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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I am afraid too if I have to fly with Thai Air.. is not as smooth as silk anymore
  2. I know a place where they can find many more
  3. With a good registration system instead of the stupid registration in the blue book. People live everywhere but not in the place they are registered, there is no control about anything. Register people where they live, what they do and what they have. Better for the country to tax people, many don't pay taxes although they earn a lot and you get a better idea who is in need and you can help. Now nobody knows anything so indeed numbers in Thailand are unreliable
  4. It was a hidden vote buying thing...They know and knew already it was impossible, for many reasons.. too expensive, too difficult to implement, too sensitive for corruption, and in line with the so called constitution... But they have the votes, they are in power and they have to save their face now
  5. I think you misunderstand, but alas it are not only the retirees...but keep the old law about forbidden labours, don't educate people in schools and on the road, let all the prIoblems solve by themselves. More single expats who come work in Thailand, get a Thai partner, get a better income, get kids, with better education, and will help the country forward, but as long as the country don't want changes, nothing will work and everything will go back. If you are Thai you know what the people around you complaining, if you are a foreigner open your eyes and see what is going on
  6. If Thailand would be a more modern country with review of many outdated laws, easier for expats, stopped the double pricing, and took care of their own population by decent driverseducation, normal education, good working policeforce, things would be better. But now expats don't come to retire anymore because of all the visa hussle,double pricing, alcohol ban sales, vaping, very dangerous roads, and the Thai people don't see any benefit for having children when the struggle to make ends meet at the end of the month, have also to take care of their parents, as with 3000 THB a month nobody can live, no future for kids and labour, as almost every job is low paid except working in the government or because relations with high ranked friends and so we can continue.. All because the army and his cronies are holding the country back and Move Forward, who wants to solve problems is being blocked with all kind of reasons, only because the current dinosaurs are afraid of losing money....
  7. Typical... first do and than think... water shortages are in sight and drought all over the country because less rainfall, but 3 weeks watersplashing is no problem. and the government has no idea that people outside Thailand don't even know this event and maybe will be amused if they come for a visit
  8. It is normal in Thailand to drive at the wrong side, and after 17.00 there is no police anymore only in the police offices.. so no news in fact and accidents like this will happen more this year
  9. yes I believe that too,, but the truth will be different probably.. fleeing after an accident is normal in Thailand.. probably drugs, alcohol, speeding or whatever, and high ranked persons, because a 5 million Porsche can't buy everyone...
  10. Move Forward shows again that they want reform the country to a " normal" country instead of army based one. Yes courage and wisdom and vision. How are we in need of these people
  11. noise pollution is all over the country everyday and for every event. Cars blasting that there are temple activities, or markets, or new cars or motorcycles or just name it.. Music is played by neighbours, bars, in cars at temples or parties outside that you can hear miles further. No wonder people have to play louder and louder as they all have eardrum damages already, but no one cares ....Police doesn't do anything as they say everybody has the right to party...or earn money...But health is not important, no wonder that sometimes people loose it. Noise id even a torture method
  12. Thais don't do the same??? Deaths and traffic accidents enough as proof
  13. The man said many years ago that he wanted to be Thailands 1st president.. I think that is violation of section 112 and need to be punished, but everybody seems to have forgotten it
  14. The open every box to prevent that Pita ever will be in the Government.. a suspended sentence can be in his way the next time .. He could have better a jailtime done in Australia because that is no problem. as it was not in Thailand... So no ban because of section 112, mediashares now they have something new.. Amazing Thailand
  15. it are only elephants.. make them with other pics, colors etc and no problem
  16. without prior notice??? I don'[t believe it.. Everything in Thailand must look fine and good, so probably it was announced that someone came to check and everybody was at his best till he left... Than business as usual ....
  17. A verdict for something 5 years ago. What did the court do all these years?? Justice in Thailand.. A fugitive comes home after 15 years .. should be in prison, but is so called in a hospital and get probably parole after 3 hours in prison, but using loudspeakers or as they throw everything in section 112 and see how big the punishments are. Seriously that section 112 is outdated and too strict. And of course a reason to blame Pita and Thanathorn, but a convicted from Australia is no problem in the Government. How low can they go........... Justice and democracy in Thailand...
  18. probably he is afraid that if the 10k scheme is cancelled he will be charged with vote buying, which is in fact true too
  19. another teen involved murder... A shortage of education and too much attention in the news.. Thailand like to copy so stop with broadcasting the clips they have made. Just mention what is goin on once and finish instead of showing the clip 10 times and talking about it for 30 minutes... the attention the more fame for the criminal
  20. I know but that is no answer on my question... Normally the government propose and make laws, and the parties ruling and opposite discuss them and vote. But here everything seems to go first to another institution and than back with or without approval of the institution. If the institutions have so much power why need an elected Government?
  21. Compare this case with a section 112 case..... Obvious the latter is far worse. And even the CC doesn't see that the punishment for section 112 are too severe for too little
  22. Before the decision is made it will be probably 2026...Same sex marriage takes 2 decades too
  23. I am wondering who is in charge in THailand.. We have a Government but they have to wait for the EC, CC, Senate and the NACC to make any decision. What is the use of a government than if everybody must have a say
  24. Sounds nice but 40-50% are Thai tourists.....What is a definition of a tourist in Thailand?? Someone living in Thailand and sleep in another place for a few days? Than it is only domestic tourism and is no new money coming in the economy
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