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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. yes, it can be cancelled. At some stage it will be, as it is (and always was) half-functional. All this personal data on the governmental sites is unprotected, doesn't even have to be hacked. Employees selling to mafia for some $1 per piece, but in thousands. Since I have started registering for thai vax on multiple (but suppose to be credible) sites, I have stream of sms and emails with local spam. Further increased after registering with thailand pass. They had 2 major leaks, 28.01 (just before re-launching T&G) and a week ago. Each time they had to put a warning on their pop up page, but never admitted their responsibility
  2. but they will send you your pass as pdf
  3. top police said earlier that he will be be prosecuted with the full power of laws and to trust that he won't have a special treatment from police. He "wasn't involved". He killed her.
  4. for this insurance to kick in you have to commence travel by 31.03. As to calling emirates - they state not to contact them about this policy. AIG is offering travel policies, can be bought on the net. I don't think they would extend this free one, you can buy separate one after 30 days
  5. just a week from moderna booster I had 4 days hospitalised bacterial lung infection and in another 2 weeks (one month from vax) I had mild omicron, which was also hospitalised because of the recent infection. there is a chance that the booster caused lung infection. What saved me were over 10 different vaxes (not the covid one) which I had a year ago. I still have something seating in my lungs, mild discomfort. In israel, europe, many had at least one booster and were swept by omicron
  6. as a police officer he should have finish his full investigation, prosecutor should indict them and courts put behind bars all involved. as I remember there were at some point over 800 suspects, only 150 indicted and only 75 sentenced. It shows, that mass graves with 2000 bodies probably were just a tip of an iceberg, with 10x more never to be discovered by now, decomposed in tropical soils in jungles. It's not about "filing complain against high ranking officers". he left the country, to never return. Fleeing country made him state enemy. If he just fled to one of the neighbouring countries, he would be dead by now. Thai military death squats hunting him for years. This oficer is not claiming asylum in australia. By now, after 6 years, he has residency there and soon probably citizenship. By then he will be able to say more. His statements made to australian authorities will be sometimes fully disclosed, without redacting.
  7. just after receiving you 1st day result tell receptionist (or possibly nurse), that you have covid symptoms for the last 1-2 days. They suppose to test you. Because it will be early morning, you have chance for result the same day, early evening.. That saves hotel cleaning your room 2x. As it suppose to be a very thorough cleaning, saves chambermaid minimum 1h work
  8. likely your policy is over $50k (some 1.6mln bht), so good enough. You can ask your insurer for a cover letter - thai companies know exactly. Foreign unlikely and unwilling. If happen to be below that, cheaper would be upgrade it. It would be covering also your international trips (not only entry to thailand). And would cover all medical conditions
  9. many are scam (for example selling from as little as 192b in bangkok). very long time to wait for confirmation letter, some 5 days, or never. very questionable cancellation policy. Those bookings are usually not possible to cancel when dealing directly with hotel, or require minimum 14 days and only partial 50% refund. I don't think they would have those policies better on agoda, if they have to pay 30% commission to agoda. Thai government has warned in the beginning of january against booking with agoda. There were hotels selling T&G packages while this program was suspended from 22.12. Saving on agoda is marginal, some 200b for both nights. But might turn up immense hassle
  10. use your existing health insurance (I assume, if elite visa, you have one). Or buy a one month, should be sufficient. No need for a throw away ticket, apparantly. You can apply while in thailand. But turn around now is a day or two, so you can do it when you have exact return date, to avoid changing hotel booking and issuing a new pass
  11. book 1st night and continue to booking 5th night. pay for both and have one reference number from hotel. I would never use agoda for anything to do with T&G
  12. try to test at your destination, some allow it within a few days after arrival (on condition you are fully vaxed). In the other countries you can self-isolate. In thailand it's a lottery between hospitel from around 30k for 10 days and home isolation. This several days delay might allow for your test to turn negative, if you suspect you had recent infection.
