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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. I don't have experience, but max bottles are 100ml and up to 500ml total. Once you exit customs your right to carry large bottle through security is gone. Any bottle, packaging and bill can be faked outside airside. The most you can do is to fill empty 100ml bottles with your alcohol and drink the rest on the spot. Or post it through the post office - it's on departure level far right (level with gate 10). Post box you can get there, but rather not bubble wrap
  2. that's more than 13, from the first case of a nigerian it was 19-31 (numbers from different articles). thailand hasn't got any monkeypox vax. Has some smallpox, and I think those are long expired, by some 20 years. Those were ordered from the WHO, but not yet delivered. So they have to test all close contacts, that before deciding about possible vaxing. By isolating they can learn more about disease, try different available medications, if those isolated turn up positive. Some of them have underlying conditions - aids/hiv, STD. So they are already on some antivirals and antibiotics. Doctors can find out if any of those medicines work on monkeypox or how medicines interact
  3. he is a victim of his own vice. he always had a chance to go to police to report an attempted extortion - sometimes 2 years ago, before transferring money the first time. Many other victims of this extortion would also be saved.
  4. if recriminalised would they put back to prisons some 100k inmates? as there are 1mln plants given to public by the government, and millions more bought recently, there is no way to stop growers and users by any means. millions have registered on an the governmental application as growers. probably thousands registered, already licensed, sellers. Ganja on 7/11, big C and the others shops shelves.
  5. but it happens often, at least once a year I read about it (and I don't follow crime/sensational news). just a few months ago on phuket some mercedes driver was on purpose slowing down an ambulance. Fined 500b. A year ot two ago it was a senior hospital worker, I think a doctor, who blocked an ambulance on a motorway in bkk. Drivers do behave that way, because there is very little penalty involved
  6. yes, yet some body part was protruding from a washed out soil. Decomposing body swells, braking plaster. That's why this forager was sure he found a grave and reported it
  7. Grave was covered with tree branches, that also might have pointed forager to check it. Than he discovered freshly dug soil and later body parts. Probably heavy rain washed out tip of a rised grave. Also decomposing bodies do swell, so pushing soil upwards. As they were likely burried at night and in haste, murderer hadnt got enough time to dig deeper and better cover the grave.
  8. My wife worked on khaosan rd for some 10 years dealing exclusively with foreign tourists. She also has observation of bar girls. so not a sheltered life at all. I know only one thai girl with tatoo, and my wife is convinced that girl did work at bar before. Those 2 initially discovered totoo now turns out to be 4, as i have suspected. That even more can point to my suggection. There might be even more, smaller ones, not detected, faded on decomposed skin
  9. Its an investment for a bar girl, putting her above her competitors, bit also boostong confidence and upgrading her social status. Sometimes a present from a regular client/boyfriend. Implants are 70-300k, as mentioned above. So not cheap at all. The average wage in thailand for female is less, than for a man, so somewhere below 14k/month. Less in agricultural provinces in isaan. For a bar girl it's cheap, if she makes 5k day. She has more money she is able to spend on necessities. Hence come different addictions, including drugs. they will also do nose enlargement and reshaping. And many other cosmetic, medical procedures
  10. My wify tells me only bar girls in thailand get totoo. Adding to it breast implants and a foreign client met in pattaya, bangkok bar. plus possible drug consumption/addiction or dealing leading to a well planned murder by drug mafia.
  11. so police has suspect's name, his address and still investigation went cold turkey - no progress 4th day after murder. No any update, even about arrest warrants - surely by now they should be regional or national campaign to trace and arrest this murderer. That should also include military police, because he was a soldier on an active duty. I know it's holiday season, but still they should be much proactive. That guy is still armed and serious danger to public. Just as a comparison, when an Israeli tourist runs from bangkok quarantine hotel before his results came back from laboratory (turned out to be positive), there is a national manhunt, articles in all mass media and he is traced and arrested within 2 days, using cctv system which spotted him in prachinburi and followed him to koh samui.
