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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. My hospital informed me, that they are bankrupt and claims against covid are not valid. any fresh news? Their website is still running, no any mention of bankruptcy. They even sell many different policies
  2. Over years i have found 3 long term relationships on thaifriendly. non of them wrote anything about long relationship on their profile. But very many do. The first one went back to her province to take care of kids and her mother. the second went abroad on 2 years work contract. The the third one is a nurse working 70h weekly, but can take holiday days often, as she saved them over many years of hard work, when being single. I havent met any other girls. Pretty explonatory within few messages who they are and what they want
  3. As to side topic of tourism - responsible for 18% gdp. From which 12% is international tourism. but add to it expats in a few hundred thousands, workers (some 60k teachers, as well as IT, nomads etc and rhis group can swell to a million per year in good times. if too many restrictions even workers will think twice, because they do have better options money wise. They come to thailand for lifestyle
  4. T@G was never cancelled. You have just panicked. Right now i am entering on T&G issued on 22.12, second pcr test complimentary. Might even skip it if I am in a mood for fun. Nobody checks it, no qr to submit to morchana
  5. You left thailand the very day they have started to do pfizer for all foreigners, which arrived 1.5mln in july and was planned for a month beforehand
  6. On what issues you listen to any world leader? Or any other leader, at all? you exclude all religious, which might have some moral authority for some. There are not any political leaders. Some might see gandhi, mandela, lurher king, but not all and not in perspective how their achievements ended up. It was and not rosy in case of india, south africa and the usa
  7. Yes, but why make those rules more strict? whats the point of the 5th night locking? everybody was doing their 5-7 days second test, just no way of reporting it. There suppose to be central system collecting all this data directly from hospitals, not people chasing all possibilities to submit results. Some people opted to send to hotels where they have stayed the 1st night. there is an option of avoiding staying locked down in hotel already booked - going for a test to any hospital and turning to hotel around result time, to pick up yours or to show them your resulys from your chosen hospital. There is no need to come back to the very same hospital and there is no need to sleep at your chosen hotel. Patients and guests should have a choice what to do and not losing time on unwise rules. There is no way authorities can prevent it, force it or penalise it. i will chose the nearest to me hospital where there is no waiting time for swab, with gathering in hundreds. I will sleep at hotel which I deem is the safest
  8. Yes, if you have departure, throw away ticket or rent one within 30 days of entry. you will need it every time you enter thailand, so buying an inflated 1 month policies, which cover all covid, but nothing much more. after consideration i have opted for one year full health policy, which covers me also outside thailand, when i do travel. some of those covid policies do have 14 days waiting time, so you are effectively covered only for 16 days or have to buy 2 months policies, instead of one, to have full back up (even if formally this 30 days policy will be accepted for entry.
  9. Hotel is not testing, but might be checking what is written on your pink document. some hotels demand it at check in, some dont care at all. you might have handed them your pink paper which might be put in there by immigration officer. Still might be at hotel reception. Some hotels forget to give it back after checking them
  10. They had time since 22.12 (as they promised to) to upgrade their software and solve multiple serious problems, including security. they did nothing in over a month and now are hit at the worst possible time, just before launching the 2 T@G
  11. Call hotel, possibly you handed them your pink form. some hotel demand them at check in, together with passport. other way you can forget. No way reporting them on mor chana, as they dont have qr code. People have already left thailand failing to do the second test (for various reasons). Looks, like authorities dont follow up
  12. Thai vax system is now integrated into EU one. i have just added to Green Pass my 2 thai vax. but its still not possible to add europen vax to mor phrom. There are some new functions added from time to time, but this
  13. If he said “distortion of reality based on fear" he talks about mass media, also national and international agencies hyping dangers of covid. conspiracy theorists, on the other hand, always played down risks of covid. Many of them come from within CC, the other churches and the other religions. the first supersoreaders were korean christians congregating at church for prayers against covid by loud singing religious hymns. same goes for catholic priests allowing for large gatherings without distancing and condemnation of masking. similar to large muslim festivals. Somehow thai monk hood behave the most rational, giving people an example of masking. Barr following an order from prayuth to weekly pray to ward of thailand against covid-o. That was surely state interference into internal religious matter of sangha. They have complied, so also shame on the whole of them
