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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Coyote dancing in the temple compounds are never a problem. and also copulating movements by dancers..But that are not foreigners
  2. NO news.. same kind of accidents are normal in Thailand....
  3. flipflopping is normal in Thailand...many examples done already by the Government and officials
  4. Big dildos on the markets , in the middle of the road for good luck or harvest, for good sales are no problem.. Sunbathing in a bikini however is the worst there is in Thailand.. except in the bars...and that for a lot of nothing in the land known for its sex
  5. Will never happen.. Thailand wants to keep the people dumb as they are a thread for the Government and the army as their eyes will open and they start to think... They see how many things need to change and how the Government and amrmy are failing year after year... So talk about reform and change is ok.. but in reality keep the same..Best example is the no fail policy.. In my classes kids who didn't do anything in a whole year or even missed half of the classes passed and went to the next grade...Ever seen educational programs on TV? No it must be fun and singing and acting and screaming, but nothing educational ...Thailand people have fun...
  6. Thailand and digital things are not matching.. many examples.. Mor Prom, 90 days reporting, systems not connected to eachother, etc etc..
  7. The whole non sale alcohol law is outdated and has no use.. If you can drink between 11 and 2 you can still make accidents and so selling and buying after 2 pm will not solve that. Besides tourists on the beach or sitting on a terrace on holiday like to drink a wine or a beer while watching people... But by this law it is forbidden and so tourist are not pleased and will stay away, as in other countries there is not such a law.. Thailand has to grow up and make people responsible for their own deeds. Sell alcohol to people over 21 yrs old for example and by doubt ask for a id.. and a good working control of RTP instead of pocketfilling officers will do more good. And of course fines should be big for the sellers who sell to minors..But who cares about anything here? Minors in pubs, on motorcycles, using drugs, carrying weapons...and the Government and everybody don't care about it.
  8. That is what I mean, Thais don't learn anything and nothing will change...The only way to make it better is strict control, but by the corrupt RTP and other officials/institutions, outdatred ;laws as always passing, they can't never solve the problem... It will take a least 60 years....but alas.. ity is their country and stupidity
  9. Sunbathing is forbidden in Thailand ... Nothing wrong with this, but again just an example why tourists don't choose Thailand anymore.. It seems that everything they do is wrong.. Laying on a grassfield... inappropriate... vaping get fined and forbidden( while police is doing itself), pictures with a leg out of a skirt at a temple.. not allowed.. and list can go on and on..
  10. There is a big need to reform section 112.. It is abused for anti Government protesters and has nothing to do with the real meaning of the law
  11. tragic that this is possible indeed.. No responsibility of parents and /or teachers to let 5 kids drive a motorcycle and of course the lack of real enforcement of the laws in general by the RTP. So sorry for the wasted life, but it could have been prevented
  12. same footprint as we sometimes see in and around temples??? or was it one legged Dino???
  13. The people with debts are to blame for spending more than they could afford.. Nothing more... The poor will get nothing or don't know there is help. Today on the news in Khampeng Phet province a boy of M2 14 yrs old living with his grandparents in a I don't know how to call it a shelter of plastic and bamboo and no money for food except what the boy can get from a temple.. Happily a teacher is helping them now... A shame that such things still exist in Thailand..... And there is no help for them... But the ones who have spend too much are being helped again...
  14. Is there a post Covid recovery in Thailand?? I see still a lot of people wearing facemasks and it is still promoted by the officials to keep it doing.. There almost every week news about how much Covid there still is in THailand, as we can read again in the news about the new strain... and there is still pushing to get vaccines or boosters.. It seems Thailand still struggles with Covid while the rest of the world goes on
  15. I am sure that something is the matter with you if I read ll your comments.. Probably you are the only one who his the highest IQ in the world...Therefor i don't need to be a doctor, but maybe you have to go and see one
  16. Probably never read this news before as you would know that at first the indication was high blood pressure now it are different things. I am not a doctor, but you can read what the disease is and what treatments are possible... The doctors will decide, but you get informed instead of not knowing what you talk about
  17. Just google heart valve disease and see that he can live a normal life... so need to stay in the hospital.. But he get his high bloodpressure pill every morning as medication and so case closed
  18. Several years back we travelled by train in daytime from Bangkok to Surat Thani to go Koh Samui.. It took a whole day to reach Surat and we were happy we could take the last ferry.. All because the train stopped at every hollow tree that seems to have a station. But what to expect from railways built in the 19th century and never upgraded, maintained, renewed?? Now promoting the train is a bit too early.. Make a decent infrastructure and than promote the travels instead of accepting bookings and never know if the train will arrive in time or arrive at all
  19. Indeed.. watching a foreign movie is undoable by all the blurring.. even a glass wine, beer, a cigarette a bikini everything seems to be inappropriate in worlds most known sex country
  20. no so much... pay a bit and let her be in prison and than suddenly she is suffering of high bloodpressure and all problems solved.. Another option I can not mention here
  21. Is that not education??? drugs and alcohol and driving?? Or is it accepted?
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