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Everything posted by DonniePeverley

  1. So can China buy Taiwan ? Also how much is Ukraine ? Whilst we at it, might as well some African countries. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it.
  2. Hang on .... they want to boost tourism even more in Phuket ? Christ ...
  3. Most Chinese tourists are not visiting because they are being turned off by cheap mass tourism - yes even the Chinese don't find it appealling.
  4. LOW quality tourists. Double the low quality tourists, ruin your country, turn away quality tourism, and you may hopefully makeup the short fall. Hideous way to go about things.
  5. Why is every horrific person like this heading to Thailand ?
  6. Ironically i have thought about buying a car as getting on the BTS has been unbearable.
  7. It was enforced once upon a time. The new regime though is terrified of tourists and upsetting them. It makes for a miserable experience for even other tourists.
  8. The tourism experience has been ruined by the visa free policy to the world. Absolutely shambolic disgusting type of tourists have entered the country. It's harder for these countries to get into the African continent than getting into Thailand, which tells you the absurdity of the Sretta visa free panic policy. Covid and the loss of tourism during that time has really left Thailand low in confidence, and just taking this <deleted> these disgusting tourists are behaving like utter pigs. THEY SIMPLY MUST REINSTATE VISA POLICIES TO THESE TOURISTS.
  9. It's bizarre Iraq and Iran and most of the African subcontinent make it harder for Pakistan nationals to enter than Thailand.
  10. That press conference by Trump was beyond sick. Let the families grieve, before you politicise whatever the hell you are on about. Let the investigation conclude. Grim beyond belief.
  11. In the UK - statistically, rape is 85% committed by white males under the age of 30. Where is your sympathy for those women, or anger to those perpetrators? Why is your anger only at muslims? I tell you why .... you are being brainwashed by the media to touch those racist hot spots, distraction to blame those people and not the real issues in life. You are aware this Rochdale grooming case, as awful as it was, was some 15 years ago? Most of those people were tried and sentenced.
  12. Very good point. Whilst at university in Warwick, you came across many international students, many different cultures. I was good friends with many Sikh friends, and some muslim guys born in the UK. They all liked to come out, even go to bars - they were brilliant set of lads and girls. However, over time i noticed when we went out i'd pick up comments from ignorant fools out there towards my mates that were not white. Usually grumpy older white men. Eg, we go into a bar, and some white guy shouts 'who orderered an indian takeaway'. Or an ignorant bouncer telling my mate he couldn't come into a bar with a hat on (it was a turban and a part of his identity). Then there was the standard racist slurs you'd here. At first we would laugh of these comments, but I noticed slowly they were beginning to have an effect on those that were not white, my Sikh and muslim friends. Slowly as terms passed these people tended to stick to their own community, stopped intergrating as much - and felt more secure amongst their own community - primarily as a result of the hate, racism, xenophobia out there. I could not blame them to be honest. The hate and venom from a certain section of the British people towards people of colour - with the classic media driven line "they don't intergrate" is just an excuse. At heart it's just racism, and anything to put them down. Tolerance and love is a lovely thing. You will get idiots from all religions, colour and sex - doesn't mean you can castigate a whole sect of people that way. Not every celebrity is a Jimmy Saville, not every priest abuses, not every nurse is a Lucy Letby, not every muslim is a terrorist, not everyone on benefits is a lazy scrounger, not every school kid in America is going to bring a gun into school, not every male visiting Thailand is a sex tourist etc But as i say, i sit in Pattaya often talking to ignorant racist white British guys - totally brainwashed by the media. They speak no Thai, drunk sex tourists, pontificating about how bad immigrants in the UK are. No amount of facts or reasoning with them makes any difference. I tend to put it down these people are angry and unhappy with themselves and want to blame 'them' - "it's because of them my life is empty". Reality is, it's just not true.