  14. Your social security covers you for thailand pass. if you go abroad you get travel insurance for some $100 per month. with your social security you are covered for all conditions. If you cant wait or need better medical option you go private. Doesnt have to be the most expensive hospital. The cheap/medium range private will be as good for a fraction of price. for the last ten years you have saved some 1mln in premiums. You dont have to jump from no having any private insurance to one of the best and most expensive one with unlimited inpatient. You can get still good 3mln for below 50k. You can lower premium by very high deductible. or get very basic 300k below 20k per year. Basic ones dont offer deductible. Be sure to top up with the highest possible for accident. no, you dont need an outpatient. You still have aftercare for some 30 days per year. in your place i would not do any health insurance yet. But do get the accident. Do yearly full body check ups, just some 5k at any government hospital (possible lower with your ss). if you have spare some 12k per month do invest it, even by getting bitcoin. That would be your health insurance where ever in the world you will be in time for need
  15. Contact an agent, which are you going to use later, to give you options only for accident. Probably you dont need health insurance, premier plus by pacific has only accident 200k, which you can upgrade up to 1mln. Each addition 100k above 200k is 150b
  16. Yes, pcr is 2200b, transport from airport 400b and minimum 500b for 3 meals. Each hospital might be charging different for pcr, depending on the speed (some charge an additional 2k for 2h frame). transport from hotel depends on distance. food depends on quality and on the mark up each hotel has. it's possible to find the first night from 3800b with just one meal. The second night for the new T&G should be some 500b cheaper, as no transport
  17. The foreign ministry doesnt take responsibility for this hack or wmail leak and blame users for visiting spoof websites (claiming to be thailand pass). The outdated free software the ministry is using for thailand pass was discontinued in 2014 because of week security.
  18. All thai insurers will give you a cover letter for covid just ask them. you need insurance to the end of extension
  19. Their page was probably hacked or email addresses were leaked in some other way (sold by an employee). ministry of foreign affairs blame clients for registering on some fake websites, but thats not the case. They dont take any responsibility
  20. Asymptomatic was not mentioned in any official documents, still its minimum $50k health. in an interest of a positive patient is to show any symptoms, so it's more clear insurer will cover the bill no matter what they write in the small print). Also in an interest of hospital is to have a patient with many symptoms, so they can charge insurer more. And to be sure, that they dont skin their patient. people, who were tested positive and insurance refused payment, were left alone to quarantine at any hotel they were staying at that time. Also send to self-quarantine, if they have homes. Looks like with omicron there is much less drama, than it was with delta and the precious ones. Understandable. there also hopes, and chances, that the second pcr test and 5th day booking will be dropped. So if you are not in rush would be better to wait, delay travel a bit.
  21. I have insurance with them valid til May. My premium was over 1k and they suppose to pay 200k on just testing positive. i have also cheaper one from dhippaya, up to 100k for hospital. are there still any other insurers doing only covid policies? my regular health insurance has very high deductible, so i need something basic to tight me up
  22. Europe accepts fully vaxed from thailand prior to 1.11 test&go. Belgium, austria and switzerland were the first. With full eu integration on 20.11. nobody wants to see thai yellow book. It doesnt have qr code and no picture, but its high quality and difficult to forge (unlike thai vax certificates, which can be jusr photocopied). Might come handy as a back up, if somebody questions certificate or mor phrom crashes, losing your data
  23. Need to be over $50k. ask them for a covid letter. They know what to write, jargon
  24. If you want to enter earlier you have to write to ministry of foreign affairs or to phuket authorities notifying them of new date. Probably need to wait for confirmation, but it was not stated in an official announcement. This rule came in effect around 8.01, when they were expecting to cancel already issued T&G passes. Many people, probably in thousands, entered thailand around that time, in fear their t&g will be nullified and no option of applying for a new one. now, with t&g opening again on monday, most probably this liberal approach will be reverted. so only 72h past the original permit
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