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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. Yet now they are reopening 20 coal power stations and mines, demolishing wind farm to make space for them. That means they are limiting their budget for renewables. Problem is, that there is not sunshine winter time for half year, that's when energy is the most needed. Wind doesnt blow all the time. And droughts, as this year case in europe, makes hydropower stations unusable. Electric energy cant be stored, has to be made constantly. When there is no surplus of energy, as now in germany, they are going for sure solution of reopening mothballed facilities and they would last for many years. That is clear change of their energy policies. They are taking many factors in consideration.
  2. I think german renewable are put on hold. They are reopening some 20 coal power stations. There is one case where they are going to destroy wind farm in order to expand nearby coal mine. Re-opening them is cheaper than doing facilities from scratch. Even doing proper on land LNG terminal takes on average 10 years and huge investment. That provisional LNG terminals done in record 200 days are very expensive to build and expensive to maintain. Being a pioneer in some field means they are risking taking unknown problems. They have closed down labour intensive coal mines to have cheap russian gas, with just investment in 2 nord streams with low operation costs. Still, one pipe of nord stream 2 can be readily opened on germany technical approval. Apparently it wasnt blown up by those, who earlier threathen to shut it by any means. But political orders from brussel and from washington prevent it. At least for now. But they might take a stance against that orders, when there would be change of political leadership in germany. The usa for now is pushing down european economy to make fast profits and also increase their own competitive edge. But how far they can go, as europe is their biggest political and military ally. And how strong will be europe's pushback against the usa dictate.
  3. That topic is about german gas, i have extended it to german economy which is now switched to expensive american LNG. I gave an example of an italian case and extrapolated it to the other european countries, including germany. After that i found figure for german gas consumption - appear to be 9% lower, than italian. But stretching that topic to russia, china, kazakhstan and effects of sanctions on russian economy is far fetched.
  4. Domestic gas consumption fell this year in Germany by 19%. Partly because of the governmental campaign to preserve energy for winter heating, partly partly because of high costs. Bleak prospects for middle size industry in an article published 2 weeks ago under title "German industry stares into the abyss". "... there's little hope that gas prices will drop back to their pre-pandemic levels anytime soon. While medium-term projections are blurry at best, most investors expect the price for natural gas to drop below €100 per MWh only by 2025, which remains five times higher than before the pandemic. The longer prices remain high, the harder things get for German manufacturers and other energy-intensive industries. ... Stehn concurred: "Once you come out of this winter, we think that storage tanks are going to be pretty low and Germany will find it much more difficult next year than this year to refill the storage tanks without significant Russian gas flows ..." https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-industry-europe-energy-prices-basf/ And today's article "Europe fears its industries will jet to the U.S. as energy costs force plant closures". They will be relocating to the USA, where energy is much cheaper, than in Europe. That means high unemployment and social unrest. https://www.npr.org/2022/11/25/1138573080/energy-costs-europe-us-companies-close-plants-eu-economy
  5. that article is just from yesterday and is somehow in different tone, that the original post. "BERLIN -- Europe should be able to cope with the natural gas supply crunch in the coming months thanks to considerable reserves although the continent could face a bigger energy crisis next winter, the head of the International Energy Agency said Thursday. Fatih Birol said that, barring unforeseen events, “Europe will go through this winter with some economic and social headaches, bruises here and there” as a result of efforts to wean itself off Russian gas and the wider increase in energy costs resulting from the war in Ukraine. “Next winter will be more difficult than this winter" he said." https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/iea-chief-sees-energy-crunch-europe-winter-93922198
  6. I think thai doctors give up on treatments too easily. That's my personal impression. I have heard "you are old" even if doctor is just 10 years younger than myself - just because I have some symptoms and she hasn't got them. That's complete luck of doctor's and human compassion. They don't have as many therapies, treatment and medicines, as what is available in the west, especially in the USA. Also possible poorer training and lax attitude to patients needs. In that case he wasn't informed and offered palliative care and that's why he asking around about options. That guy is stage 4, but without pain, looks mobile and otherwise symptom-less. Maybe not any therapy was tried on him at all. He will die from cancer (or related to it some infection, like covid or pneumonia) but might live many years, even without any therapy. With some cancer therapy he will live some longer and possibly without severe symptoms. There are patients who live long after their prognosed expiration date I am talking about medicines, which would extend life, not to end it. Even a placebo effect has a curing effect, but those repurposed medicines are used for cancers for tens of years. That medicine below is officially used in thailand for different cancers associated with sex hormons, like prostate, female reproductive, breast, but also in clinical trials for some liver cancers. It's 3 baht per pill at all pharmacies. http://www.thethaicancer.com/Webdocument/Onco_drug/Oncodrug_Item/Ketoconazole.html from the link above to cancer foundation there are some 10 medicines (our of 470 in total) in bold fond, which are the most promising. They are in thailand OTC and cheap, from 1 baht per pill. Most thai doctors, as well as doctors around the world, don't know much about them, as they are not on an official drug lists, can't give prescriptions, but can give some guidelines to dosage for self-medication. There are doctors in Europe, who know about availability of them in Thailand and tell their patients about them.
