tempe, but we were hiking so walked on the road to go up, but a guard cam and told us we had to buy a ticket and go with specal shuttle, but we told we are hiking have no intention to visit the cave, because there is nothing to see , but no impossible.. My Thai friend was very annoyed that the dared to ask money for nothing and now wondering why there are no visitors anymore... normal?? It Kao Luang in Phetchaburi
  17. The Islam around the world is medieval and should be banned... Do they have rights for women to dress as they like? or in some countries the right to drive a car?? Religion is what someone believes and NOBODY can say if that is good or wrong, because in the end the believers will be judged..Or is terrorism less worse than a samesex marriage? for the marriage nobody dies. And alcohol? Do you think it is so bad so have a glass of wine that you will burn forever? and the obligation to go to mosque every Friday???and so on and so on... No religion is a personal things and the christians pushed everyone ages ago to convert, and the islam is even worse because there duty is to convert the whole world.. Better to get rid of all religions
  18. If there is no problem, we make problems.... Why do people show stupid things and why is the media jumping on it??? There is much more important news than this kind of nothing
  19. I hope they all come to every site were there is loud noise.. Covid made life much quieter and now the Thai peole hear how much noise they always produced....So Loud n oise call the police
  20. and that in a country were women has far less rights than men
  21. Oh oh... the Government and education commission doesn't like to hear this.... Good at last somebody who dares to change things..... The country need a lot more of these men in the new Government
  22. they want the Travel Pass back asap..... Try to plan a trip is very difficult, because if I book now for October I don't know what will happen if I come back.
  23. Again?? why are they not found by the police...It seems that it are the same and with cameras everywhere it should be possible to find them... but......
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