  12. if they are extending 50% fees for another quarter and if they extending terms of payment to 90 days, means that not many airlines are willing to fly and on reduced schedule. why minister is quoting figures for the first quarter if there are already figures up to 23.07. Till that date over 3mln international arrivals. On average 15k/day. That doesn't meant they are tourists - probably half are travelling thai. The total for 2022 might be only 7mln, just 4mln more in the next 5 months and 7 days. That is average 25k/day. The higher estimate figure makes 45k/day and that is much higher rate to now, but I think too optimistic. The problem is, that 4th quarter is still partly rainy season, which formally end at the end of October, but in a touristy South it ends later - on Phuket, Krabi around end on November and Samui archipelago in January. That is within airlines capacity. Still, problem might be bottlenecks in Europe airports, which are not coping with demand and forcing airlines to cancel flights. There would be seasonal charter flights - the TG are contemplating them for package tourists from europe, as well as russian airlines already planned for october to phuket. Possibly there would be more scheduled flights, but still emirates have some 33% of the thai market share and that position is very strong, not allowing others to compete. That's why the BA is not coming back to Thailand. There must be many others which would not bother coming back to thaoland yet
  13. they have already delivered 200k doses, but is only for some special patients. Generally hospitals don't know anything. more suppose to be produced locally in thailand, but no timing and quantities. don't count on it
  14. I would think after 2am they were operating illegally yet they still called friendly cops
  15. they should find reason for death, not some sensational detail which doesn't have to do anything with this case. In this reservation there are over 150 ellies. It's well planned and well protected with several ranger stations (and also is protected by the nearby erewan national park)
  16. several tattoo (possible more than 2), breast implant are rather unusual and might might indicate bar work. Shots in the head, undressed bodies, grave 1.5m (not easy to dig up thai soil - that is many hours of spade work), cement - looks well planned and organised, mafia style. I would think some serious crime behind this murder. Maybe drugs. Woman's relatives, friends should solve her identity. And those, who do not come forward should be suspects in investigation. If this man is indeed not asian it's not likely local from Korat, possibly travelled there from bangkok, pattaya over the last weekend.
  17. communicate with therapist all the time, especially if uncomfortable. That verbally and non-verbally. Experienced therapist should read body reaction even without talking. Suppose to read face expression. If not certain, a therapist should frequently ask question. I never order foot massage, that after trying it the first time and finding it too painful. I had another one recently, just to accompany another person. Yes, you can ask to change a therapist at any time during treatment. You don't have to give any reason. Don't bother about their face or lost income - their problem if not listening carefully to you. Majority of therapists are good. And they should learn from your instructions during treatment, so they will improve. My way of getting massage is finding the nearest and cheapest possibly clinic, pay for a package of 10-20h. Once I have bought a gold package 150h with 25% discount. Myself and all my family used it. I do have experience with massage, including receiving thousands of hours, also practising and translating during teaching courses
  18. ask cigna for pricing of your plan till 99. I have asked my insurer and they send me only till 90, but they do cover to 99. I am shocked at those prices, can't believe them. That information is very hard to get, almost never published publicly. Often they say premium will go higher than those quoted once 65 passed, those figures are just a ballpark. So if you need only the worst case, strip your policy of all add ons, get to highest possible deductible and co-pay. Cigna is asking for $300 even if it's not your regular increase year (usually they do increase every 5 years - so your major increase suppose to be at 51). When older they will be asking much higher increase every single year. Get thai based insurer (unless you are planning to go back to UK to continue your cigna). As you have regular check ups and you are healthy, no hereditary etc maybe stop insurance for sometimes, when insurance companies are in covid turmoil. Start shopping before age 61 or 66. There are some insurers which will take before 70 (but cover only till 80 or 85) and pacific cross visa friendly before 75. When covid will pass, and with it "long covid" patients, cancer (and many other serious conditions) victims from covid fallout, premiums will stabilise to pre-covid situation. Premiums now are some 20% higher than pre-covid, I gave an example of April. Find the best local governmental secondary care hospital, which is university associated. So they speak english, have equipment and doctors doing scientific research in their field, so you have a chance to meet even professors. Even, if you have to travel 100km each way several times per year for some treatment, it will well pay you back. Yearly check check ups you can do at any governmental hospital 2-6k (depending on chosen options).
