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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. they were put at the beginning of pandemic, and there is still an emergency decree. They are there in case of the next wave. Probably they would be taken down, when wear off. Anybody can seat, if they wish. I have seen in european airports those reserved seats, not long ago. But those airports were empty
  2. so he meddling in religious affairs. Unconstitutional. Might be sued by monkhood. What about him ordering military to stop smuggling illegal immigrants, which feed slavery? Or pedofilia within it's ranks (the last week example of army officers getting kids from children care home in the South). My nephew had to pay 250k to pass exam to military cadet school. Without bribe he won't pass. Same with entry to police accademy. All bribery contributes to Prawit watches and generals with hundreds millions worth of property. Cadets killed in the barracks every year? https://thediplomat.com/2016/07/the-dark-secrets-of-thailands-military/ what happen to rajabhati park corruption? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35069188
  3. no, there are no any on departure. That's from around Test&Go times, November
  4. "He added that the ministry has submitted the soup for consideration by UNESCO to be included on the representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. ... The inclusion, if successful, is expected to help instill national pride among the Thai people and encourage them to understand the importance of their cultural heritage." so it's not really about attraction for world tourists, but nationalism. Atractiveness is measured by international arrivals. Thailand use to be 9th. But I think I would be falling, because of many covid related mistakes, including botched vax program for locals. "Top 10 Countries Most Popular with Tourists (by number of 2019 visitor arrivals) France - 90.0 million Spain - 83.7 million United States - 79.3 million China - 65.7 million Italy - 64.5 million Turkey - 51.2 million Mexico - 45.0 million Thailand - 39.8 million Germany - 39.6 million United Kingdom - 39.4 million" https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-visited-countries Do you remember claims, that Thai language will become an international language? And Thailand would become world power? "In his speech at the Excellent Youths Awards yesterday, Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha told the kids that English is an important language and everyone should not be shy to speak it, but behold…Thai may become a world language when the country is successfully reformed, VoiceTV reported. “The most common language is English for sure. If Thai was a world language, we would have been a powerful country,” Prayuth said as the entire room burst into laughter. “Is there a chance Thai will become a world language? Yes, if you do what I say! In the future, Thai may become a world language. You know many people learn Thai. They say it’s very difficult. It has a bunch of vowels…and 44 letters, right? What else? 24 vowels? English only has A E I O U,” he said. “One Thai word can mean many things. That’s what we should be proud of!” Prayuth added." https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/prayuth-thai-will-become-world-language/
  5. that's what probably was done by humanoids for milion years before antibiotics were discovered. Good manuka honey from australia might do job for skin better, than internally taken antibiotics
  6. that report was prepared by the WHO thai team. No necessarily true statements. Possibly lies. Excess deaths due to covid is 113 in thailand. In comparison: Australia 7 Malaysia 8 Singapore 21 South Korea 23 Hong Kong 32 Japan 33 In Taiwan excess deaths are -16, New Zealand -38 https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-tracker from this unsourced article from The Pattaya News: "according to WHO experts and WHO Thailand’s team. The key to the good adjustments also included the support from senior political executives in the government, the strengthening of the Thai public health system, the cooperation of all sectors, including the public and private sectors, the enhancing participation of the people and the community, and the use of digital technologies to help to make decisions." There are very many examples of how the government botched the vax program. That includes refusal and delay of vax to foreigners - if not for international donations (1.5mln pfizer from the USA, 500k sinovac from China, 410k AZ from the UK, also Korea, France and some other countries) possibly many of foreigners wouldn't be vaxed even until now. As to digital technologies - track and trace application Morchana is not working now, it was working only partially, crashing systematically. Morprom application is also with many problems. For long it was only in Thai. Still parts of it not translated. Foreign patients data was often wrongly put into this system. My private hospital couldn't put my covid positive result there. I also was not able to enter my laboratory results.
  7. because of sinovac (and sinopharm), which were the first used in thailand, boosters started to be given as early as august 2021 (that was 650k for medics taken from 1.5mln pfizer donated by the usa). to travel internationally those 2 chinese vaxes are not accepted (in europe only to 9 countries, and still conditional). my european vax application (integrated with data from thailand) doesn't allow me to get the second booster yet. If there is yet another wave I would consider. Possibly then there would be the second generation moderna
  8. dengvaxia is effective and safe and is the only vax available around the world, including thailand, european union and the USA. philippines Duterte politicised this vax to use against an opposition, which government approved vax program for kids in endemic areas and for cops. This vax suppose to be used for kids over 9 and for adults up to 45 years. For foreigners who lived in tropics for 9 years or had already infection. Dengue is not worse than malaria -it's 85% asymptomatic, 10% medical care, 5% hospitalisation. Mortality around 1/1000 (for malaria in thailand mortality is higher, judging by statistic from 2019, 4/1000). Dengue spreads in highly populated areas (mainly by kids who got infected at schools, sport grounds etc), and because of it's large scale it's more dangerous now, than malaria
  9. Sheryl, I think it's more to do with malaria, than with specific mosquito (there are several mosquito species which can transmit) or deep forest. As malaria is eradicated (medicines, insecticides) first in urban areas, central provinces, it still remains on the country edges of mountainous forested areas (that includes some 4 thousand villages), also crossing from neighbouring countries, where malaria is less controlled. In Africa malaria can still be in towns, they use impregnated mosquito nets within rooms, spraying walls with insecticide. Malaria in thailand in not like a similarly transmitted dengue. For dengue there are no any medicines for treatment or prevention, so it remains. Insecticides against dengue mosquito seems like not good enough. When the amphur sprays my soi (that includes after dengue and zika cases), mosquito are not killed. Looks, like they are no affected, the next day as many, as before.
