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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. this car is not "completely" submerged. Water level is up to half of car, below door handle. It was drivers full fault, no matter if there were any cons or not. Possibly she drove in with such speed, that car became waterborn
  2. some insurers, like Thai Health Insurance PCL, ask only for 5 years records, some other for 10 years or even "ever". I was told by my misterprakan broker, that AXA is stricter in issuing policy and that there should be minimum 6 month from some hospitalisation. The longer it is from medical event, the less likely it would be played by insurer. In you case I don't think radiologist opinion is relevant to insurer. That opinion was not taken by doctor. Doctors decision overrules radiologist report. Do same check up again in some other hospital. Enclose it with application form. If you are healthy, as you say, and further radio scans are clear, maybe you should downgrade you insurance premiums, take large deductible, co-pay.
  3. since occupation of afghanistan in 2001, this country became again the major producer and exporter of drugs (at cost of golden triangle export, who had this record for decades). Some 80% of world's opium and heroin is from there, making 11% of GDP. Look at the production chart in this article - they were doing up to 9k tons per year. The great majority for export. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58308494 it's worth reading history through this perspective. Hundreds billions $ were shared between occupiers and occupied in secret deals between occupying armies and tribal leaders. With such big money at stake, war crimes were carried by all sites
  4. it was not alcohol, but some gas container thrown inside and exit doors blocked. That would be not just tear or pepper, but fast acting nerve gas, they couldn't get to some other back door entrances or brake glass windows. They should not bury bodies before laboratory results are known. Investigation is not finished even if autopsy is done. That looks like a mass murder
  5. according to the health ministry the majority of provinces don't have a single infection detected. Just move patients to the provinces, where there are empty wards. Just a week ago the covid wards were filled only in 10%. How is possible that within such short time they are full.
  6. regulating ganja now would mean not only tax (so higher prices) but certification, licences which would also cost and to be renewed on yearly basis. And it would be the health ministry job and their particular income. Knowing dr Anutin and the Bhumjai party mafia roots it's obvious they will profit financially from issuing those licences. Let people to get high on ganja, than smoke much more harmful cigarettes and alcohol. That would be cheaper for them, especially if home grown. There should be as little regulations as possible. What is now is an ideal legal situation
  7. that I have already explained - if booking so much in advance fares are high. They will fall just several months before date. on this thread and on the other ones here, you can see examples of fares below 30k starting from september. Somebody booked on the recent sale Thai for some 23k. Yes, they are also not my favourite one anymore (I loved them many years ago), but that price is even below flights with connections and long layovers - so worth consideration. There would be spike for the new year. But May is low season in thailand and the UK. Even if there would be some covid restrictions coming back, there would be more airlines expanding their networks and competition will force prices back. Also prices of fuel are falling for many weeks now. I do buy my fares just very few weeks in advance and the cheapest possible (not flexible). If they are very high I simply don't fly. I will take advantage when they fall after a seasonal pick and then fly more often. Yes, I do plan, but I am also very flexible with my travels. I never panic buy. I just take time.
  8. only vax certificate at boarding, maybe it will check again at transit
  9. those 2 are not more contagious or more severe, just there are waves with new variants after the previous one infected a large part of population and can't spread (herd immunity). As to protection from vaxes - it's already long since the the original jabs and minimum 3 month booster, some people had already 4th sometimes this year. But really it's worth take a booster just before a wave, not at set up times. That is why in the USA they think it's more serious this time. There is not such conclusion from Europe experience. Some countries are getting masks again at public transport, some individual cities might also make their regulations above the national government. There are rising cases in thailand, what what would be called the 6th wave would be end of summer - august-october
  10. even if they don't list Pneumovax 23, they still might have them. Or they will order one for you. Pre-pay, so it would motivate them to order. In the meantime you can get flu, some other ones - they all will boost your immune system for sometimes
  11. check for parasites. You can also check with good vet your fish what parasites they might have and those you might have in your intestine. Treat them to prevent catching bugs from them in the future. Get from pharmacy several pills of mebendazole 500mg, albendazole 400mg, niclosamide, praziquantel, ivermectin, take each of them even daily every few h and for several days. Stop, if too strong herx reaction. Drink plenty of water and rather light food. Those medicines work better if taken with any fat, some 20ml olive oil. For lamblia there is tinidazol and metronidazol, but do first check up stool, because those 2 medicines suppose to be taken in larger doses and for longer, and they do have side effects. So better not self-prescribe if not sure. Probably your antibiotics were one of them. Get also natural youghurt to replenish your good gut flora. Greek youghurt or cheaper yolida one. Eat several times per day