  19. "Police believe that the assailant is a man called Noppachai, a serving soldier of the rank of lieutenant at Fort Phol 11. ... Three days ago the victim had a problem with Noppachai's son and they believe it was a revenge attack." police should not disclose that info publicly, that doesn't help investigation, it's not professional. Most likely it's also illegal to name crime perpetrator just on "believe" and without court warrant. Would be interesting to know what so serious conflict there was. Was it shadowy deal? drugs?
  20. those 2nd generation will be first in the West, when their market is saturated, they would spare some for thailand. Thai government contracted a year ago 2nd generation moderna from the beginning of this year, but this vax don't exist yet (probably at clinical trials), so for thailand they might be sometimes in 2023. The second booster is already being done in some european countries for risk groups and over 60.
  21. very few thai insurers would issue one to age of 70, with renewals to only 80 (or 85). The only one doing it to 75 age is pacific cross, but only visa friendly policy and as designed only for foreigners probably it's not the best value (in comparison to their other plans). I think they don't offer deductible on this plan. Some guy claimed on insurance sub-forum that he was able to get pacific cross at age of 78. That was many years ago. Ask directly pacific cross, they might give you exception and special quotation. But try to buy through an agent, if that would be possible at all in your case. Here terms of this policy https://misterprakan.com/th/health/details?gender=Male&age=75&lg=en&ipd=1&opdf=0&leadid=348157&pdtype=health&pid=NzU=&insurer=UGFjaWZpYyBDcm9zcw==&dd=&opd=Tm8=&dental=&vision=&pp=ZnA9TVRJek5qZ3kmcGM9TVRJek5qZ3kmcGNjPU1USXpOamd5JnBwbGl0ZTM9JnBwbGl0ZTQ9JnBwbGl0ZTY9JnBwbGl0ZTg9JnBwbGl0ZTEwPSZwYmJpbnMxPSZwYmJpbnMyPSZwYmJpbnMzPSZwYmJpbnM0PSZwYmJpbnM1PSZwYmJpbnM2PSZwYmJpbnM3PSZwYmJpbnM4PSZwYmJpbnM5PSZwYmJpbnMxMD0=
  22. They have already imported some 200k doses, but looks like it's only for patients, who can't take any other vax. No any detail on production. Most important if thai government will contract this vax. I think rather not. That is strange, that indian based company is transferring production to thailand. India is the largest producer of vax in the world. They have already there big pharma factories. Also this vax is based on the original covid strain. Go for some updated versions when become available in thailand. Moderna suppose to deliver the 2nd generation to thailand from the beginning of year, but it hasn't happen.
  23. title doesn't correspond with text: "Dr. Supakit said speculation can be made about the two subvariants producing more severe symptoms than the BA.2 strain. However, the degree of severity remains to be determined." Those 2 latest variants appeared in Europe since April and at the same time liberalisation of covid rules were going on. Yes, there is the summer wave in Europe, because of tourism, but non of those countries are re-instating laws. Even vax certificates are ignored, for the time being. Some countries only contemplating the second booster for vulnerable. There is small mortality rate and hospitals are also in holiday-mode.
  24. international flights to thailand are monopolised by emirates, which has some 35% of share. So for the BA getting on that route will be difficult. They have already code share to BKK with Qatar (as I remember). And they have kept their bangkok slot, which they are using for cargo flights. Apparently, cargo is more profitable, than passenger. Tourism to thailand is highly seasonal - summer holidays and xmass/new year, with winter brakes.
  25. ok, they have rescinded this order as 17:00. for how long? "Speaking at a 5pm news conference, alongside Yongyos Thammawut of the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Department, Deputy Secretary of Health Narong Saiwong said he would review the order and “reconsider” the matter again for whatever can “bring utmost benefit to people.” “As for concerns that there will be enforcement and arrest, I assure you that it probably won’t happen yet,” Yongyos told reporters at the hastily arranged news conference."
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