  10. malaria is only endemic in forested border areas, and only some 3500 infections per year causing a small percentage of deaths. In 2019 there were only 13 cases of death. There are many different readily available medicines (including for prophylactic). this knowlesi strain of malaria is a new one, which emerged only within the last 20 years. It jumped from macaques and is the least widespread, the least dangerous. Much more larger is scale is denque, with some 70k yearly infections in highly populated areas. With some 50 deaths per year. There are no any medicines to treat it, only once to control symptoms. Dengvaxia vaccination is is available from 2017 but almost unknown to the wider population, because of high price. Both illnesses are spread by different mosquito - dengue is spread daytime by a small aedes aegypty. I understand he is covid czar for the last year, but why he has to comment on health issues, even as marginal one, as that of knowlesi. As if he didn't bother of so many very serious and tragic health, social and economic issues
  11. over 2 years into pandemic and looks like still there was not proper data collection. Doing it now, when there is no serious situation, will be wasting another 7bln (that on top of funding before many other digital systems, with half-operational or non-operational applications). As to those "seven" in the title - they are rather steps, points, but not 7 different ways of transformation
  12. with antibiotics do take probiotics. The easiest and cheapest are from food - natural yogurt, sour milk, cheese. Also prebiotics. Garlic, onion, ginger will also boost your immune system. At some stage you can ask dr for antibiotics in cream form. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/19-best-prebiotic-foods
  13. that would mean 3rd WW and very likely nuclear war. As I understand you are a former military, as such you should have more imagination and planning as to military matters. There is no any other solution, as a pacifist , anty-militarist and internationalist, as diplomatic solution. Escalation of military conflict leads to more suffering
  14. don't compare british police to thai police. In the UK they can put 50 skilled high ranking officers on the case and they will work for up to 6 months. all those cases were solved and perpetrators sentenced. There are no cases of corruption, bribery, as in thailand. You are trolling, don't bother to reply
  15. yes, "inactive post", at their organisation (so they still have a chance of interfering) or at the higher level office. If there are accusations of that scale, he should be immediately suspended without pay. In some other countries he would be charged and arrested, so can't influence victims or bribe himself out. And why they can disclose his position but not his name?
  16. yes, another $30bln aid, mostly in armaments, was approved just a few days ago. That on top of the previous multiple multi billion armaments deliveries. That's why tens of thousand has died and why many millions forced to run abroad. Many more tens of thousands will die will die every month or two, with more migrants
  17. @Battycan you post a link where to find those 3 videos. The first part was broadcast already on 6st March
  18. the last phangan full moon party around songkran had over 10k participants, not sure if there were even any injuries. Before covid those parties were larger, over 30k, and lasted for longer and also then no murders or death. But I do remember some local vendor smashing spanish girl's head with bear bottle for sitting on the 7/11 stairs. Phangan is just the next door from koh thao, just it's ruled by mafia which controls police
  19. that was just only 200mln envelope to around ministry by a seriol killer family. After that Prayuth said it's their own fault to walk nighttime on the beach and blamed sex violence happening in thailand against female tourists entirely on victims. The same investigator who botched kho tao serial murder was later tranferred to mass graves on malaysian border and with this investigation he did so well, that ended in australia as a political refugee
  20. check in cambodia. easy to go and come back.
  21. I was playing with microblading. The cheapest full head is from 30k. Before going for that I went to try microblading on eyebrows for some 3k. Because I have a very oily skin (from walking unprotected on sun) it lasted only a few months and now just an unnoticeable shade. So I went for hair colouring tube 25b, lasts around 1 year. I am happy with results, because I have all grey hair. Made me look 10 years younger. Just 45 minutes home job every month.
  22. unless you need recovery certificate (for some purpose, for example travel or entering some premises, like workplace, hospital treatments) no need for a pcr, which costs some 2k. Also no point in constant atk testing. You both might be positive for up to 3 months. Save those atk for future suspected infections. There is a point doing them on onset, so to know to self-isolate. Your wife gave you virus many days after she became infected, looks like you have a stronger immune system. Some develop symptoms after 48h, some others after much longer.
  23. sandbox is to play in enclosed space, like phuket, samui, koh chang. If you try to play in a capital city agglomeration of 15mln people and some 25% of the country population, that's not a sandbox anymore. Some 2mln seniors in thailand (out of 12mln) are not vaccinated even with 1 dose. In Bangkok there are still hundreds thousands of them.
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