  13. Just like the Brits in Thailand, really making an effort to learn Thai and assimilate aren't they, when you get them away from enclaves of Pattaya British bars, sex visitors etc Or the Brits in Spain, reading their daily Mail and british breakfasts, not speaking a word of Spanish. Or the Brits now living in Dubai, not speaking a word of Arabic, but happy to live under Sharia Law. Bless
  14. Shameful comment. Worst thing is, i don't even know if you are serious. Immigrants who come into the UK legally are not allowed any benefits, not allowed any free NHS (they have to pay a fee in advance before arriving in the UK) for 5 years. The governments own statistics (pretty much mach up the American population) that the most sucecsssful nationalities in education and post graduation in the UK are the Chinese community (including Hong Kong), followed by the Indian community. The vast majority on benefits in the UK are white working population, including single mothers, on the sick, not working. Then you have other benefits including pensions.
  15. The visa has a high chance of being abused. I know many indians and Chinese who are getting this visa and just using fake documents that the embassy accept. THIS VISA IS WRECKLESS. Open source for criminals.
  16. Very hard to argue or have an intellectual debate with someone who has such awful ignorant views. Are you aware of how many Indian soldiers died for the UK during World War 2? Let me guess your an immigrant yourself in Thailand too, rite? But that's okay. Anyways you should let some love in your life. Bad people be it they be white, black, muslim, christian are awful the world over. Don't go down the gauntlet of reading to much dark media. Wish you well.
  17. Are you mad? New York is literally built on immigration. Black migration into America is a bizarre one you are now focussing in on .... are you blaming black people for being shipped over as slaves? Incidentally are you aware of how many Indian soldiers died for the UK during both world wars?
  18. LEGAL MIGRATION INTO THE UK for last year (net) was 782,000 ILLEGAL MIGRATION INTO THE UK for last year was 52,000 The vast majority of migration into the UK was LEGAL migration.
  19. That's the second time you've mentioned African immigrants. Firstly, the vast majority of immigation into the UK is not African immigrants, and even it is was ... what issue do you have? The vast majority of immigration into the UK this year has been LEGAL immigration.
  20. What's the problem with non white immigration ? Incidentally ... The white population in London is 55% by the governments statisitcs. A further 15-20 percent are Europeans from Spain, France, european union countries (who are not classed as whites). If you go to cities further north, like Sunderland ... the white population is close to 98%. But what's the issue you have? For example, the Sikh population in the UK are brilliant people. They work hard, contribute, very low crime, provide free food at their temples. The polish population are another group that work so hard, brilliant people. What's the issue you have?
  21. Or locals don't want to clean rooms in Las Vegas hotels. Or do laundry in big massive corporations. The wage growth in America, even for the working class, has gone upwards quite dramatically. But let's not confuse facts with prejudices. I noticed you used the term 'Africans' .... what about immigration from Australia, etc ... would you be okay with white working immigration ?
  22. Go spend time in Seoul ... it's awash with immigrants from China, North Korea (yes North Koreans), and other surrounding states. The reason the UK has so many immigrants from the commonwealth, that many here despise as they are are not white, is you invaded those countries and looted them for many years, then you needed their man power to help you in two world wars (where many sacrificied themselves to protect your way of life), and then needed their labour to help rebuild the country. It's old fashioned prejudices here.
  23. The Japanese economy has stagnated, from once being the second strongest economy in the world with huge living standards. It's now suffering terribly. Japan Gdp per peson is only $33,851 Uk Gdp per person is $54,279 Japan has self harmed it's economy. And life there is tough for most people, despite the rhetoric and romantic versions you see of society there. The blame on that is it does not have a working population anymore, yet costs have continued to spiral up. South Korea has many undocumented cheap labour from North Korea, China, and surrounding states. They have a falling birth rate, but continue to have a booming economy.
  24. 85% of rapists in the UK are white men aged under 30.
  25. The report was refuted as being nonsense. But damage done for racists who picked it and now treating it like fact.
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