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  1. What do you mean by "Trump has experienced the loss of billions and is willing to continue to lose more." What means does he have to stop the loss? Keep in mind that the tax cuts Trump had passed during his first adminstration were especially friendly to pass-through corporations and real estate interests. It just happens that most of Trump's businesses are structures as pass- through corporations and real estate is where most of his wealth lies. Where was the sacrifice in that?
  2. Now, there's a new covid vaccine that uses nasal vaccination. It's been astonishingly effect in animal tests. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-50133-2#:~:text=Vaccination protected the index hamsters,transmission in the lungs (Fig.
  3. A lowlife is someone who tries to explain away the deaths of millions by claiming it was unintentional when clearly it wasn't. As for the rest of your comments, thanks for polishing the haloes of Vance and Trump. No thanks for not offering evidence.
  4. And you can also choose not to not enable lowlifes. But Tucker Carlson and J.D. Vance chose a different course.
  5. Yes, people have a right to be bigoted. Other people also have a moral choice whether or not they want to associate with such bigots and lend them prestige and credibility.
  6. Because there's a group of right wing anti-semitic conspiracy mongers who continue to deny that it happened. We had one flagrant bigot either in this thread or another actually post references to their works.
  7. More B.S. about there not being enough food. Here's a tidbit from the Bundesarchiv which gives the lie to that. Apparently there was enough food when those Russian P.O,W.s were needed for slave labor: "Only when the early onset of winter 1941 caused a halt in the advance of Armed Forces, which meant that the war in the East would drag out for some time, and when parts of the German economy was threatening to stagnate because of the labour shortage growing rapidly again, the POWs were intended to be deployed in the Reich and were cockered up by feeding them increased food rations, as they said in the administrative language. Due to the maltreatment also in the Reich and very hard work especially in the defence and in the mining industry, which had to be carried out by Soviet POWs from then on, a further 1.3 million soldiers lost their lives." https://www.bundesarchiv.de/zwangsarbeit/geschichte/auslaendisch/russlandfeldzug/index.html.en
  8. As for Darryl Cooper, I guess we'll have to wait until some less fawning journalist asks him about the Holocaust. I predict that Cooper will give some sort of evasive answer like he hasn't researched the issue so he can't offer an opinion.
  9. Read it again. It says the plan was only partially implemented. Since when does "partially implemented" mean not implemented? What it means is that the plan for the deliberate extermination of millions of Slavs and others was only partially implemented. In fact the article goes into great detail how the plan was implemented at the beginning. For instance: Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany launched forced starvations and advanced a "war of annihilation" (Vernichtungskrieg) in the Eastern Front to implement the Generalplan Ost. The Wehrmacht implemented scorched-earth tactics throughout the region and forcibly expelled natives en masse to the east. Nazi officials then charted out buffer zones intended to serve as future Nordic settlements. Hunger Plan was Nazi Germany's strategy to forcibly starve around 31 to 45 million Eastern Europeans by capturing food stocks and redirecting them to German forces.[64][8] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost At the end, the plan was no longer enforced because it drew away resources from a campaign that Hitler expected to be a cakewalk. But to claim that because it was only partially implemented means it was never implemented is blatant nonsense.
  10. Internal Documents Expose How Trump Fooled Investors on Truth Social The original pitch deck that Trump Media & Technology Group showed to its investors in 2022, including “hundreds of thousands of retail shareholders,” per CEO Devin Nunes, contained some pretty fantastical numbers. The company projected revenue of $114 million in 2023, which would then balloon to $835 million in 2024. .. By the end of the second quarter of 2024, TMTG had only taken in $836,000 and reported losses of $343 million. https://newrepublic.com/post/185674/donald-trump-truth-social-investors-bogus-data-fool
  11. If anybody wants to view the interview below is a link. The stuff about WW2 begins at 32:10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOTgPEGYS2o
  12. He also claims that when Germany went to war with Russia, the reason that all that slaughter of soldiers and civilians occurred was because they were unprepared. Apparently, he has never heard of the Generalplan Ost The Generalplan Ost (German pronunciation: [ɡenəˈʁaːlˌplaːn ˈɔst]; English: Master Plan for the East), abbreviated GPO, was Nazi Germany's plan for the genocide, extermination and large-scale ethnic cleansing of Slavs, Eastern European Jews, and other indigenous peoples of Eastern Europe categorized as "Untermenschen" in Nazi ideology.[7][5] The campaign was a precursor to Nazi Germany's planned colonisation of Central and Eastern Europe by Germanic settlers, and it was carried out through systematic massacres, mass starvations, chattel labour, mass rapes, child abductions, and sexual slavery[8][9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalplan_Ost#:~:text=Approximately 3.3 million Soviet POWs,labour and other occupation policies..