  7. as the new generation scanners are expensive it would take years before they become standard. So if flying indirectly, with a stopover at airport which doesn't have those scanners yet, there would be impossible to pass transit security check.
  8. It comes at price. Over years germany and europe saved hundreds billions euro on importing russian gas. Europe always had up to 1 year supply of gas in it's storage facilities. However, some countries in europe (like germany), have enormous storage facilities, the other have small ones, and 5 countries don't have any storage at all (they rely on gas stored in the neighbouring countries). Germany was forced to re-open coal and brown coal mines and power stations, as well as nuclear power stations. Those floating LNG terminals cost e1 bln each and their daily rental cost is e200 k (that is 73mln per year), and yet they have small capacity. Proper on land terminals take many years to construct. With all technology involved their carbon footprint is 10x higher than piped gas (LNG has to be cooled to -160C to be safely transported in tankers). And now europe is dependent on the USA gas, as they turn out to be the main exporter to europe, with output projected to be around 3x higher in comparison to the last year. Prices of energy are 2x higher than a year ago. Gas is now 4x more expensive. Price of gas fall down recently as europe is almost full and tankers have to wait long to off load, so they are diverted to the other continents. But from mid winter europe is contracting more LNG, at price 40% higher than the current ones. Italy is consuming now 10% less energy as the last year, as some industries were forced to scale down or close down production. Probably similar statistics in the other european countries. Winter food production in greenhouses will suffer and europe will have to import from the South and tropical countries (that including from thailand). Again, at price, as air transport of fresh veggies is expensive. Chain reaction of emergency buying by europe caused worldwide price hike and now poor countries have limited supplies. They were out priced.
  9. that page below is being now updated, might be back shortly http://www.thethaicancer.com/Webpage/Palliative.html if doctors don't want to help, check https://www.anticancerfund.org/en/redo-db list of repurposed medicines used experimentally at all cancer stages. There is always a chance of surviving or extending life for long. That same organisation gives free advice, including on those medicines, clinical trials and everything else. Many those medicines are in thailand OTC, cheap and readily available at each pharmacy.
  10. the ukrainian "accident" might be turning into something different. The polish authorities first granted ukrainian investigators visit to blast side, to later deny them access. As polish investigation was developing they became suspicious something wasn't right with ukrainian constant denial of facts presented to them from the NATO missile tracking data. From the initial reaction of polish authorities (high level alert for military, emergency security council meeting and calling in to the ministry of foreign affairs a russian ambassador) they were trying to escalate tension for the benefit of their domestic war propaganda, allowing them to manipulate public into supporting hawkish government - even if they knew that it wasn't russian missile. But at the same time Duda hoax shows that he was downplaying it internationally. In effect 2 batteries of german Patriot antimissile systems are moving from germany to east border of poland. This would allow not only for defence of border, but also to establish no fly zone over the western ukraine. And that means escalation, because russian pilots would retaliate at those systems if shoot at. Probably russia will make an ultimatum against shooting their missiles
  11. polish president duda was called on the day of this "accident" by 2 notorious russian pranksters, pretending to be macron. In a conversation lasting over 7 minutes he said about earlier conversations with biden, zelensky and jensen. He also said that he would never push for clause 5, even if really attacked by russia. Duda ended that conversation, after prankster changed his french accent to russian accent. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63719010 there are many more detailed articles than that one from the bbc, with full transcript of this conversation and audio record
  12. Give health advice to public, that dirty air con filters, running air con constantly without regularly ventilating rooms by opening windows and doors and that staying indoors do spread all germs, including fungus. There are many vaccination, beside covid, starting from free flu jab. some others are paid, and can be expensive, up to 5k per dose, but they last for many years. Populace, as well as health professionals, did neglect those vaxes during covid era. They became unpopular for many reasons. I think many went to waste after expiry date. Multiple jabs of them which I was getting the last and this year, mostly were close to expiry date (with multi year validity). That means that too many were ordered and the market for them diminished.
  13. Warranty on transgender, and all the rest. if prostitution was legal, they would come with warranty of regular health check ups, without drug, alcohol and the other addictions. Also health education, free specialist medical care and sick pay, if they become iill. And retirement pension. that would improve quality of their service, with work ethic, price list
  14. yes, the March visit from 3 european prime ministers was officially announced: "The European Union said the politicians were not carrying any particular mandate, but that leaders in Brussels were aware of the trip, as it was mentioned during an informal EU summit in Versailles, France, last week. Poland's Deputy Foreign Minister Marcin Przydacz admitted the trip was risky, but said it was "worth taking for the sake of values". He said they had told the Russians the visit was taking place. " also 3 leaders from france, germany and italy in June https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germanys-scholz-travel-kyiv-with-macron-draghi-before-g7-bild-am-sonntag-2022-06-11/ so that sudden Sunak's visit, just 4 days after polish "accident" might have something to do with it. But Sunak's statement is very laconic, even if they must have discussed it
  15. South korea have contracted shingrix, that despite price 2x higher as Sky Zoster. Price would limit popularity of shingrix, but still there would be market niche for those in risk groups. Not only for domestic market, but also for medical tourists from asia. As to thailand, if they just got this Sky Zoster (probably because its cheaper than zostavax) and they still will have access to zostavax, there is now not a big chance that in the near future they are going to get shingrix. So you have to take what is available now in thailand and get o booster of shingrix in singapre in a year or two. Possible only 1 shingrix, if your antibody test shows strong immunity. Travel clinic in mahidol uni has comprehensive doctor consultation and competent personnel. The junior doctor will consult a senior one, if they don't know answer. When i had some questions even 2 senior doctors came to consultation room for a chat. One of them was foreign, I think french. at red cross, more so at the governmental hospitals limited language might be a problem, so consultations are brief. Or even no pre-jab consultation at all, just nurse.