  13. they are, but now useless. premium 750b covers for 5k medical. premium 1.5k covers for 10k medical. Get a proper health insurance. Even for 300-400k would cover serious hospitalisation, including some ICU. At the governmental hospital.
  14. the last night 2.5h, the previous day 12h. They were not business days - saturday and sunday. They work 24h. In the past since november 1- 4 days. Pot of luck. Try to submit late night bangkok time
  15. by all means, do yellow booklet, might come handy in the future. I have one since end of october. You can order one on morprom and pick it up. They also had a plan to post it to address, but so far nothing happen. Possibly authorities from the other countries can add boosters into yellow book. More for thai authorities, than for european records. In europe they relay more on the governmental health applications (similar to morprom, but much more reliable, not easy to forge, and much more sophisticated). They would have access to thai vax database to see, how many and what vax you already had.
  16. they all want to see an original vax certificate. Same, as what you are submitting to TP application. The TP doesn't mention yellow booklet at all
  17. I have an opposite experience in europe (as well as departing and entering thailand, transiting through airports) - nobody wants to see yellow booklet. Everybody wants an original vax certificate. This yellow booklet might come handy in the future, to add boosters, covid recovery. That, if any health authority cared to do so. Hospitals even don't care to add medical and recovery certificate to morprom application. It's a mess, which nobody is able to control and check. I would imagine even those yellow booklets will be forged, even they are good quality and not easy to copy
  18. email printout perfectly ok. as a back up you can also show your vax record on a website you got your test. My laboratory allows to log in there, chose what kind of certificate I need (chose languages, purpose for international travel or for workplace etc)
  19. I see only an advantage to less air pollution, lower temperatures, greenery (including faster and cheaper food production). I don't think any tourists do complain, as there are non in the country now (that excluding phuket sandboxers). If thailand is heading for moderate temperatures and precipitation all throughout the year, it would make country more welcoming to tourists through all seasons, not only an overcrowded high season
  20. from memory, there were some 30 mass graves with some 2000 corpses. How many more are still undiscovered in the dense mountain jungles of malaysian border areas? Rohingya were "legally" smuggled by thai officials through all Thailand from Mae Hong Son province to some 2000km Sadao province. They had a back up of paperwork to pass through multiple police and military checkpoints. If there was a surplus of slaves to be sold to Malaysia, the victims, who have payed in $$$$ to be smuggled, were ordered to call their relatives in Rakhine State in Myanmar, to extort further $2-3k. If relatives were reluctant to transfer money, victims were tortured while broadcasting their scream in another phone call. If no payment received, they were murdered, as they were worthless now. Blame is also on so holy Malaysian muslims, who took part in the procedure of enslaving their brethren. Without strong demand for a cheap/free labour (including sex slavery), this trade won't exist. On the margin of atrocities on Roghinyas - thai border marines trawlers were towing flimsy and overcrowded boats into a full sea, breaking their engines and allowed to drift into ocean
  21. he was the only one MP in his party, who supported opposition to the present government. His 5 fellow MP's became the very cobras themselves, abandoning party policy and the majority of party membership. He had no choice, but to resign from the party leadership and from party itself. Now, his former party slipped further into fully supporting the government "to protect monarchy". If he still has any political ambition he should join move forward as a MP. His resignation also from parliament was pointless, unless he is sure that in by-election a candidate from the future forward is elected, with his active support. but I would question his good intentions.
  22. what about all field hospitals, which suppose to be kept preserved for the future out brakes? not as comfortable, as hospitels, but much cheaper to run. They were free to thai citizens. With new regulations coming in from the 1 March, thai citizens will have to pay for hospitels, because their symptoms are not severe and hence not covered anymore by the health system
  23. sad event. but how an owner of hotel postpones his second vax to february, if he had chance to be fully vaxed around August the last year? the first shots of very limited vaxes were offered to those working in hotels, as they are exposed to large number of visitors. All hotels suppose to be SHA+, so majority of personel should be vaxed
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