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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Compare the number of tourists when the THB was 40/45 for a euro, If a tourist want to have a beer at 15.00 as that is not abnormal, it is not allowed. In other countries they can order a beer whenever they want...Holiday is meant for relaxing, and if I want to vape I should not be fined.. Apparently you never went abroad and saw how relaxed your holiday is.. Go to Spain, France, Greece Turkey Vietnam or Singapore.. They don't have these laws. People look what fits best in what they want in their holiday and being bound several restrictions...And not so many tourists are going on holiday for 60 or 90 days... People have to work too
  2. of course the interest rate should be cut. The Government wants a loan and the interest they have to pay will be too high.. so cut the interest rate easy to borrow the 500 billion for the 10k scheme
  3. There is no point in more laws.. Start with serious enforcement of the existing ones.. Never checked if I have a driverslicense Never checked my lights, Never checked if I have been drinking. Only the sticker of the taxpayment and of you go
  4. Same as the Koh Tao murders??? they had to confess too.. I know how the police in Thailand interrogate you, so a confession could be forced.. But if he has done it he is stupid, as he did not flee
  5. IT will have no impact on tourism.. Most people in Europe and America have a 3/4 week holiday normally. Besides, the airpollution, political unrest, expensive THB, forbidden vaping and double pricing and alcohol buy and sales limitations are of much more impact for the tourists.. Nowadays, tourist are a target for robberies too. In Europe there is a campaign going on to travel less dfor the climate, which makes flying more expensive and people have to pay more for their daily things, which has the impact that they don't go on expensive holidays.. Tourists will always come to zThailand, but a 90 day free visa will not have an impact
  6. I think if it there are people on the street and protests or even tanks re appear tourists will not come... But maybe I am the ignorant stupid man.. Future will point out what will happen and to call section 112 a pearl is a sign that you are very outdated
  7. Very sad day for Thailand, and their so called democracy... Laws should have the possibility to be amended.. Updates are needed to keep on in recent times.. Law for death penalty is also out of date and new laws as samesex marriage are being brought in... I am sure Thailand will pay a price for this verdict No TAT can prevent that
  8. Indeed a strange thing.. all over the world people don't sit and wait for the police after a murder so why did he?
  9. Totally correct.. People should watch the movie The Way with Charlie Sheen
  10. Very kind vendor... who are the ones to complain?? If I want to give a plate of food to someone it is my action nothing more. Can the ones who complain/comment about it not look at their own behaviour/attitude before saying something.
  11. It is forbidden to make a fire outside, no burning is allowed nowadays and the fines are 100k for ones who do it, told my Thai partner. If you see someone making fire you can report it and you get a reward of 4000 THB. This morning we saw on 3 spots that Thai people were burning leaves and branches. Thai people told that if you call the police they don't come and so no fine and no rewards. So they said, why should we bother if someone is making a fire. If you want to solve the problem, come in action instead making rules and do nothing anymore. Indeed not the tourists will stay away , but local population have live in the dirt air and probably get sick , which cost a lot of money. But who cares in fact??
  12. What do you expect in this country?? If you see how people behave in traffic nothing is impossible of strange anymore and the accidents that occur is just bad karma or luck they think..
  13. The story is getting more and more confusing... Thai woman married a Swiss man. Swiss man died and her inheritage is 13 million THB. She met a new Swiss man.. they are coming to Thailand. Swiss man likes to go to Pattaya, Thai wife doesn't want it because he will look to other women and/or has a mistress... Thai wife like to gambling, but Swiss husband murders her and put fo black magic a playcard in her throat.. I assume Swiss man is not stupid and will know that murder is being punished.. Why not flee the country after he did it? Many titles policeman will get an upgrade because he solved the case, but are the facts as they announce reality? Is the Swiss man not a victim or a scapegoat?? Family of the Thai wife liked him, but maybe liked the money of the Thai wife more and they complotted to get her money and blame the Swiss man..
  14. I don't understand why these people do this, but to make a problem of it is a bit too much... THailand is a very conservative country, and doesn't accept other thinking or behaviours.. If a few people act differently from all the other millions that will be enlarged, just as every tourist is doing it.. And than complaining about the visiting numbers. You can't do both.. wanting visitors, but as they come complain isf a few have a different behaviour
  15. If that is true, the tax department will refund the paid tax in Belgium if it is more than you had to pay in Thailand?? As double taxes in tyhe whole world are not done.
  16. I can not imagine that amendment of section 112 to prevent abuse of this article has anything to do with overthrowing the monarchy. And besides that in the past there was an amendment already of the same article... but maybe the army rewrote it secretly in their new constitution to use it as they want
  17. Thailand the hub of useless ceremonies....a ceremony for everything and every day
  18. Now I understand ... The bank are urged to lower the interest rates, but the government wants to borrow 500 billion ...all to improve the economy.. So less interest to pay on the loan of the Government, and more debt to the country that will throw it into the deep without knowing how it ends, but probably a worst scenario for the economy
  19. I agree with you.. In prison they will learn more criminality... Rehabilitation centres are much better, but in fact first the root of the problem is that many kids are being abandoned by their parents in their education and of course by the many "divorces" and stepfathers/mothers who don't care about the kid of the other parent. Besides Mostly they drop the kids by family or grandparents. It is proven that adopted kid for example have problems with the feeling that parents got rid of them. I am sure here in Thailand is the same. If you don;t feel loved you do bad things as it is no matter ... they don't love anyway... Tackle this problem and with more awareness of parents things could be improved, but this is Thailand
  20. Result of lack of parental guidance, education and always news topics on TV that shows violence and murders. Kids get the ideas that it is normal... I wrote many times already stop with broadcasting that kind of news...even the re enactments can show kids how to do a crime
  21. I am wondering how the films are received with all the blurring of cigarettes, guns, alcohol, to deep cut out t shirts etc
  22. No words for this kind of promotion. Only good for the pocketfilling officials...Or are they going to advertise now Internationally? I will watch the news
  23. Just as it looks that a visa will hold tourists back to visit the country... Maybe China will get more Thai tourists.. but I doubt there will be suddenly more Chinese
  24. I never call you sellish. In THailand it is the best thing to do to stay by yourself. Indeed.. But we have to be aware too that nowadays people can't live anymore of 3000 THB income for the elderly or with 10.000 THB a month... Thayt is what I mean to say. Freedom of speech, more income for the people, less debts and less corruption are improving the country.. And tax we all have to pay I have to pay too here in Thailand or in my home country, but I don't care if the money is being used properly and in my home country the most goes to the African refugees and from other countries an dthe own people they don't care. No I am not a racist, but the emigration is a big burden for the whole EU. And the 90's are gone and the world has changed Not for the better as I am old enough to know.
  25. It is obvious that you were not happy in your country and left it too.... Besides that you probably like to live with ideas of the Queen Victoria age instead of moving forward.. We are living here very happily and enjoy our lives, but we have worked hard in our country where we come from and nothing I have said was that I don't like it here. It is only for the Thai people that country needs to go forward or it will stay a 3rd world country for ever...And you can see it already that standing still and no investments are not attractive to many tourists anymore from the Western countries. Most tourist are Aseans The economy slowed down already in 2023 and if there is no improvement it will go further backwarths..But according to you it better not to improve and stand still because you like the country as it is now.
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