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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. The young actor is more important than the 2 deceased... amazing And amazing no alcohol
  2. Everybody seems to have a job in Thailand even it is for a few hours a week...
  3. A financial disaster hub
  4. In my country everybody is being taught to check both sides of the road before crossing the streets. In Thailand it seems normal just to cross without looking and drivers don't care at all because of their excellent driving education to stop for zebracrossings, orange/red lights or even slow down.
  5. Silly man dementia and totally uncapable of anything and now this again...He will not bv convicted as he is protected by army and elites..but he is good example how much changes are need in the land of dinosaurs
  6. Thais are always an exception for the laws.. Only laws for foreigners or non Thais
  7. I am wondering if it is allowed to pull the strings, as he is on parole... and that is not ended yet although he is already busy not to hide it..
  8. I know Thai do it with animals.. I am sure as here in the neighbourhood several teenagers were caught in the act by some friends
  9. a new lockdown is coming??? Panicking and news that is out of proportion already.. Always panicking news to scare people in Thailand.. Good for Anutin to blame again the foreigners that brings the Mpox in
  10. The first proof that Thaksin will have the PM post and that his daughter, when elected will be his voice.. I am wondering if that is constitutional and can be done with his parole
  11. All over Thailand the same with chairs, boxes, or something else....even they dare to ask money for parking a car near markets as nowhere a permission is found that there is a paid parkeing
  12. No experience and father will rule in the end behind the scenes.. That is not constitutional I think and should be stopped
  13. And who knows what more they have used before going to buy caustic soda
  14. Not only in Pattaya but all over Thailand...If the RTP should start working things would be better
  15. Hope he will not be it as it would the worst choice surely for the foreigners and tourists in this country..Besides that he has done a lot of harm with the Covid too
  16. I hope it will not be a Shinawatra we have had enough troubles with that family
  17. Good to hear at last there is a party that stands up against the dinosaurs and elite who think they can do everything they like....Those days will be over
  18. Same with other things.. nothing will be achieved as long as the conservatives get their grip on the power
  19. It is normal, I see everyday a lot of this kind of cars although there have been many crackdowns of one day....... And I have seen several times too that drivers don't stop at checkpoints but just ignoring the stop sign of the RTP and the RTP watch how they are left behind or even a lot of trucks at the roadside before the checkpoint waiting till the end the checking.. The police is seeing them, but I don't understand why they don't go to them and check them at spot they are waiting as the trucks probably have things to hide or not ok with their paperwork....But we all know that the RTP is not very active
  20. And gone is the same sex marriage bill and the digital wallet.. it was to be expected as the same sex marriage bill is not published yet...and the Digital Wallet is ma burden for the country.. But what will the people do and accept everything? The winners of the elections are dissolved, the government is now dissolved untill a new PM and will the old guard take over?? Prawit, Anutin or even Prayuth??? Or will it be again a Shinawatra one?? O my God what for a country is this, where the EC and the CC have more power than the Government?? They should be dissolved too
  21. New elections now.. The Government is fallen
  22. How is it possible as vaping is forbidden in Thailand... Where does the e-cigarettes come from?? Don't need to comment that I don't know I see them on the markets, but it is just again something stupid to mention.. Thailand forbids something while a lot of people use it already and than pretend they are worried... Only foreigners get fined
  23. It is better to do something about the poverty in Thailand. With daily wages of 400 THB a day and rising costs for living it is impossible for many to make ends meet and when low educated and from poor family it is difficult to find a decent job too... I know there is much money that is spend for nothing in Thailand and by the superrich they can pay more taxes or start paying tax.
  24. And now ban all Chinese and other nationality based organizations to protect the Thai industry and businesses.. and we will see how much new businesses will register in the second half of this year
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