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  1. Because Putin was building up Russia's cash reserves to weather any problems he might have with the west. Also, as you may recall, it was pretty much the universal expectation at the time that Russia would overwhelm Ukraine in short order. So America's stance was considered to be irrelevant. In addition, as you may recall, before the Republicans capitulated and became at best ambivalent about Putin, they had strongly opposed Trump when he illegally delayed arms shipments to Ukraine. So it was not at all clear to Russia that Trump's bromance with Putin would be sufficient to stop aid. And just because Putin launched the invasion after Biden became President doesn't mean he waited for Biden to become President. Are you familiar with the logicians formulation "Post hoc ergo propter hoc" Which means: After this therefore because of this.
  2. Objectively because Trump won the electoral college vote therefore he won the debate? How does your objective analysis take into account the possibility that he might have won bigger had he not debated?
  3. So that's why Putin launched the war with a big push against the Western part of Ukraine? Because he never intended to conquer all of it? Which is why he demands that the "Nazi government" in Ukraine be replaced by a friendlier one? That's why he insists that the Ukrainians are not a people ethnically distinct from the Russians?
  4. Well, if you're going to judge the results of the debates as a voter popularity contest, then who got more votes? Trump or Clinton?
  5. You make an excellent point. Is the US obligated by treaty to recognize this corporate dodge? I know that in the EU Ireland has landed in hot water for this practice and has had to institute reforms. How much success they'll enjoy is another matter entirely. Ireland's tax reforms and the fight against aggressive tax schemes https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/ATAG/2022/733532/EPRS_ATA(2022)733532_EN.pdf
  6. Cherry picking much? He may have charisma. One thing about it is that it works more effectively in a negative than positive way. And you still haven't provided any evidence that Trump performed well in previous debates. In the past debate, he and Biden both performed dismally, But Biden did worse.
  7. Your original claim was at the views of the attackers was only shared by a tiny minority of Turks. I'm sure that most Turks don't support violence against members of Americans military, but as the evidence I linked to o shows, the views of the attackers re-america are shared by a big majority of Turks.
  8. You can thank the extreme right wingSsupreme Court and its Citizens United decision for allowing unlimited funds to pollute elections. When the supreme Court issued that decision, Republicans were overwhelmingly ecstatic about it.
  9. What "usual showman performances" are you referring to? When has Trump ever done well in the debates? As for Trump's charisma...has he ever been a popular president? Remember in 2018 when the economy was doing well and voters slammed the Republicans? That's some potent charisma he's got.
  10. From that article: Excitement among Harris voters now outpaces excitement among Trump voters, according to an Aug. 25-28 USA Today/Suffolk University poll of likely voters that found 68% of Harris supporters are “very excited” to vote for her, compared to 60% of Trump voters. In June, before Harris launched her campaign, just 30% of President Joe Biden’s supporters said they were “very excited” about voting for him, compared to 59% of Trump supporters who said the same about the former president, USA Today/Suffolk polling found. https://news.gallup.com/poll/645836/record-share-electorate-pro-choice-voting.aspx
  11. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A record-high 32% of U.S. voters say they would only vote for a candidate for major office who shares their views on abortion. The importance of a candidate’s abortion stance to one’s vote is markedly higher among pro-choice voters than it was during the 2020 presidential election cycle, while pro-life voters’ intensity about voting on the abortion issue has waned. Also, voters’ greater intensity on the issue today compared with 2020 is explained mainly by Democrats, while Republicans and independents have shown little change. https://news.gallup.com/poll/645836/record-share-electorate-pro-choice-voting.aspx
  12. Once again, it's not just about the percentage of of women it's important to, but how it affects actual turnout. And really, a 175% jump in young black women registering to vote would have happened anyway? And all the other jumps in voter registration would have happened anyway?
  13. Where was that media machine during those special elections? And all those young people registering to vote including a 175% jump in young black women's registration numbers? Trump's lunacy in addressing abortion including the allegation that Democrats support post birth abortion is not going to help him one bit. Quite the contrary. All the Democrats have to do is show Trump enthusiastically claiming credit for the overturning of Roe v Wade. And his bizarre assertion that everyone wanted to end Roe v Wade but only he could do it. No way he can run away from all that.
  14. If it was just about Democrats hatred for Trump then why did the poll numbers jump after Harris replaced Biden? Why did Democratic voter registrations particularly for young people jump after Harris replaced Biden? As for " if he's smart he'd realise that that ship has sailed,", given his ridiculous attempts to mitigate his disadvantage when it comes to abortion, the evidence about his intelligence is clear enough.
  15. Because part of polling is determining the turnout rates for different cohorts. And in those special races, it looks like that is what happened. And why would Trump be running scared and foolish on the abortion issue if he didn't see it as a threat?
  16. Do these unhinged words look familiar? "Kamala Harris is so offensive even her own father saw fit to publish a public rebuke for her attempt to paint herself in the colours of identity politics by claiming to be a weed smoker She has not just offended her own father, but many others. Her total abandonment of any principles and flip flopping on every topic offendes common decency, she is clearly only out to get elected. And yet the Democrat fan boys follow her blindly. What can one respect here?"
  17. But it's also possible times have changed. After the Supreme Court's Dobb decision, Democrats way over performed what the polls predicted for special elections. So it may be that the polls are actually undercounting support for Harris this time.
  18. I don't know about the thugs, but what don't you understand about the fact that the labour councilor has not yet been sentenced? Don't you think it might possibly be more sensible to wait until sentencing is passed before protesting an outcome that has yet to come to pass?
  19. You sure about that? Turkey And The West: A Parenthesis Or A Historical Shift? A poll conducted in December 2022 by the Turkish company Gezici found that 72.8% of Turkish citizens polled were in favor of good relations with Russia. By comparison, nearly 90% perceive the United States as a hostile country. It also revealed that 24.2% of citizens believe that Russia is hostile, while 62.6% believe that Russia is a friendly country. https://www.hoover.org/research/turkey-and-west-parenthesis-or-historical-shift Survey: Majority of Turks don't see the US as their ally Shortly after President Biden called the events of 1915 “genocide”, a poll suggested that a vast majority of Turkish people no longer consider the US an ally. https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/survey-majority-of-turks-don-t-see-the-us-as-their-ally-46437 Apart from the US support for Israel, You think the Turks have forgotten or forgiven the consequences of the Iraq War?
  20. Please. You quoted it why? Just a random quote that had nothing to do with what you wrote. ? When you made a quote and then wrote a sentence beginning with "But" as in "But since when has using drugs been an acceptable excuse to use as a defense for criminal actions?" "But" is used to contradict a statement, not to endorse it.
  21. If someone shouts fire in an empty theater, is that OK? If someone shouts fire in a crowded theater is that OK? Circumstances alter cases.
  22. Got a link to a credible source that shows Trump beat Clinton in the debates? As for the Biden Trump debate. Both performed abysmally. Biden just did worse.
  23. People get their values and moral guidance from their parents.?So that's why the children of from families long established in the UK don't commit crimes...Oh wait a minute...
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