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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. Dor ceo you can get 1 month or more months of covid cover, from 1500 tp 2500b per month. You can chose date just as your health onsurance expires. But till january there might be no coe anymore and your existing health insurance might be sufficient. things go now in the good direction. I would not worry, if coe is refused you got 2 weeks to buy covid insurance. Some consulates become already liberal to stict red tape
  2. if they travel by private, there should be no problem. Don't tell anybody about travel, they will watch you and possibly report. It's public transport which might require check ups. Airlines now do require covid tests. There is nowhere you can't travel pretty freely. I think the last time it was just at songkran when there were active checkpoints and cheap on spot pcr testing. Yes, there is still curfew. Do register your inter provincial travel on an application. Has to be done on the day. Do get mor prompt application for checking in and out. Also shows vax certificate only after the 2nd shot, but get any papers available from the 1st shot (even if it's appointment confirming sms, mail, letter). Do carry atk tests - bought in bulk they are cheap. I just got myself 25 tests for some 2k, named Lepu. At 80b per piece you can afford to get one even every few days, when requested by any authorities. You got results in 15 minutes. They should have to accept it.
  3. there is no silent majority. For over a year people became vocal in their opinions, after their will at ballot box was ignored once again and later flamed by murder of thai political activist refugee Wanchalearm in phnom penh. Majority is against this government and the whole political establishment, political class and system. Just look at social media, what people think and how they react to the government propaganda. But there is an alliance forming between ppp and puathai, which in effect might bring back thaksin to dampen future forward and demands for radical change. One thing is sure - prayuth won't be nominated by the PPP, now they are at war. Both those alliance parties will gain from just changed election rules. FF will suffer from this change. However, despite already gearing for an election by the PPP, they will straggle hard to get votes. Their tactic would be similar like the last time and concentrated on mp candidates and handling out bananas to monkeys by thammant. But there is still a long way for the next election, and with an emergency degree and covid restrictions on public gathering being cancelled shortly, there would be continuation of protests, which were hindered by the onset of the second wave back in december. For political commentary don't rely on Tulsathin and Thai pbs, it's just pro-government long winded propaganda. The recent very discovering journalistic piece is "The plot that nearly toppled Prayut", very detailed and fascinating read about thai secret history, back to thaksin premiership
  4. check, for how much cover you got your existing insurance, if below $100k you need a new covid specific covering to the end of your extension. Or upgrade your plan, but if too expensive do get this one. It'is for 1 year only, not shorter options, 15k b https://www.tuneprotect.co.th/en/portal/coronavirus-covid-19-insurance Others insurers offer options from 1 month and in the range 1.5-2.5k per month (depending on country colour you are coming back). If you planning to travel often within a year probably go for this from tune. Of course, this insurance might come handy not only for travel. depending when you would be coming back, insurance requirements might liberalise, down to 1 or 3 months cover. And lowered from extortionate $100k to more realistic figures and much lower premium. yes, you do need re-entry.
  5. numerous once, there is scientific research and clinical experience for over 10 years (including sars-1, dengue, mers). Do exclude from your search "covid-19" and set results before april 2020, to remove results related to covid 19. here is one example of such search https://www.google.com/search?q=ivermectin+virus+-covid-19&newwindow=1&sxsrf=AOaemvIcASDvMaGZqAXeudRYkcBrq4EfCg%3A1632965460051&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A01.01.2000%2Ccd_max%3A25.03.2020&tbm= This topic is about skin parasites, which I have expanded to include internal once. I am not sure why you bother to reply to my posts, if I have asked you not to do so, as I don't have pleasure interacting with you. Thanx once again in advance
  6. surely, having this service at each airport and opened 24h would be sensible. Even if it's just one nurse per shift. They sit on a gold mine, yet on the verge of bankruptcy. Not many people will bother to drive to their QH, if they can get tests in every hospital and clinic. But having it at the airport do extend validity of tests beyond just landing at destination. Travellers will have chance to use them to use public transport. If short weekend brake they even would be able to use it on return flight, saving money and time
  7. those just under skin are the easiest to spot and fast treat. More dangerous are those which thrive inside body for years, tens of years, without giving any apparent symptoms, until it's too late to remove or even control them. I don't think rainy season is more dangerous, but lowering hygiene standards is. Still, several anti-parasitic's are easily available in every pharmacy, cheap and can be self-administered without side effects. Some of them, like mentioned ivermectine, as well as niclosamide, have also antiviral properties
  8. the latest press release there is from 24.9 about 8mln doses to chula academy https://www.zuelligpharma.com/news/news-chulabhorn-royal-academy-signs-agreement-with-zuellig-pharma-to-purchase-eight-million-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine-moderna
  9. I really hope for that possibility. But they said about 10 provinces, touristy one, not the whole country. It would be same as already in many countries around the world. Some believe that COE will stay. Because it's free it's not that bothering and can be done easily. The difference being that thailand is still a fraction of what the most advanced vax countries have already done. Now, after being vaxed with 2 shots I am not afraid to get infected. That changed completely my thinking. A timely infection in a few months would act as a booster, would not have a large impact of my and my family health
  10. unusual practice, probably part of some scientific research - but patients should be informed. It's rather a second part of the second shot than a third dose, a booster. They are trying to stretch vials because of acute shortage
  11. if he has received it already and in a legal way, has certificate with all details of both, than no reason for COE refusal. As more people are getting jabbed over time and as more different vax combinations there are, the governments will have to follow this trend. Just initiate COE application now, to give consulate time to check with ministry of health. There would liberalisation of rules, might include certificate of covid recovery and positive antibody tests - many countries do them for long, yet before vax programs started
