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  1. Not clear. The country that slaughtered 6 million jews, not ot mention Romani and gay people, was not going to engage in an even greater mass slaughter of Slavs?
  2. Please share with us the proof that Hitler wasn't morally opposed to the Nazis?
  3. It's a good thing that Germany wasn't allied with Japan which was waging war on the British Empire. Otherwise...oh wait a minute...
  4. Because then Germany wouldn't have attacked Russia and carried out in full its General Plan Ost? You know, the plan that called for the extermination of millions.
  5. For what it's worth, the price of DJT stock, which tends to traqk Trump's perceived political fortunes, is taking a nosedive today. https://www.google.com/search?q=djt+stock+price&oq=djt&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBggAEEUYOzIGCAAQRRg7MgYIARBFGDkyBggCEEUYOzIGCAMQRRg7MgYIBBBFGDwyBggFEEUYPDIGCAYQRRg80gEHODAwajBqOagCALACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  6. Becauise Big Pharma hates Trump for reneging on his promise to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices?
  7. Whatever the validity of the critique, it hardly was an endorsement of Trump's performance. Did you actually read it?
  8. Another vacuity this time laced with a silly grievance.
  9. Self-serving greed? You mean like pushing a tax bill which especially favors your own business?
  10. Actually, the gaslighting here belongs to you. Who was claiming that Biden did great against Trump?
  11. More empty name calling and mind reading too. What you don't seem to understand is that if your statement is correct, that's very bad news for Trump.
  12. You make a false claim, and somehow that turns into a mark against her? Irrational much? As for what Harris' motives were for getting involved with Brown, it looks like we've got another right wing mind reader here.
  13. You don't seem to understand that this election isn't all about you. Swift has a huge following among women. For what it's worth, I think this kind of fandom is bizarre. But it's a fact. And if she can get more of those women to vote, that's bad news for Trump. "While 45 per cent of Swift's US fans are millennials — like the 34-year-old herself — 21 per cent are Gen X and 25 per cent are Boomers, according to a 2023 survey. That means nearly half of her millions of fans are likely over 45" https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-18/why-are-so-many-taylor-swift-fans-middle-aged/103457252
  14. You clearly haven't a clue about the First Amendment. Denouncing the opinions of other people, and asking others to denounce those opinions is also protected by the first Amendment. J.D. Vance is free to spout nonsense and be interviewed by whomever he pleases. And others are free to denounce him for his opinions and for those with whom he chooses to associate.
  15. Usual self centered nonsense about America. Not every major world events happen because of what takes place in the USA
  16. It was just awful the way she got angry over stuff like crowd size and repeatedly blasted off into tirades...she is...oh wait a minute..
  17. If only ABC had understood that this debate was supposed to be only about issues that mattered to you.
  18. And yet even with a machine gun he managed to miss his targets.
  19. As Donald Rumsfeld once said "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." That approach worked out well, didn't it.?
  20. Spreading falsehoods much? Fact Check: No evidence Swift, Kelce said they will leave US if Trump wins election https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/no-evidence-swift-kelce-said-they-will-leave-us-if-trump-wins-election-2024-02-20/ Not surprising you're a Trump supporter. After all, you believe that if a woman is promiscuous that is a mark against her. Whereas if a man is promiscuous, and let's say this man cheats on his wife with another woman while said wife is pregnant, that says nothing against him.
  21. Apparently, to your way of thinking, knowledge can't cross international borders. Perhaps this is why so many of Trump's supporters reject Darwin's Theory of Evolution. It just can't make it across the border.
  22. False. Cooper claimed that it was Churchill's fault that the war expanded beyond Poland. Churchill wasn't even PM until after Hitler invaded the Benelux countries.
  23. No, saying that Churchill and Britain did as much as possible is not the same thing as saying that they dragged the United States into War. That would mean that they pulled an unwilling American into the War. Do you believe that the UK had that kind of clout?
  24. Actually, the immigration issue was raised. Harris closed with a reference to how the turnout for Trump at his events was lagging. The weird old loon took the bait and went after Harris on that score.
  25. And anyone repeatedly encountering your opinions would know that they mostly lie on the far right.
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