  12. at Ratchaphiphat Hospital on Phuthamonton sai 3 in Bangkok (thonburi side). It's listed in their general health check up brochure and on an advertising screen, but doctor explained that there is a long waiting list and refused me that check up. That price is their VIP clinic, which has fast laboratory results within 1-2h and short waiting line for doctors. So I went to Kanchanapisek hospital in Salaya (just on the west border of Bangkok) and did it with just 3 days waiting time for 2700b. They find slot for me at 18:30 and procedure lasted brief 15 minutes. Radiologist was english speaking and told me results which happen to be ok. They do as well here 3 basic cancer markers and ekg for total 1300b. That is secondary care hospital and they charge more for their services, but on an upside there are not that many patients as in primary care, where patients are overflowing. I would think that all governmental hospital would charge max 1800b - even in vip clinic
  13. foreign tourists are irrelevant to this thai religious holiday. That 2500 tourists is a lot, especially if they stay on this island. I would think bangkokians will move, when stop raining and they will play by ear if to stay for several nights. Hotel prices are very low, that indicates no demand. Many had holiday a month ago, at the beginning of June. Another holidays are coming at the end of month and the next month, people can't afford each holiday
  14. booking well in advance, for the next year, is not good deal. I was flying to europe with emirates end of february for 22k. As the other reported, from september prices are going to normal 25-30k. There are many other airlines, besides emirates (my favourite airline, if not much more expensive than the other comparable airline), which do large hold luggage and don't have too long layover. I would think that for may 2023 you can get eva, thai and BA (when they start flying) for 65k for 2. Thai do have sales several times per year. The last one lasted the whole June, for bookings up to xmass. Europe was for around 30k. Even without sale I see thai for around the same price, that is from September
  15. insurance would exclude pre-existing. blood tests also won't be covered - I understand they are for hiv. Red cross has also branches in provincial towns, they are not only in bkk. As to the governmental hospitals - take prescription and check prices at very large pharmacies. Even if they don't have in stock, they can order for you.
  16. I would think first blood, urine and stool tests. Possibly cancer markers. After that more invasive tests. Instead of gastroscopy should be tried ultrasound, that one is some 1800b, many times cheaper, than gastro. Try some anti-parasitic medicines, whatever is available at pharmacy
  17. chances of getting omicron in thailand are still lower, than in europe, where the summer wave is raging already and will likely last for all summer. all countries all under reporting, mainly to get tourism going. So understandable thailand will do it even more so. many pcr testing sites scaled down or closed down. People are just doing cheap ATK tests and only when they have symptoms or somebody close by. surely, there would be yet another wave in thailand (as it's in europe now), but not because of those 5 days holidays. Actually, not that great traffic on motorway yesterday and very light traffic today. It's raining almost constantly, people might travel, if some sunshine. Hotel prices on the beach constant low range
  18. I had in my local governmental hospital, 1050b, so cheaper than the red cross. I had it together with flu and hep A. You can combine with any others. the 23 suppose to be 1 year after 13. Also there is the red cross branch in all larger towns, but first the nearest hospital
  19. it's surprising that neighbouring countries can fare that much. Why Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam Singapore but not Japan and Hong Kong? Why Portugal, Spain but not Italy, Malta, Cyprus, Turkey? Why UAE but not Kuwait? Why Australia but not N Zealand? That doesn't sound correct
  20. in the article below is more clear. in 2019 election they had 6 MPs - 5 in government and 1 in opposition. So some 3 of them still in government. This year they were joined by 21 rebels from PPP, with lead of the Heroin Minister. Drug Minister Prompao has become secretary-general of that party, but the party did not join an opposition. They will have their first chance in the coming censure debate https://www.thaienquirer.com/41694/thai-economic-party-loses-by-election-resulting-in-two-high-profile-resignations/
  21. I have already explained why this second column is meaningless. Also worth pointing that the majority of provinces don't show any infections, which is clearly not true. It's not possible, the average from "infected" provinces is some 5 per 100k, while neighbouring province is plain zero. An average province has 1mln inhabitants, so statistically 10 per province. Covid is everywhere and in large numbers. Why some provinces can report zero infections is a mystery, must be some mistake in processing data. There is already a new wave of infections coming, this time with ba 4 and 5. If reported data is false it puts people into imagined safety state. Reporting false data should stop, it's harmful
  22. the second column is meaningless, it just shows total population. If you prepared those tables by yourself, you should remove that column. As to infection results - it's not possible, that in nonthaburi, which is part of greater bangkok, difference in infections is over 10x less. Even more misleading is only 1 infection in samut sakhon - that province is also part of metropolitan bangkok. Difference is 1400x less than bangkok. Frankly, I wish you should stop posting it. Thanx a lot
  23. LPG conversion starts from some 20k, gas price is 1/3 of petrol. Within a few months return on investment. Alternatively NGV conversion, but 2x more expensive and not that many stations.
  24. first of all - where is that man who payed. Possible to track him down through facebook correspondence, possible from details in this very video. Even checking hotel registration records. Interesting question - who released this video to public domain? not likely the man who molested the kid, so somebody accidentally came across it and put it on the net. That is also breaching the law, that was propagating pedofilia movie. was the girl drugged with rehypnol? does she remember anything and can give some details?
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