  12. some travel agent from germany had reply from munich consulate, that 90 day covid insurance is sufficient
  13. looks, like Switzerland started to recognise vax done in thailand. Belgium is the only one in europe formally opened (for essential travel), but unlike switzerland accepts vax only done in the EU, usa, uk. Austria also look easy, they do accept proof of recovery for 180 days and proof of presence of COVID-19 antibodies for 90 days - these tests cost only 700-1500b, so well worth a try. The easiest would be to declare, that only transiting below 48h, so no need quarantine or additional tests. Purpose of journey is vax at your home country (there is also chance that some european countries do vax to non citizens, as they do in the usa to "vax tourists" from thailand). I would seek one shot J&J, just after 22 days you get free entry travel within europe, and beyond. Worth registering now for vax at home countries - further proof for reason to travel. Still, do local PCR test and travel to your destination on that one and on national ID card, not on thai stamped passport. Also do use/buy local sim card for filling covid forms, thai number doesn't look that convincing. I will wait till november for thai to relax their entry rules and will do short switzerland visit. I don't know whether this would be good for the UK now, but well might be before xmass. My european consulate refused to validate my 2 pfizer from thailand, they said it's not their business - even I have reasoned with them, that it's for the purpose of travel of getting jabbed back home. They do validate all other thai issued documents, but not that one. I do welcome comments by pm
  14. make pictures of his car parked outside over time, a week or two, forward them to mobaan admins. There might be also some residents group, ask for a meeting. Talk to neighbours, he might be doing same to them. Tell everybody you were assaulted and threatened with death. I think it's the best protection. Go to known to you local cop, he might do background check on him. He is a thug, possibly a criminal, possibly violent - if he has record, police will watch him and frame. Also put notice and some object outside gate. Maybe mock camera, a sign about cctv monitoring
  15. I also have insurance from yet another company and it does covid, but below required $100k. It was only below 20k, including added outpatient and extended emergency. The new policy, covering full covid, would set me back 61k
  16. this insurance is 15k per year. They don't have shorter https://www.tuneprotect.co.th/en/portal/coronavirus-covid-19-insurance They should drop COE and lower insurance to a realistic max $10k, premium would drop drastically. Still, sandbox is much cheaper, with hotels from 8k for 2 weeks. Possibly sandbox will be also shortened. There is also a rumour, that from 1st november no quarantine in 8 provinces, including bkk
  17. I have red it 10 days ago on some sub-forum, but can't find it anymore, despite many keyword searches. Possibly that topic was deleted as misleading. Poster, an expat (not a tourist on an visa exempt) had an advice from consulate in Athens and COE was granted by them. Changes are coming - some consulates stopped issuing COE all together. Possibly there would be cheaper insurance options to chose from. Cover for $100k is in excess, typical covid hospitalisation at private is a few hundred thousands, not over 30mln. My yearly health insurance from pacific is 20k, includes added on outpatient and 900k emergency. A yearly covid cover from my insurer is 31.5k. I would need yearly, because I am extending now my spouse and will be ready to travel in November, as soon as I get it. I have asked them to cancel my health and get a new one, including covid. I just got a reply from them. The mentioned insurer is completely new to me, but charges only 15k flat rate, no matter from what country entry is. This option is cheaper than from the often mentioned here government insurer, which is 14.5 - 25k per year (depending from which country colour to enter). "You can keep your current policy if you want and just add a covid only policy which I think would be cheaper than switching your policy. If you switch with a plan with Pacific Cross that would cover the 100,000 USD covid coverage the plan cost would be : 60,442 / year Another option is you can keep your current policy and just add covid only insurance from tune for 1 year. https://www.tuneprotect.co.th/en/portal/coronavirus-covid-19-insurance You can find that option on the Link above. This is 15,000 annually and it only covers covid and it also satisfies the entry requirements."
  18. pfizer is in short supply and was offered only as a first dose, not as a second. But for those who had pfizer as 1st, the 2nd was offered the same. I think there is a breakdown of communication between hospitals, probably don't bother to work diligently. You should not take any more doses, unless you have underlying and doctor tells you to do that. But probably that would be minimum 6 months. Still, the majority of population is not jabbed yet at all. Don't deprive them of their right to get it. I would imagine that at some stage some letter from the ministry of health will be at your doorstep asking for an explanation, on what ground you had those 2, and more. They might suspect corruption (yes, it's rampant) or any other grey/black means and might be payback time. The only excuse of having yet another AZ or Pfizer is an international travel document - some countries might accept only 2 doses of same vax, no mix and match. But I don't think this accuse will stand valid if authorities will try to make a showcase. Yes, there are some thai already done with 3 jabs, but those are well connected, able to get back up from their doctor and won't face any consequences. If you think you will need a booster get moderna private for 1650b per shot. The second generation will be coming the next year, up to end of June
  19. pfizer 1st on day 5 and 12 headache and fever. pfizer 2nd - so far nothing for 9 days. Good to have some mild reaction, means immune system is stimulated
  20. just get for one month covid 1.5-2.5k (depending country you travel from)
  21. zostavax in each hospital or travel clinic. I got it in june for 4800b from mahidol travel clinic. Also red cross for similar money, but no booking system so long wating lines
  22. the road opened on friday night. But sunday noon half lanes were closed again. Still machinery left there to do beach itself, there is also a very large mobile toilet for workers left
  23. I see reason to be obsessed with vax before being done, simply because they were and are still not available to many and danger was high. Still, it was neurotic reaction, but understandable in those circumstances. But once jabbed mind can be put at ease as situation is different now, almost all foreigners in thailand wishing to do so are done. It's also possible to temporarily move from yet unvaccinated area to highly vaccinated (like phuket, but even hua hin). Time to move away from black-white perspective to normalcy and forgetting about pandemic at all.
  24. clearly an obsession with covid and unvaccinated
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