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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. 1 million people a day in these oldfashioned trains?? where did they kept them??
  2. Nothing will change ever in Thailand... another example of conservatism
  3. Although I don't approve sex in public, i think that the punishments are too harsh....
  4. What does Thailand expect that young people with no savings on a long term visa don't need to eat and pay things?? Of course they do things and because a workpermit is very difficult to get with all the paperwork they will do illegal.. Maybe time to review the Labour laws.. Stealing jobs from Thai is impossible as Thailand imports a lot of Myanmar. Cambodian and Malaysian workers to work here, as Thai only want to be boss and don't do the work by themselves
  5. It is always a succes story, whatever happens in Thailand.. The hub of successes
  6. 50% will use them as Thais maybe 10%... ever seen the rural roads here??
  7. Probably because all th bins were full already.... Or were there actual any bins for wast???
  8. almost impossible to implement, as police officers, teachers , government officials also are vaping.. Have seen a lot of them doing it... How can you enforce the law if you do the same forbidden things??
  9. i am not going to prison, I have a normal life in a non touristic area but I have high bloodpressure too... But with a tablet a day i feel fine and no need to stay in ahospital for months happily.......
  10. The flipflop cabinet.. Last week surely no reshuffle, this week a probably reshuffle, next a cabinetreshuffle.. Thaksin has had his meeting already with candidates, although Thaksin can't be in the cabinet yet, he is still the man in charge
  11. Then man is and was never ill..... Only for the homecoming and the press ..... All done so that he can be in the next elections
  12. That is quickly known... almost impossible to be true...today 16th April is barely 5 hours old and they know already the whole benefit from 12 - 15 April
  13. The whole digital wallet is doomed to fail... people can only spend in the district where they are registered... How many people are living in other places and provinces as they are registered??? How about people who are unable to leave their house because of illness or age?? Who is controlling how much money there is on the banks or as a income?? What happens if people don't claim their money?? Good that banks don't fall in the trap of the Government to finance this scheme.. Their losses will be terrible and maybe let banks collapse
  14. so what news// i am waiting for the prices to drop as they announced started in march, but untill today not a baht less on wines
  15. Proudly Phuket announced that the first day there were no accidents/casualties... How is this changed so suddenly??
  16. I am wondering why there are so many cabinet shuffles in THailand...Is nobody able to do the job normally??
  17. So capital punishment for him as an example, but we all know nothing will happen... a misunderstanding a way and 500 THB fine or a basket with undrinkable brand......
  18. High ranked people are always thinking that theyb are above the law.. it is time that the court should punish them double as they have a function that should be sparkless instead of being a je..k ..So please judges set an example. The Laws are for everyone.. how low or high youn are ranked
  19. it is the same as with TAT.. they make the numbers that suits them.. reality is far away... the numbers ofr you are much more real and maybe even more....
  20. It is 13th April not the 1st.......Phuket the always best performing place not to be
  21. The campaign drive safely will be a success again as every year.... if you believe the numbers published
  22. Raw food an very hot weather... what more do you need for food poisoning?? The influencer should know better. Thailand is maybe the only safe country to eat from foodstalles in Sout East Asia, as in Europe we are told...
  23. It is no news... Every year the same and after Songkran nobody cares anymore about road safety or decent driving education... It should be otherwise... 360 days of worried about road safety....But this is Thailand, the country that is not willing to change
  24. for years talking and talking, but still for buying 1 item they put in a plastic bag... plstic straws still in use, plastic cups for everything and bins nowhere in the country.. Try to throw away something.... In fact everybody should pay for waste collection and there should be bins all over the country...a lot of work to change the mentallity and make people aware. Look at the burning of leaves and householdwaste, which creates smog.. Every day we see many places that people don't care and still burning... or the blacksmoke cars.. As long as people don't care, Government, and police, nothing will change and plans can be said, but the reality will not change
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