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Everything posted by cjinchiangrai

  1. They are lining the pockets of Tinpot Trump already, they might as well collect their rewards.
  2. The Chinese are loving this. They will gladly take that deal and run with it.
  3. Trump is not smart enough for that but certainly a thought for his minions. Foreign aid is still a minor part of the order. He is trying to steal the Medicaid money.
  4. The main focus of the order was depriving Americans of internal aid. The international aid was collateral stupidity. It is all a setup to steal the money.
  5. The move has already been blocked by a federal court.
  6. Because the same order cut off funding for Medicaid and the VA too. He is not taking care of Americans at home, he is setting up to steal the one for himself.
  7. Due process is. I did not say anything about immigrants though.
  8. And is it up to us to decide who gets what care? Chemo is expensive, should your mother get any? OCD meds are expensive, maybe we don't need to treat the mentally ill. Where would you draw the line?
  9. Nothing, they are probably reviewing all of the laws following the marriage act and fixing some inconsistencies. This is just medical care.
  10. No, hormones because they have gender dysmorphia and it is far better than suicide. The additional benefit is bringing them into the health system and getting regular care so they do not face other issues.
  11. Because the right wing is targeting them as scapegoats for other issues.
  12. That would be a perfect get out of jail free card for the golf course fraud in Scotland.
  13. Did I say anything about immigrants? Did I say anything about trans people? No, I didn't. Learn to read if you want to sit with the grownups.
  14. The felon in chief is a tax dodger himself. He is just shaking them down for cash.
  15. Blocking infrastructure, canceling healthcare, canceling civil rights, just so they can finance more tax cuts for the oligarchs. It is 1933 all over again.
  16. It will be the same as closing the doors and windows without the AC.
  17. The same nonsense as the snowball argument. Big oil propaganda.
  18. It would be illegal for foreign police to arrest people. They are probably the tourist police. Foreigners helping the RTP. More sensationalist nonsense from this perpetual clown.
  19. Accuracy has nothing to do with entry notation. It has much more to do with register size and the logarithmic conversion methods. HP was overpriced cult crap from the 70s. That said, I haven't used RPN since my assembler classes. Why bother?
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