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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. Op. What exactly do you hope to gain from this? Currently your gf has the house and land in her name. What advantage do you get from giving her a load of money to put the building in your name? What freedom does that give you that you didn't have already? If you think that it'll give you the final say in any debates over what colour to paint the walls, think again. And if you think you *need* to be in that kind of position, then you have bigger issues...
  2. Why are you agreeing with me so aggressively?
  3. I've never met the guy or his girlfriend so I'm not one to pass judgement. All I can do is evaluate the risks. Somebody suggesting that getting a mortgage and paying off gradually has less risk than paying for a property outright needs thier head examining. Just because it happened to work out, doesn't mean it was a good idea. Far more mistakes go unpunished than those that do.
  4. When the relationship ends, the payment stops. When you buy outright, it's all gone. Think about that for a minute.
  5. And you can't do this while the house is still in your gf's name because....?
  6. Of course it matters
  7. The past doesn't count for anything. The current government are keeping the workforce sick by under-investing in the NHS (the "let's fund the NHS" brexit crowd in staggering short supply now), thus keeping the workforce on benefits. They need people claiming benefits because that's yet another group of people to demonize in their ridiculous culture wars. Yes. British social services used to be good. You get no argument from me there.
  8. That would certainly explain a lot of the user generated content on this site...
  9. How is being misogynistic difficult to disprove? Or being racist, for that matter.
  10. Men, mostly, I assume 😁
  11. I absolutely agree. If I didn't live in a city then the Aerox or Click 160 would be an ideal choice. The OP, however, lives in Bangkok. I've ridden an Aerox through central bkk and there wasn't a single journey of significant length where the extra girth of the frame didn't cause some minor or major inconvenience. I put up the inconvenience it as I liked to take it for a long trip on the odd weekend. But if it was exclusively for city riding, or the longer trips were few and far between, I'd choose a smaller frame all the time.* *well, to a point. 125 is a bare minimum in this country.
  12. I'm not an expat loser alcoholic yet. But it's something I'm aspiring to. With your financial support, and expertise in the area, I'm sure I could make it happen, Bob.
  13. "Ladyboy" is not an occupation.
  14. Let's see A driverless taxi can't be drunk A driverless taxi can't be distracted due sleepdeprivation, trying to earn extra money when they are clearly in no state to be driving A driverless taxi can't be distracted due to having a bad day, having split up with his/her bf/gf/gik, had an argument with a friend, or dealing with some other financial and emotional issue. A driverless taxi can't overcharge, either deliberately or accidentally. A driverless taxi can't get either offended, or unwelcomly interested, when my girlfriend whips her knickers off. Software can have bugs. But bugs can be fixed. Human qualities are more difficult to alter.
  15. I used the wrong terminology. My bad. @papa al knew what I meant... Filtering.
  16. What lifestyle did he think it would be?
  17. They are not the same size at all. The Aerox was noticeably more difficult to weave through traffic, and to park in the tiny parking spaces found on the streets and in motorcycle sections of car parks. It was also significantly heavier, making it more awkward manoeuvring by hand in a tight spot. I don't see how ABS helps with any of that, but good luck finding a Click 160 with abs right now, anyway. If you can find one, please let me know where!
  18. General consensus amongst who, exactly?
  19. Agree to disagree, I guess. In a big city, I'd say that the smaller size of a 125 far outweighs the advantages of faster acceleration. (I've had both a Click 125 and an Aerox 155 so I'm able to compare...)
  20. Lol so now PR is to blame for your bad life choices? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds.
  21. No I'm afraid I don't know. Hopefully somebody else will be able to fill you in there.
  22. I see. Context is a valuable tool when getting involved in a conversation...
  23. If you only have a CBT you won't be able to get an international license for riding a bike. It is not, as you claim, a "motorcycle license up to 125cc". It is a permit to use a motorcycle with an engine size no more than 125cc for the purposes of learning to ride.
  24. Blaming a video game for somebody being shot is like blaming a spoon when you get food poisoning...
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