  13. Another claim of Cooper's is that that by not accepting the invasion of Poland, Churchill's obstinacy led to WW2. Apparently, because Cooper believes that Hitler could be trusted to keep his word not to commit any future aggression.
  14. I've looked again at the interview with Darryl Cooper. And it's obvious how generally dishonest he is. For example, he claims that the general and false view is that the Germans turned into demons for a few years under the Nazis and then reverted to being normal people again. Why would anyone accept the scholarship of someone who offers up a straw man like that?
  15. Whatever the final status of Churchill's debt, Cooper claimed that his opposition to Germany was due, at least in part, to pressure from unnamed financiers. Where is the evidence for that? This is the kind of allegation that anti-semites resort to. And it's just beyond bizarre that Carlson wouldn't have asked Cooper about this. I I've looked up Ruediger Overmanns and see that his specialty was Germany casualties in WW2. Can you direct me to where he absolved the Germans of the intent to commit mass slaughter of prisoners before the war but rather that it was a case of bad logistics?
  16. Odd, I had just read about Fred Leuchter, another holocaust denier, and I recalled this fact: "Leuchter's report also made claims about the capacity of the crematoria, although he admitted he had no experience with cremation technology. When questioned in court, Leuchter admitted he had never seen a document by the Waffen-SS Commandant for construction issued when the crematoria were constructed, which estimated they had a 24-hour capacity of 4,756 people, more than 30 times Leuchter's estimate of 156.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_A._Leuchter15]"
  17. Please. Such an obvious question to ask. Particularly given his disapproval of Churchill's continuing the war. And according to that article he didn't just claim that FDR should not have entered the war but that he chose the wrong side. And he didn't say that Churchill owed money to the banks, rather that Churchill was in thrall to the "financiers". "That's not the way banking is talked about But it is the way anti-semites refer to Jewish bankers. Nor does he specify what financial interests would be served by the UK standing up to Germany. And David Lough, who wrote a book about Churchill's financial problems, makes no mention of any such pressure. Obviously, anyone like Cooper with those views ought to be asked where they stood on the reality of the Holocaust. And, by the way, according to this, that 4 million in debt was in 2019 dollars. Not what it was back then. "In “No More Champagne: Churchill and His Money,” David Lough explains how Winston Churchill projected a seemingly extravagant image of wealth despite living on the edge of crippling financial debt. Churchill accumulated a debt equivalent to $4 million in today’s dollars by the 1930s." https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/09/churchill-bad-at-finances.html
  18. . I watched the Nazi portion of the interview and not one hard question from Carlson. Carlson did interrupt a lot. Mainly to praise Cooper.
  19. This is, of course, extremely disingenuous. Obviously, the question crying to be asked, the elephant in the room, was What is Coopers views on the reality of the Holocaust. How could someone not ask that question as a follow up to the claims about the mass slaughter of POWs and such. Yet somehow, Tucker Carlson managed not to ask that question. So what do we know about Darryl Cooper "In McKenzie’s recent post about “leaning into politics,” the Substack co-founder enthusiastically and prominently recommended a lesser-known Substacker, Darryl Cooper, as among the “up-and-comers” in political writing. Cooper’s podcast featured a complimentary interview with the white-nationalist magazine editor Greg Johnson—who, incidentally, published some of Hanania’s pseudonymous, more explicitly racist writings. Cooper has also used his personal Twitter account to claim that “FDR chose the wrong side in WW2.” (That tweet and the interview with Johnson were subsequently deleted.) https://archive.ph/6HyOc#selection-1211.0-1211.590 Hiding his tracks much? In addition, in the interview he claims that Churchill was under the thumbs of "financiers". Anyone with an understanding of how anti-semites work knows what "financiers" is a code word for. And the absurdity of taking Hitler's words at face value is another strong piece of evidence that Cooper is in the tank for the Reichsfuhrer.
  20. What you think is a smoking gun really a water pistol. Got any actual evidence to prove antisemitism was behind the choice of Walz instead of Shapiro?
  21. When did the Russians start sending money to Tenet and when did Lauren Chen turn against Trump?
  22. The Wannsee Conference was where the extermination of the Jews was planned by the Nazis. Cooper claimed the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis wasn't planned. And you're the party who accused Democrats of being horrible people. I think you might want to look closer to home to identify at least one horrible person.
  23. Carlson actually praised this Holocaust denier: "Carlson did not push back on Cooper’s Holocaust claims and praised him repeatedly, telling him, “I think you are the most important popular historian working in the United States today.” https://m.jpost.com/international/article-818792
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