  16. that missile into poland was an accident or possible ukrainian provocation that could trigger article 5, ww3 and nuclear war. The USA, and always closely following them the UK government, don't want any escalation. Republicans want to monitor Biden's ukrainian aid and cut future spending. This might be true reason for Sunak's visit, as washington emissary. Mentioned in article 50mln figure might indicate all what ukraine might get the next year in military aid. That 2.3bln gbp which Sunak mentioned coming this year to ukraine is that much less for the UK army, or indeed the NHS. That missile suppose to fly east, towards russian rockets. It not suppose to do U-turn and fly in a strait line west to polish border. It suppose to have self-destroy mechanism. Americans, brits already realise that. Some African press might be more observant, than self-censored european one. "It is a dangerous game President Zelensky is playing. There is a growing desire in geopolitics for the war to end. Recently, the Biden administration privately implored President Zelensky to tone down his hostile rhetoric against Moscow and publicly show hints of a willingness to negotiate an end to the war." https://www.iol.co.za/sundayindependent/news/politics/opinion/how-kyivs-errant-missile-nearly-caused-world-war-iii-d34f61bd-3356-4f91-aa93-512f0f00c380
  17. APEC is an economic cooperation alliance, not security one. Except security/terrorism, the rest of those mentioned topics are secondary importance to both countries. Economic, diplomatic, military cooperation are priorities for each. With on ongoing war and armaments production spanning those priorities. The others might be just window dressing for both parties. I don't think much of thai drugs end up in the USA. prayuth was clearly trying to get closer to Xi, so his heart opening to the USA might be just on trivial matters.
  18. Dealing drugs and money laundering are not grey business but outright crime. As much as Chuwit past shenanigans. wasn't this mafia boss arrested the last month and his property confiscated? So he was granted bail by which court? how common is for private jets to fly between military airfields? And if it isn't doesn't it implicate the big shot as a military person?
  19. from jomtien 5/jomtien rd to ekamai minibus 140b, I think hourly
  20. was is a planned visit? if not, it might have something to do with polish missile "accident". that 50mln is nothing in comparison what boris johnson promised during his 2 earlier kiev visits - that suppose to be some 1bln. Is the UK scaling down it's military support to cool down zelensky, who is desperate into pushing Nato into an open war? It looks like Nato started to divide over war. Was polish "accident" a kind of provocation to escalate conflict?
  21. nord stream 1 was closed from 31.08, almost a month before blowing. The first 3 days were scheduled after that they said simens is not able to fix a pumping turbin, due to sanctions. So they were not paying any penalties. No any court claims before and since then. They lost e1.6bln in leaked gas from both pipes. Repair of them would cost billions (construction of NS2 was $11bln) - if at all they will be allowed to open again. The day after blows, a brand new norway-poland pipe called "Baltic" was opened. Is it just coincidence? Poland closed it's direct pipe from russia, but was taking gas from NS1 through germany at premium price. There were treats from poland several years ago, during construction of NS2 they were trying to block operations. There were also hostile operations of american helicopters from gdansk airbase. Jeffrey Sachs mentioned it in his Bloomberg TV and berliner zeitung interviews. https://johnmenadue.com/interview-with-jeffrey-sachs-this-is-probably-why-nord-stream-was-destroyed/
  22. I think there was never an idea of joint investigation. Sweden defends their stance by "national security" excuse. Any commission findings would have to be publicly disclosed - sooner or later. With tens of people involved in multi-country commission there would be a risk of press leak or whistle blower, if they tried to keep sensitive information secret. It would be much easier to classify information if run investigation by each country on their own. "It's a highly sensitive issue. The prosecutor leading the Swedish investigation has already said his country is not interested in signing up to a so-called Joint Investigation Team under the auspices of Eurojust, the EU agency set up to solve cross-border crime. A spokesman for the Swedish prosecutor’s office said the decision related to “secrecy linked to national security” and declined to comment on the progress of Sweden's investigation. A spokesman for the Swedish security service said the country was “cooperating with both Germany and Denmark in this matter.” https://www.politico.eu/article/sweden-denmark-germany-nord-stream-investigation-tests-eu-intelligence-sharing-around-the-baltic/
  23. sulfametoxazol is not for cough. First do atk test
  24. yes, I have deleted that post and link minutes after posting and not finding out any confirmation in the other world agencies for more details. It took you long to reply
  25. deleted uncertain link published yesterday on tfiglobalnews.com (some indian publication) on nord stream
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